I Contracted Myself

【874】Select Reward

Wuming opened his eyes, and when he saw Wang Zong, he suddenly looked unhappy.

And Wang Zong was not much better than Wuming. He looked at Wuming as if he had swallowed a hundred million flies alive, and his whole face turned blue.

After his death, his soul appeared in the sky above Wuming's house. He watched Wuming survive day after day. He kept cursing Wuming in his heart to die soon, but in the end, Wuming lasted eighteen years longer than him. How could this guy? Just like a turtle, will it ever die?

"The winner is nameless!"

"Players are asked to choose this reward anonymously."

At this time, the previous voice sounded, Wuming's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Wang Zong in disbelief. Wang Zong's expression became even worse at this moment.

Wuming didn't know that he had won just now. When he saw Wang Zong, he felt a little uneasy, worried that Wang Zong would live longer than him.

Now that he knew he had won, he smiled in surprise and began to choose his winning reward.

Reward 1: Groundhog Day, can be used 7 times.

Reward 2: Horse poisoning, can be used 6 times.

Reward 3: Heart of Evolution, can be used 5 times.

Reward 4: Victory Crown, can be used 4 times.

Reward 5: Pursue victory, can be used 3 times.

Reward 6: No. 1 in the world, can be used 2 times.

Reward 7: Rules modified, can be used once.

Wuming frowned after reading the seven rewards, and then learned about the contents of these rewards one by one.

Needless to say about Groundhog Day, the number of remaining rewards is getting smaller and smaller, but each effect is getting more and more terrifying.

Reward 2 made Wuming very tempted. The power of killing with one strike can directly determine the outcome in many cases. He glanced at Wang Zong and suspected that this was the talent Wang Zong received at the first level.

Reward 3 also made him very excited, because the heart of evolution is actually the ability that both he and Wang Zong have at the first level. They can eat whatever they eat to make up for it. Although they cannot gain combat power immediately, they can become stronger in a short time.

If the ability he possesses at the second level is the heart of evolution, there is no need to go to such trouble to set up a lot of traps. He can rely on the heart of evolution to quickly strengthen himself and then crush Wang Zong.

"The rewards are so exciting."

Wuming glanced at Wang Zong, and then said to himself.

The victory crown with a reward of 4 allows him to suppress the opponent's level when facing any non-player life form.

In short, this reward is the NPC nemesis. If he has this ability on the third level, he will definitely control the God of Cookery and turn the God of Cookery into the original text.

When he thought about the hidden benefits of this ability, Wuming especially wanted to choose this reward.

But when he saw the reward 5, he felt disappointed again.

Pursuit of victory, as you can tell by the name, what it means. When he defeats Wang Zong once, if Wang Zong is already dead, one more life will be deducted.

Now Wang Zong still has three lives, and he still has... six lives.

There is a bit of a trap on the fourth level, which will definitely kill two people, so he originally had seven lives, but now he only has six left, while Wang Zong only has three left.

"The second reward and the first reward... always feel fishy."

Wuming continued reading. Reward 6 and Reward 7 can be used the least number of times, but the effect is a bit...hard to describe.

The best in the world, once he uses this talent, he will become the strongest at a certain level. This seems to have some overlap with the effect of the Victory Crown, but the strongest here includes Wang Zong.

If used properly, perhaps there are two layers at the back that can completely suppress Wang Zong.

As for the first reward rule modification, it is possible to modify a certain layer of difficult problems to gain an absolute advantage at the rule level, but Wuming has an intuition that this ability is very important, and it is not used in the competition with Wang Zong...

"Want to know what reward I choose?" Wuming suddenly looked at Wang Zong and said with a smile.

Wang Zong didn't speak. He knew very well that Wuming's opening was definitely brewing some conspiracy, and if he spoke to him, he would fall into a trap.

"The first reward is to go back in time and can be used twenty times. It is really a generous reward."

"But the second reward is quite interesting. It's actually called horse-killing poison. It can be used thirty times and kills with one hit... It's so tempting."

"The third reward is unlimited evolution, which can continuously accumulate the effects of evolution, and is guaranteed to be used once at each level..."

Wuming looked at Wang Zong and said nonsense seriously.


Wang Zong didn't speak, but the pressure in his heart exploded.

If Wuming was completely talking nonsense, he would definitely not believe what Wuming said, but turning back time and poisoning the horse can prove that Wuming's words may be true or false.

At least this diatribe is true!

If Wuming has these abilities in the next levels, what should he do to win?

"You can guess what talent I will choose."

After Wuming finished speaking, he chose reward 7 and waited for the next level to start.

"I still have a chance. Don't laugh too early before the end."

A ray of light fell from the sky and fell on Wang Zong. Wang Zong rose slowly. He looked at Wuming and said seriously.

If Tower of Death Babel determines the final outcome based on the number of wins, then Wuming, who has won four times, has actually secured the victory.

But judging from the current situation, the final winner of the Tower of Death Babel is not determined by the number of wins, but by whose life is consumed first.

If there was a way to consume Wuming's remaining life, Wang Zong would indeed have a chance to turn around.

At this time, the same light fell on Wuming, and Wuming slowly ascended to the fifth floor.

"Fifth floor, player Wang Zong, welcome to the doomsday carnival!"

"An unknown virus suddenly broke out, and all creatures mutated into monsters. Humans became the most delicious food for monsters. You have seven days, please kill monsters as much as you want. In the end, the number of monsters killed by both sides will determine the winner. Please kill as much as you want!"

After listening to the rules, Wang Zong smiled. This level was just what he wanted.

Because of the four consecutive defeats, he was holding back a fire in his heart, and he needed a hearty killing to vent it.

As the sound ended, the light quickly moved away from him. He immediately looked around. He was in a square, there were no creatures around, and he could hear his own breathing quietly.

The strength was still weakened.

But it was also true. If the strength had not been weakened, this level would not have been necessary at all. He could blow up the entire planet with one punch and win directly.

Of course, Wuming could also blow up a planet with one punch...

Wang Zong didn't think about it any further. After all, it was meaningless to think about it. The most important thing for him now was to find a weapon and kill as many people as possible.

He was about to leave the park when the ground suddenly shook slightly. Then he saw a ten-meter-tall monster with no fur and muscle tissue completely exposed to the air. It looked like a combination of a cat and a human. It was walking towards him step by step.

The huge cat head had obviously locked onto him.

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