I Contracted Myself

【872】Little surprise

Of course, the biggest gain was Wuming himself. Not only did he lose weight, but his body was also slowly restored by various medicinal foods.

Now he gets up and does exercise, cooks, takes care of the vegetable garden, digs tunnels, and looks at the sky in the courtyard when he is tired. Instead, he has less and less time to play games.

He dismantled all those game consoles, pieced them together into other things and moved them to the tunnel. In addition to monitoring the situation in the tunnel, they can also serve as lighting.

Speaking of which, the most unscientific thing about this house is that there is electricity!

Wuming found the wires of this house, and finally found only a huge cable.

The cable extends outward all the time, and no one knows where it leads to, but it is certain that the electricity of the whole house is provided by this cable.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Wuming got up from the bed, did a set of gymnastics, and then left the bedroom.

"Hoe, kettle, gloves."

Wuming muttered to himself, and after collecting the things, he carried the hoe and walked out of the house.

In the courtyard outside the house, a shed was built with various materials. He opened the door of the shed, revealing a staircase leading underground.

This was the tunnel he dug.

He walked down the stairs, and then pressed the switch where the light disappeared, and the lights around him immediately lit up.

The passage below was connected in all directions and was divided into several layers. Some places that were not particularly strong were reinforced with metal. It looked very rough and simple, but it also had a kind of rough beauty.

Wuming came to the first floor and walked deep into the passage. After walking for about fifty minutes, a dripping sound came from the fork in the road.

That was a cave he dug through.

Originally, he planned to dig all the way to the deep mountains in the distance, but he dug out an underground cave not long after digging.

The entrance of this underground cave was very narrow, and the road was blocked by stalactites and stalagmites. These stalactites and stalagmites were like the teeth of monsters, leaving only tiny gaps, and normal people could not enter at all.

Wuming didn't dare to destroy it casually because he was worried about collapse, so he has been grinding the stalagmites carefully over the years and losing weight at the same time.

When he first discovered this cave, he was still relatively fat and couldn't get in at all.

Now that he has lost weight and two stalagmites have been ground off, he thinks he can give it a try.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has prepared weapons for self-defense, a dagger made of crystal, and a large amount of medicine to treat injuries.

No matter what he encounters in the cave, as long as he can escape back, he will definitely survive, but it is hard to say how long he can live.

The problem is that after so many years, the winner has not been decided, and Wuming is under a lot of pressure.

He has tried many ways of cultivation, and even tried the biological force field over and over again, but this world seems to not allow cultivation, and he has not developed any ability.

Because of the missing six years, he always feels that he may not live longer than Wang Zong, so he wants to find natural treasures that can truly prolong his life, which is why he covets the distant mountains.

He had always wanted to plant precious medicinal herbs like ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum, but there were none around.

If he could enter the mountains, he might be able to find these better medicinal herbs, rather than those ordinary ones that have little effect on prolonging life.

Climbing slowly from the entrance of the cave, Wuming held a crystal dagger in one hand and chili powder in the other.

After passing through the narrow tunnel, he entered the wide cave cavity. The sound of dripping water in the distance became more obvious. He immediately walked forward and turned on the lighting.

This is a natural cave with a very smooth ground. Some crystals immediately reflected colorful light when illuminated by light, revealing the traces of some small animals.

There is a spider!

Wuming immediately walked forward and squatted, looking at the strange spider that seemed to have no eyes.

He hadn't seen an animal for a long time. Although the house was built in the mountains, he had never seen a bird. Now he finally saw something that could move besides him.

Touched, so touched.

Wuming used a knife to gently poke the spider, and the spider immediately ran away quickly.

"I don't know if it's poisonous, so it's better not to touch it." Wuming watched the spider leave and said to himself.

Wuming got up and continued to walk forward, seeing all kinds of animals. These animals were basically blind and their reactions were not particularly fast.

He walked to a small pond with dripping water and saw some blind fish swimming in the water, so he carefully scooped up a few with a cloth.

"Fresh fish!"

Wuming looked at the fish jumping in the cloth and felt that his saliva was about to flow out.

He hadn't eaten fresh meat for too long, so he didn't care about the cave anymore, but turned around and walked back, planning to use these fresh fish to make fresh fish soup to satisfy his appetite.

Sometimes time is very valuable, and sometimes time is not valuable at all.

Now Wuming's time is not valuable at all. He can keep postponing his plans. If it doesn't work today, he will continue tomorrow. In fact, he has made many plans and slowly postponed them, but they have also been slowly completed.

Coming up from the tunnel, he took the fish into the kitchen, gutted it, cleaned it in one go, then fried it in a pan, added water, various seasonings, and some medicine to boil.

When he opened the lid of the pot, a fresh smell of fish immediately hit his nose.

Wuming swallowed his saliva, immediately scooped a bowl of fish soup, blew it cool, and drank it gently. At this moment, the whole person was sublimated.

"It's easy to go from frugality to luxury."

Wuming looked at the milky fish soup and sighed.

The third floor was so beautiful. All the food was delicious. There were not many bad foods. When he came to this floor, although the food was edible, it was actually no different from pig food to him.

But the strange thing was that he judged those foods as pig food on the spiritual level, but felt that they were okay on the physical level.

Wuming thought that maybe this body had never eaten anything good, so he felt that the taste was okay. It was just that his soul had tasted too many delicacies, which produced a serious sense of disharmony.

Of course.

These can be overcome. Wuming was mentally prepared when he entered the fourth floor, so he never complained. Only at this moment did he sigh like this.

Life still needs a little surprise.

Wuming finished the fish soup with a grateful heart, and then began to wash the pots and pans.

Beep beep!

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the living room.

Wuming frowned, put down the work in his hands, and immediately walked to the living room.

He looked at the TV, which showed the scene in the tunnel. A creature that looked like a crocodile and a giant salamander was slowly crawling out of the cave. It had no eyes and was covered with armor. It crawled very slowly, but it could crawl accurately towards the exit.

Looking at this strange animal, Wuming drooled.

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