I Contracted Myself

【870】Danger comes from daily life

Sixteen years later.

Wuming died suddenly in bed. He was obese and his original outline could not be seen at all.

At the moment of death, the last Groundhog Day was launched. He returned to the day before his death, but many forgotten memories were recalled again.

Outside the window, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

The cool breeze in the morning blew in through the window, lifting the curtains and letting the light in.

Wuming opened his eyes and wanted to get up from the bed, but failed because of his heavy weight. He looked at his fat hands in disbelief and smiled bitterly: "I... I turned out to be fat!"

In fact, humans are lazy creatures. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Once you fall, it is difficult to get up again.

Wuming recalled carefully and finally remembered that about six years ago, he began to neglect exercise and his body quickly became obese.

After becoming obese, he became even more lazy to exercise, thus forming a vicious cycle. His health became worse and worse, and the worse his health became, the lazier he was to exercise, and even in the end he was too lazy to get up.

He modified a transport device on his bed with pipes. He only needed to pull the mechanism to deliver the canned food from the food storage room to him. He didn't need to move at all.

He also modified his bed, dug a big hole in the middle, and the toilet was underneath.

At the same time, he installed a computer on the ceiling. He could control the computer with his right hand and play it however he wanted.

In short, he basically spent the next four or five years in bed until he died suddenly of an unknown disease.

"Dead House Paradise... So that's it."

Wuming finally knew what this level was at this moment.

This level is really about who gets longer. After entering this level, the lifespan of the two should be at the same starting line, but the longer they live in the Dead House Paradise, the more self-discipline, willpower, and memory will be continuously weakened. Once they start to indulge, their bodies will inevitably get worse and worse.

Obviously, this is a great test of a person's determination.

Wuming died because he was slack, and he only persisted for 26 years before he died.

Now he is obviously at a disadvantage. He will die suddenly tomorrow for unknown reasons. Since he can trigger the last Groundhog Day, it means that Wang Zong is still alive and well.

"No, I must find a way to survive. The last chance of Groundhog Day cannot be wasted like this." Wuming gritted his teeth and tried to support his heavy body with both hands, but he couldn't support his body after half a day of effort.

His weight is too exaggerated, and because of lack of exercise, his muscles have lost a lot. Although he is not weak now, he is much worse than ordinary people.

"It turns out that life is so difficult to become a fat man." Wuming lay on the bed helplessly, panting, with a lot of feelings in his heart.

In the past, he wondered why fat people don't exercise well, obviously exercise can lose weight and make the body healthy.

But after getting fat, he found that the pile of fat on his body was very troublesome, and because of these fats, he now consumes physical strength very quickly, and he sweats all over after a little exercise.

Fortunately, his bed has long been stinking into a familiar smell, and he himself doesn't feel it stinks.

After resting for ten minutes, he continued to try to get up. This time he decided to roll out of bed, then sit up and use the bed to get up.

At least his physical skills memory was still there. After a lot of tossing and turning, it took him twenty minutes before he finally got up with the bed and bent over.

He was like a vegetative person who had just woken up. Every move was very difficult. He could only move little by little and confirm the state of his body at the same time.

He couldn't escape from the three highs.

There were many other basic diseases.

He himself didn't know what disease he would die of tomorrow.

This level was too difficult for a salted fish like him.

Next, he slowly walked to the bathroom with the help of the wall, first took a hot bath with difficulty, and washed the dirt on his body. Because of his fat body, many places could not be washed.

For example, sumo wrestlers can't wipe their butts because they are too fat. Generally, they have to let their juniors wipe their butts.

Wuming is alone here, so these places that cannot be washed can only be ignored for the time being.

After soaking in three tanks of dirty hot water, he was finally satisfied, so he got up again with difficulty and caution. This body was too fat. If he accidentally fell in the bathroom, he might lose his life.

After coming out of the bathroom, he went to the kitchen to take out the medicine box, took out a bunch of medicines, and after dispensing the medicines according to his physical condition, he poured a glass of water to take the medicines.

He sat on the sofa, looking at the dusty living room, sighed slightly, whether he could survive or not depended on tomorrow.

To be honest, this level was much more difficult for him than the previous three levels.

Otaku Paradise.

In fact, it was Otaku Hell. If an Otaku really came to live here, it would probably take at most four or five years to send the real Otaku away.

"I must be alert, right... diary!"

Wuming suddenly remembered the diary he saw on the first day he came here, and only then did he understand the meaning of the diary.

Who writes a diary for a serious person?

But living here, it is easy to become unserious.

In order to maintain his decency, he had to write a diary to urge himself, and he must not forget his goal in this level, otherwise he would go from being a dead otaku to a dead fat otaku, and finally a dead body.

He got up with difficulty, and then began to walk around the house, and even took out a broom to start cleaning the house.

In just half an hour, he was sweating profusely and had to stop to rest.

It took him an hour and a half to roughly clean the living room, and then he returned to the bedroom.

But this time, when he opened the door of the bedroom, his face suddenly turned livid. He didn't feel the stink before, but now after taking a shower and coming back, he found that his bedroom was simply a hell-level garbage dump.

This smell is indescribable.

Wuming covered his mouth and nose and entered the bedroom, took out some necessary things, and his fat body couldn't help but walk faster, and the fat was shaking like waves.

As he walked, he thought of Zhang Shouzhong inexplicably. I wonder what it feels like for Zhang Shouzhong to carry that fat all day?

It must be admitted that not everyone can be a fat man.

Wuming walked to the living room, opened his diary and began to write. Maybe it was too long since he had written, and his handwriting was crooked, but it was enough for him to recognize it.

"Pay attention, first of all, in the Otaku Paradise, self-discipline, memory, and willpower will be weakened. This is a competition, you must not forget, and you must not lose yourself!"

"Pay attention, secondly, this is the Otaku Paradise, your name is Wuming, you must not forget the purpose of being here."

"Pay attention, thirdly, in the Otaku Paradise, the body is more likely to gain weight and be lazy, so you must insist on exercising."

While Wuming was writing, he suddenly found that the words on the diary began to disappear. He frowned, thought about it, and changed the way he wrote:

"Hello, my name is Wuming. When you see this line of words, you must have forgotten what your name is, so you might as well use this identity temporarily."

After Wuming finished writing, he waited for a while to make sure that this line of words did not violate the rules.

It seems that you can write a diary, but you can't remind yourself blatantly. Some rules must be written implicitly. As for whether you can understand it after the memory has problems, it depends on luck.

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