I Contracted Myself

【868】Dead House Paradise


Actually, Wuming was a little too proud.

After seeing the strength of the Bee Fairy Clan, he felt that he could be bolder and ask for more rewards.

In the next few days, he did not explore the food in this world, nor did he discuss cooperation with various races. Instead, he manipulated monsters to descend on the Bee Fairy Clan.

The Bee Fairy Clan still had some background. It took an hour to subdue the tens of millions of bee people, and then it took another two hours to deal with the warriors of the Bee Fairy Clan. Finally, Wuming subdued the queen bee, bringing this trip to a successful conclusion.

After dealing with the Bee Fairy Clan, he kept going to different planets and kept putting them into the bubble world.

No matter what the essence of these planets is, Wuming's goal is to wake up the God of Food and not get any food supplements.

At that time, he might fight with the God of Food, and it would be best if he won.

If he lost, then he would negotiate terms.

If he wants food, the other party can only beg him.

In short, Wuming plans to play a big game to see if he can squeeze good things out of the God of Food.

The immortal-eating tribe is not limited to the bee immortal tribe. Other immortal-eating tribes also have their own characteristics. Wuming's non-stop running has also caused friction with other immortal-eating tribes.

Every time, he would test first and then make a move after confirming the opponent's ability to ensure that he would not capsize in the gutter like Wang Zong.

A week is finally over.

It's not long, but it's actually very busy.

Wuming sat in the void without any shell or puppets. He was waiting for the God of Food to appear.

The entire universe was empty, with only some tiny food residues floating in space. All the delicacies and all the planets were transferred to the bubble world by him. The God of Food could not get any food when he woke up.

Now it depends on how strong the God of Food is.

A ripple suddenly appeared in the darkness, like a wave sweeping across the universe, and then the dark universe slowly lit up, and a golden eye appeared in the darkness.

It was so huge, so... incredible.

The Wheel of Heaven!

That eye seemed to record all the truths, but in the end, these truths were transformed into delicious dishes by the pupils.

Too big!

Wuming originally wanted to fight the God of Food, but now that he saw the God of Food, he knew he couldn't beat him. This terrifying existence, he definitely couldn't beat him.

Let alone whether to fight or not, he couldn't even observe the God of Food's appearance completely. Just one eye had covered his pupils, and he couldn't see anything except his eyes.

At this time, the God of Food's eyes fell on Wuming, and he opened his mouth hungry.

Wuming immediately took out a huge braised lion's head, and the God of Food swallowed it in one bite. After a moment, he looked at Wuming hesitantly.


Wuming regretted taking all the planets away at this moment.

Sure enough, he was too arrogant, and thought he could fight the God of Food hard, but the result was... embarrassing.

But then he unexpectedly watched the God of Food slowly close his eyes, and the other party fell asleep again.

Is this... passing the level?

Wuming blinked, feeling a little surprised, but at the same time he felt it was very reasonable.

Because the braised lion head is indeed a family-level delicacy, the God of Food has no reason to attack him after eating the braised lion head.

Unfortunately, the God of Food's favor was not triggered.

"I should use the family dishes of the Bee Fairy Clan!" Wuming came to his senses and thought with some regret.

However, even if he used the family dishes of the Bee Fairy Clan, it was still unknown whether he could get the favor of the God of Food.

After all, he took away all the planets in the universe. The God of Food might have a problem with him, and no matter how delicious the food was, it could not win his favor.

At this time, a ray of light slowly penetrated from the darkness, and a staircase extended from the light and appeared in front of Wuming.

"The fourth floor!"

Wuming took a deep breath, took out a piece of cake and ate it while walking.

No one knew what the fourth floor was like, so he had to eat something delicious first to slow down. Even if the fourth floor made him a beggar, he would at least be a well-fed beggar.

When he entered the fourth floor, a white light flashed by.

He appeared in a bubble, and Wang Zong was on the other side.

The two met and stared at each other immediately.

However, Wuming looked at Wang Zong with a smile of victory, while Wang Zong stared at Wuming unwillingly.

"Oh, this is a miserable death, Wang the Great was killed by NPC, how does it feel to be made into honey by NPC?" Wuming was the first to taunt.

Wang Zong's gums were about to break, he held back his anger and said lightly: "Hmph, don't be complacent, I will take this floor no matter what!"

"Yeah, then you do your best, the entire Death Babel Tower has only eight floors, if I win this round again, you will be in big trouble." Wuming said with a smile.

Wang Zong clenched his fists, wishing to fight Wuming to the death here.

At this time, the woman's voice sounded: "Fourth floor, player Wang Zong, welcome to the dead house paradise, please choose your house."

Then a row of dreamy houses appeared in front of Wang Zong, some were suspended islands with only one house on them, some were islands on the sea with one house, and there were also various houses in the dreams of social phobias appeared on the screen, allowing Wang Zong to choose.

"Otaku Paradise? What the hell is this?" Wang Zong thought to himself.

Then he observed each house, thinking about what use these houses could have, what dangers there would be, and what form of test would it be if there was a test.

On the other side, Wuming also encountered this choice.

He looked at each house and had to admit that these houses were simply dream houses for dead otakus. Not only were they isolated from the world, but they also had high walls to block the eyes of outsiders.

"I always feel that this level is a bit unorthodox."

Wuming moved from house to house, and could observe the situation of these houses from all directions.

He had a feeling that this level might not be a level where he and Wang Zong would fight for life and death, but a level where he and Wang Zong would compete to see who could survive to the end.

This was completely an intuition. After seeing the question, he had this guess.

In the end, Wang Zong gritted his teeth and chose the floating island, because if the island floated, it should be able to avoid most of the dangers.

Wuming chose a house in the mountains.

The house is protected by a high wall. Inside the wall is a huge courtyard decorated with a lot of plants. The house is made of huge rocks. Although it is a modern style, it feels more like a fortress.

Wuming only needs to climb to the third floor to easily observe everything outside the wall. As long as there are no flying enemies, the house is extremely safe.

When both of them finished their choices, the woman's voice sounded: "Please survive as long as possible. The reward for this level will be determined by the survival time.

The longer you survive, the richer the reward!"

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