I Contracted Myself

【869】Lebusi Level

"There is a reward, this level must be won!"

Wuming and Wang Zong had the same idea when they heard the woman's words.

The reward of the first level gave Wuming an advantage in the following levels. The reward of this level will definitely lay an advantage for the following levels. He must win no matter what.

Wuming definitely didn't want Wang Zong to get the reward, and Wang Zong didn't want Wuming to get the reward either.

The two looked at each other, and the next moment their bodies quickly fell to the ground.


In the deep mountains, in a house as heavy as a fortress, Wuming slowly opened his eyes.

He immediately felt it, and sure enough, all the power was temporarily blocked. His current physical fitness was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, probably the strongest form of human beings.

But in the final analysis, humans do not enter the extraordinary, and their limits are just like that. Without tools in their hands, they can only fight leopards, jackals and other animals at best. If they encounter tigers and lions, they are finished.

Wuming got up from the bed and found that he was already in the house he chose. He immediately observed the whole room, and then searched through the boxes for tools for self-defense.

He found a pen and a notebook in a cabinet.

"Who would write a notebook if they were serious?" Wuming complained, then opened the notebook and found that there were already handwriting on it.

He immediately flipped through the pages one by one, and after reading it, he had a little understanding of the current situation.

First of all, the world he was in was a world with a doomsday background. As a wealthy man, he had sensed the danger in advance, so he came to this shelter alone and planned to spend the rest of his life here.


He didn't think about going out again. There was enough food in this house for him to survive for a hundred years. As long as he didn't leave the shelter, those monsters couldn't get in.

"You actually chose to live a lifetime?"

Wuming was a little powerless to complain after reading the diary.

However, he hadn't seen those monsters with his own eyes, so he didn't dare to jump to conclusions. Everything should be said after figuring out the situation in this world.

He left the room and immediately checked one room after another. What made him want to complain the most was that these rooms had everything, but no weapons!

There was an e-sports room full of various electronic products.

There was a gym with a full range of fitness equipment.

There is a puppet room with a large number of beautiful puppets.

There is one...

In short, it's all for entertainment!

Wuming went downstairs and continued to search, and finally found only a kitchen knife that gave him a sense of security.

He sat on the sofa in the living room, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, puzzled. How to play this level?

If there are monsters, at least he should be prepared with some weapons. As a result, there is no sharp weapon in this house except the kitchen knife room.

As for weapons such as guns and cannons, there is no need to think about it.

"Dead House Paradise, Dead House Paradise... Since this level is called Dead House Paradise, the secret may be hidden in these four words." Wuming lay on the sofa, reached out and grabbed an apple from the coffee table, eating and thinking.

He knew very well that this level must be not easy, but he needed to put a question mark on where the difficulty was.

"No matter what, just live every day well first."

Wuming thought about it and couldn't figure it out, so he just let it go.

He first conducted a thorough investigation of the house inside and out. After making sure there was enough food, he ran to the room on the second floor to play games, and at noon he ran to the roof of the third floor to observe the surroundings.

But there was actually nothing to observe. The house was surrounded by dense woods. He could only see dense trees at a glance, and he could not see anything farther away.

"It's really amazing."

Wuming watched the sun gradually set and couldn't help muttering.

This place is too suitable for social phobia.

Although he is not a social phobia, nor a real otaku, he understands that mentality very well. If a otaku came to live here, he would probably be happy and live here forever.

"Could it be... this level is about who lives longer?"

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Wuming's mind. If it was a test set by other strong men, he would definitely not doubt it, but the test in the Lost Gate came from the Lord of the Forest...

The other party might not play by the rules!

Wuming actually thought this idea was ridiculous, so he thought to himself: "Forget it, no matter what this test is, I will do what I can, and the rest will be up to fate!"

In the next few days, he lived according to his usual habits.

Sleep when it's time to sleep, play when it's time to play.

Not to mention, there are a lot of entertainment equipment in this house, he can play for a long time without getting bored.

In just a few days, he gained five pounds, so he started to exercise again, and continued to eat, drink and have fun while ensuring his health.

"100, 101, 102..."

On the floating island, Wang Zong was doing sit-ups. He exercised this body with self-discipline. Except for the necessary rest and eating, he spent all the rest of his time exercising.

"This level is definitely not easy. I must strengthen myself as soon as possible before the danger comes."

Wang Zong looked at the sky in the distance, and kept thinking about what he should do in this level.

First of all, he must have a strong body, but there is something wrong with this body. If he doesn't exercise, he will get fat. Although he can lose weight by exercising, the progress is very slow. He even doubts that his exercise is useless.

In addition, there are no weapons in the house. Although he doesn't like to use weapons, he will not reject the use of weapons when he is not strong enough.

He is already considering cutting down the trees on the floating island and making them into spears.

Fortunately, this house has a lot of iron tools and a stove that can light a fire. He can completely refine weapons by himself, but it is a waste of time.

He did not plan to refine weapons immediately before determining where the danger came from.

After all, the choice between refining a knife or a sword must be made after the danger is clear.

In addition, he is also preparing to use a quilt to make a simple parachute. If the house cannot be defended, he can parachute out to avoid being trapped and die in the house.

"Wu Ming, I will definitely win this time!" Wang Zong gritted his teeth and continued to do push-ups, thinking fiercely in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed...

Wuming wakes up regularly every day, eats, drinks, exercises, plays and sleeps.

He didn't think too much about complicated things, but was particularly relaxed. Time seemed to have frozen on him, without leaving too many traces on him.

"What should we play today?"

Wuming held the rice bowl and thought while eating.


Why am I in this house?

What's outside the house?

Wuming was thinking about it, and suddenly two questions came to his mind, but then he threw the questions behind him, why did he think so much?

"By the way, there is another game that I haven't finished yet. Let's play that game today!" Wuming made a decision immediately after finishing the game.

Floating islands.

Wang Zong sat cross-legged on the grass and meditated. He found that this place was particularly mentally draining. Once he relaxed, he would easily lose some important memories.

this is too scary.

He must remember his goal at this level, and he will never lose to Wuming again.

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