I Contracted Myself

【871】Change yourself

Self-discipline is very difficult.

Without extraordinary power, Wuming could only read his diary again and again, reminding himself to exercise day after day.

Fortunately, the efforts on the first day had some effect, and he did not die suddenly on the second day after waking up.

Then he tried very hard to keep exercising, but he had many illnesses. Although he could diagnose and treat himself, every illness would drag down his recovery plan, resulting in unsatisfactory progress.

Although he didn't know what was going on with Wang Zong, he felt that he was definitely at a disadvantage.

Wang Zong was a physical cultivator, and he must be much better than him in self-discipline.

"These levels..."

Wuming took a walk in the courtyard and started sweating after walking for dozens of minutes.

He suddenly realized that the first level was a fair competition. Both of them had innate abilities, and who would win depended entirely on their abilities.

But from the second level, the Death Babel Tower began to take sides.

The second level was actually beneficial to Wang Zong, but Wuming retained the talent of the first level, so he poisoned Wang Zong to death unintentionally.

When it comes to the third level, the rules are biased towards Wuming again.

After all, Wang Zong is a physical cultivator, and his abilities are not as diverse as his. Even if they really compete in cooking skills in the end, the probability of Wang Zong losing to him is much higher than that of him losing to Wang Zong.

And when it comes to the fourth level, the rules are biased towards Wang Zong again.

As a physical cultivator, Wang Zong's self-discipline is definitely higher than Wuming. Wuming is a free and easy person. If he is not careful, he will easily fall into the trap of this level.

If there is no Groundhog Day, he has already lost this level.

In fact, even if there is Groundhog Day, it is difficult for him to beat Wang Zong. Wang Zong is six years ahead of him. In these six years, he has become a dead fat otaku, while Wang Zong may still be a muscular man.

The opponent's physical foundation is definitely better than his, and he can definitely live longer than him.

But Wuming is not without advantages!

Before the game starts, you can choose a house. Wuming chose this house in the mountains, of course, not for fun. There are many materials in the forest, and these materials are not available in other terrains.

Because Wuming had never taken care of the courtyard, the courtyard was now overgrown with weeds, and many plant seeds outside the wall fell into the courtyard and took root and sprouted.

In addition to storing food, Wuming actually had potential food, which was these plants.

Of course, the island was not bad, and he could go fishing.

But because he didn't know what this level was about, Wuming didn't choose the island for the sake of caution.

In case this level was about escaping from the residence, it would be easier to perform in the deep mountains and old forests than on an isolated island, and it would be easier to escape the enemy's pursuit.

But I didn't expect that this level was really about who could live longer.

While Wuming was exercising, he identified the plants in the courtyard. Most of these plants were ordinary weeds, but there were also some medicinal herbs.

He collected some medicinal herbs by identifying their medicinal properties, and after processing, he put them on the roof to dry.

Wang Zong could prolong his life through self-discipline exercise, so he could also refine elixirs that could prolong his life by developing the medicines in the courtyard.

At least compared to the second level, he didn't need to worry about Wang Zong suddenly killing him in this level, and he could take the medicine with peace of mind.

A few months later, Wuming walked out of the kitchen with the medicinal food. He was still fat, but his skin was much whiter and he looked much healthier.

He exercised every day and forced himself to sleep well, so he spent less time playing games.

Some people may ask, since this level is so difficult, why waste time playing games?

In fact, the answer is very simple.

Combine work and rest!

Wuming is not in good physical condition, and fatigue can easily put a burden on the body.

Rest when you should rest, exercise when you should exercise, and the combination of movement and stillness can prolong your life.

Floating island.

Wang Zong sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the ground below from a distance. He exercised every day and even made a wooden spear to practice martial arts.

He always fantasized about meeting Wuming, fighting with Wuming, and cutting off Wuming's head with his own hands.

But I don't know what happened to this level. Year after year, day after day, it seemed that the world was just still, without any change.

He watched the sunrise and sunset countless times, sweating in the sun, but the result was only emptiness.


Suddenly, he roared at the distance.

But it was meaningless.

The empty and distant world did not respond.

He turned around and grabbed the edge of the island with both hands, and began to do pull-ups while hanging his body. Then he climbed on the edge of the island as usual.

He had already played with this island in many ways. He had mastered every inch of it. With his eyes closed, he knew the terrain around him, where to climb and where to land.

After climbing around the island, he continued to exercise for a new day.

No matter what this level tested, he had to take it.



Wuming was cultivating the fields in the courtyard with a homemade hoe.

He collected some seeds of medicine and prepared to plant them, and then slowly use them to recuperate his body.

At the same time, he had a bold plan, which was to dig a tunnel, preferably a tunnel that extended all the way to the inside of the mountains.

There were many resources waiting for him to develop here. While developing resources, he could also exercise his body through labor and slowly recover his body to its original state.

A few days later, the medicines he planted sprouted.

He used a homemade sprinkler to water the medicines. Looking at the tender sprouts of the medicines, he was in a very good mood, so he added a dish at noon.

Now his standard daily meals are a can of canned fruit for breakfast, luncheon meat with medicinal food for lunch, and rice, steak and medicinal chicken for dinner.

Of course, the steak and chicken are frozen reserve foods.

After lunch, Wuming took a walk in the yard. When he felt that he had digested enough, he jogged around the house a few times, and took a nap around two o'clock.

At three o'clock, he got up and started digging tunnels, heading towards the mountains in the distance.

This was destined to be a protracted war, and he didn't expect to get it done in one step.

Time flies in ordinary years, and five years have passed unknowingly.

The trees are still thriving, and the quiet mountains still give people the same feeling.

However, Wuming's house has undergone earth-shaking changes.

His courtyard has been turned into a vegetable garden, and some edible wild vegetables have been improved by him again and again, and the taste has become better and better.

In addition to the vegetable garden, there is also a small medicine garden.

It contains the medicines collected by Wuming.

He has never left the house, but he often walks on the wall and picks fruits with a rope. Many plants that are only outside the wall are transplanted into the courtyard by him in this way.

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