I Contracted Myself

【873】Old age and death


Although there was frozen meat in the storage room, meat that had been frozen for many days was not as delicious as fresh meat.

Wuming immediately returned to the tunnel and spent some effort to chop the strange animal under his feet. Then he cut the animal into eight pieces, transported them to the ground one by one, and then carried them into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, a strong fragrance wafted out of the kitchen and filled the whole house.

Wuming came out happily with a plate of meat and put it on the table in the living room. He rubbed his hands and smiled, "It smells good, so good..."

He kept a smile on his face, but his mood gradually began to decline. He looked outside the door for a long time, and finally sighed slightly. It smelled really good, but it was too lonely to eat alone.


Wuming was silent for a moment, and suddenly realized that his mental state was not right.

It had only been a few years, why did he feel lonely?

Something was wrong.

This might also be one of the tests.

Wuming took a deep breath, forced himself to cheer up, and then picked up the chopsticks and ate the meat in big mouthfuls.

After eating the meat, he took out the diary and read it page by page, trying to fill his heart to fight against the feeling of loneliness.

Just now, for a moment, he really felt as if there was a big hole in his chest, and his breathing became less smooth.

"I want to win!"

After reading the diary, Wuming stood up and shouted with a serious expression, shouting out all the negative emotions in his heart.

But when he sat down again, that feeling quietly appeared again, and he couldn't help but sighed: "Dead otaku paradise... In a sense, dead otaku has no paradise at all."

This is actually hell.

A small, beautiful, and secluded hell.

Wuming walked outside the house and simply sat on the grass, gradually closing his eyes to meditate.

He did not use any meditation method for cultivation, but adopted the most common meditation in Mingzhu City in the past, emptying his mind, without thoughts and self.


Floating island.

Wang Zong's self-discipline is terrible, and his will is as unshakable as steel.

Even if it has been thirty, forty, or fifty years, he will not be shaken at all, because these sufferings are nothing to him who has been practicing for many years.

In order to have an invincible body, he had experienced much more pain in the past than now.

However, he didn't know which day it was that he thought of his wife.

His wife used to be so beautiful and lovely, well-educated, gentle and virtuous. Except for the only time she betrayed him, she seemed to have no shortcomings.

In fact, he could choose to forgive, not necessarily to kill her.


He never regretted the choice he made.

Wang Zong slapped himself hard, and at the same time felt extremely ashamed that he was shaken.

This must be part of the test, but he was the one who was shaken. After leaving here, he must kill all the isotopes of his wife in the heavens and the worlds to prove his Tao heart!

Da Da Da Da Da!

In the fiftieth year, Wuming liked noisy things.

He used his exquisite woodworking skills to make a clock that could make sounds, and it would make noisy sounds every second.

All things that were still became very boring in his eyes. He liked to see things that were originally immobile move, so he raised many blind fish and occasionally fed them to watch the blind fish fight for food following the smell.

He raised a blind crocodile and liked to watch it chase him and bite him.

"This level is too abnormal."

Wuming sat on the roof, watching the sun gradually set in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh.

His face was full of wrinkles. Although he was still very healthy due to exercise, aging was still inevitable. With white hair, he had many views on age and life that he had never had before.

In fact, although he had lived for a long time, he had never aged. His young body had always brought him a young mentality. He would understand more and more because he lived longer, and he would also see through people's hearts because he lived longer, but his heart was always young.

In this level, he experienced the taste of aging.

His body metabolism was getting slower and slower. He was no longer full of energy every morning. His physical strength would decline little by little, as if some invisible and intangible force was taking away his vitality.

And compared with the past, he was more susceptible to illness and his life became fragile.

His memory further declined. Sometimes he even forgot to read his diary, and he would only remember it when he saw the diary many days later.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistake again, he has now tied his diary to his right hand, and he must read the diary every day before moving.

He didn't know what Wang Zong was like, anyway, he could only do his best now. No matter how he won or lost this level, he had already done the best he could.


Sixtieth year.

Wang Zong walked out of the house with difficulty. He looked at the sun and then found a place to bask in the sun.

There was no way to continue exercising because his body did not allow him to continue exercising. It could also be said that exercising now would only shorten his life and would not make him healthier.

Walking a little and basking in the sun were the most suitable activities for him at the moment.

"Is Wuming dead or not?"

Wang Zong sat on a chair, basking in the sun, and there was always a doubt in his heart.

He suspected that Wuming had died a long time ago, but this level would not stop because of Wuming's death, but would stop when he died.

After all, the longer you live, the richer the reward.

He didn't believe that Wuming had such a strong willpower as him, and even suspected that Wuming had died decades ago.

The problem was that he had no evidence to prove that Wuming was dead, so he could only try his best to live, so he often kept asking, "Is Wuming dead or not?"

"Dead or not?"

Wang Zong closed his eyes and gradually felt his body getting a little cold.

This kind of coldness couldn't be dispelled even by basking in the sun. He realized that something was wrong, so he wanted to get up and go back to the house, but he couldn't open his eyes and he didn't have the strength.

In the end, he died quietly on the recliner.

The sun was still slowly setting in the west, the wind blew through the trees, everything was the same, but he didn't get up from the recliner like he used to.


The seventy-eighth year.

Wuming had become a skinny old man.

He was like the fat otaku back then, completely relying on canned food to make a living, and he hadn't taken care of the vegetable garden for a few years because he had no energy.

The blind fish and blind crocodile had died many years ago. He felt that he was about to die, but when he thought of Wang Zong, he couldn't swallow his breath and held on tightly.

"How can Wang Zong live so long? Is it true that good people don't live long, and evil people stay for thousands of years?"

Wuming sat on the sofa in the living room, opened a can of canned food, and then crushed it with a spoon and ate it bit by bit. His teeth had fallen out a long time ago, and he couldn't eat it unless he crushed the food into paste.

The feeling of aging is too painful.

If it wasn't for winning over Wang Zong, Wuming would definitely not have such a determination to persist.

After lunch, he lay on the sofa, smelling the ubiquitous smell of old people and slowly fell asleep. Finally, his breathing gradually became weak and he died without illness.

When he died, the whole world was frozen.

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