I Contracted Myself

【867】Bold idea

"The show is about to begin!"

Wuming took a sip of Coke and then activated his ability.

Before the bee warrior outside could ask, he saw Xiong Benxiong rushing over. He instinctively counterattacked and shot out a bee sting while retreating.

But then Xiong Benxiong disappeared, replaced by a bee man.

The bee man's head was instantly blown up by the bee sting, and he only had time to shout out three words before he died: "It's... friendly forces!"


At this time, another scream rang out.

The bee warrior immediately looked in the direction of the scream, and Xiong Benxiong left quickly, leaving behind a bee man's body.

"Form a formation, defend!"

The bee warrior immediately roared, and a yellow breath began to emerge from his body.

Other bee men began to deploy their troops, but after a while of movement, these bee men were horrified to find that the enemy had disappeared.

"The enemy disappeared, the enemy disappeared!!!"

A bee man immediately issued a warning, and then his head was crushed by an unknown attack.

As a result, the bee people immediately felt insecure. While arranging their troops, they had to be alert to their surroundings, fearing that the invisible enemy would suddenly attack them.

"So weak, much weaker than I thought."

Wuming sat cross-legged in the inner space of the shell, looking at the bee people who were in a mess, and couldn't help complaining.

Wang Zong was probably very confident when he attacked head-on, but he was accidentally poisoned by the bee and lost to these bee people. Otherwise, Wuming couldn't think of how these bee people could beat Wang Zong.

The biggest difference between him and Wang Zong is that he can attack head-on, but he can also hide behind and ambush people, or even not attack at all, and use summoned beasts to deal with these enemies.

At this time, Xiong Benxiong has been covered with a second layer of shell, and the second layer of shell is a subdued bee man.

Because of this layer of bee man outer coat, Wuming can swagger among this group of bee people and carefully observe the bee man warrior.

Of course, there must be an opponent for the bee warrior.

Wuming put down the Coke, and a "worm" character appeared on the tip of his index finger. A mouth appeared in front of him. He flicked the "worm" character into the mouth, and the mouth immediately closed and disappeared.

Above the battle site, a mouth opened thousands of meters away, and a "worm" character flew out of the mouth, and the next moment it turned into a huge monster falling from the sky.

The bee warrior was still searching for the enemy, and suddenly felt the sky darken, and looked up to see a huge monster smashing down.

"Disperse, disperse quickly!" The bee warrior exclaimed, and quickly retreated.

Wuming was well prepared, so the bee man he was riding quickly retreated to a position where the monster could not attack, and more bee men could not dodge in time, and finally collided with the monster.

These bee men were not blown up, but merged into the flesh and blood of the monster like being stuck in a quagmire. One by one, the flesh buds quickly took root in the bodies of these bee men, and the bee men wailed as their flesh and blood withered, and finally turned into part of the monster's body.


The bee warrior shouted in a low voice and immediately shot poison needles at the monster.

The problem is that the shape of this monster is like a tangled mess, and the poison needles didn't hit the monster.

This is a very outrageous situation.

Because the poison needles of the bee warriors can ignore defense. Once they hit the target, the target's skin can't withstand the bee needles no matter how hard it is.

But the problem is that the monster released by Wuming is too messy.

Its indescribable body is changing almost all the time. Its surface is like a tangled mess and the surface of the brain, full of countless constantly changing wrinkles.

These wrinkles are the monster's defense method, just like catching a knife with bare hands. The bee warrior's bee needle is stuck between the wrinkles, and the tip does not touch any flesh and blood, so that the invincible bee needle has lost its effect.

Because the monster is huge, some bee people who avoided the monster's attack counterattacked, and the poison needles kept shooting, but they were all perfectly defended by the monster's wrinkles.

Next, the monster easily swept with a strange tentacle, and a large number of bee people were immediately stuck by the tentacles, and then the tentacles quickly shrank, and those bee people soon screamed in the monster's body.

The bee warrior immediately gritted his teeth and rushed towards the monster, then punched the monster's body with a heavy punch.

Compared to ordinary bee people, the bee warrior is obviously much stronger. In addition to the bee sting, its own combat power is also very strong. The problem is that the monster it faces is a soft and changeable type.

This punch deformed the monster, but soon the monster's body squirmed and returned to its original appearance.

"It's very powerful, but there is still a big gap from Wang Zong. Wang Zong underestimated the enemy." Wuming commented.

Then he controlled the bee man to fly towards the monster. In a blink of an eye, the bee man merged into the monster's body, and the monster was turned into a shell again. However, he did not interfere with the monster's battle, but shot out golden light through the monster's body, and the bee people around who were not dead were hit one after another.

Ten minutes later, only the bee warrior was not controlled because he avoided the golden light.

Wuming was not in a hurry. He ate and watched the show. Xiong Benxiong also found that the advantage seemed to be on their side, so he also lay aside to eat and drink.

It was eating potato chips while watching the screen. When it saw the monster punch the bee warrior away, it clapped its hands and said, "Good fight, hahahaha, we are too strong, the fairy-eaters are no match for us."

"Its defense is still good." Wuming said with a smile while watching the battle.

Even Wang Zong didn't dare to withstand the monster's punch. Although the bee warrior was blown away, there were no obvious scars on his body.

This shows that the defense of the bee warrior is actually much higher than the attack power.

After knowing the information about the bee warrior, Wuming was able to roughly guess what kind of defeat Wang Zong had. After knowing the bottom of his heart, he relaxed and completely entered the mode of watching the show.

A few minutes later, the bee warrior was beaten back by the monster.

When it wanted to retreat, Wuming was already prepared. A golden light hit the path it had to take after retreating, and then another one hit the position where it retreated after being hit. Two shots directly subdued it.

"I suddenly have a very bold idea."

Wuming played with the word "Hua" in his hand and suddenly said to Xiong Benxiong.

"What bold idea?" Xiong Benxiong asked curiously while eating.

Wuming asked back: "You said... Is it considered eating after being beaten?"


A lot of question marks appeared in Xiong Benxiong's mind.

In fact, Wuming's idea is very simple. There is still one chance to use it in Groundhog Day, so can he be bolder and try to fight against the God of Food in the first round.

Although the rules say to prepare food, what is food?

As far as Wuming knows, there are indeed some races in the world that use "inertia" and "impact" as food, so can he prepare a unique banquet for the God of Food?

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