I Contracted Myself

【875】A big killing spree

Wang Zong took a look at the monster and immediately rushed to the nearest house. He crossed the road and ran into a restaurant, and found several knives in a moment.

At this time, a loud noise was heard, the door of the shop was pulled open, and a huge cat head immediately stretched out from the outside.


The knife flashed, and a pig-killing knife hit the cat head head-on, and the cat head immediately leaned back.

Then one knife after another, in the blink of an eye, several knives were stuck on the cat head, and only the handles were exposed.

The monster struggled for a while and finally fell down.

Wang Zong walked forward and pulled out the knives one by one.

"This big brother..."

At this time, a man's voice came from the house next to him. Wang Zong turned around and threw a knife the next moment. A middle-aged man just walked out and was hit on the head by the knife and fell down in fear.

He probably didn't expect that he would die under the knife of the same kind instead of the monster.


Wang Zong gave a faint evaluation and continued to collect weapons.

He knew the middle-aged man's thoughts very well. He just wanted to curry favor with him because he saw that he was powerful, but now he just wanted to kill people.

Save people?

Don't even think about it!


"Fifth floor, player Wuming, welcome to the doomsday carnival!"

"An unknown virus suddenly broke out, and all creatures mutated into monsters. Humans became the most delicious food for monsters. You have seven days. Please kill monsters as much as you want. In the end, the number of monsters killed by both sides will determine the winner. Please kill as much as you want!"

After listening to the rules, Wuming frowned slightly. It stands to reason that the rules of this level should be more biased towards him. After all, if there was no Groundhog Day in the previous level, he would have actually lost to Wang Zong.

But from the rules, it seems that it is still more favorable to Wang Zong. After all, Wang Zong is hard-hearted and can kill monsters more efficiently in this level.

"Is it because I won four consecutive victories, so the rules are now biased towards Wang Zong?"

Wuming thought with a headache. The light of the protective shield above his head gradually disappeared, and the surrounding environment became clear.

He immediately looked around. He was in a square with a huge statue in the middle. From the statue, it should be an oriental world.

And by the newness and oldness of the square, he could judge that the disaster should have happened not long ago, because if the disaster had happened for a long time, such a square would inevitably be overgrown with weeds and quickly become dilapidated.

"Maybe this level is good for me. After all, I have many years of rescue experience, and I still have certain advantages in the period when such a disaster has just occurred."

Wuming suddenly had an idea, and then he acted quickly.

First of all, he still looked for weapons. He walked a few steps and determined that his physical fitness was not as good as the quality of the last level of the Dead House Paradise.

If he was at the peak of human quality in the last level, then now he is at best the quality of a retired soldier. Without weapons, he can only deal with a monster whose weight is not much different from his own, but if he has weapons, he can easily kill many monsters that are much stronger than himself.

In fact, if he has weapons, his melee ability is not worse than Wang Zong. If it is a certain type of weapon, he can even kill Wang Zong.

Two minutes later, he found a few fruit knives.

He held two fruit knives like daggers and began to look for the city map.

Suddenly, a tentacle attacked from the corner. He quickly stepped back to avoid the tentacle, then raised his hand and slashed it with the dagger.

After the tentacle landed, it was like an octopus tentacle, and it kept wriggling. There was no blood flowing out of the broken end, only a translucent blue liquid.

Wuming took a look at the tentacle, then rushed out at an accelerated speed. After seeing the monster, he moved left and right and approached the other party at a very fast speed.

It was a monster that could not be seen from what animal. From the shape, it looked like ice cream, but strawberries grew on the spiral ice cream, and tentacles grew at the end of these strawberries.

It was too weird.

It was a pity that Wuming could not be used on this level, otherwise he would at least try to guess the text to see if he could subdue the other party. He liked this kind of indescribable existence, and he would make others confused when he released it.

While thinking, he came to five meters away from the monster. The monster's tentacles hit him randomly. He used a dagger to easily cut off the tentacles one by one. Finally, one of the daggers flew out of his hand and fell into the monster's forehead in a flash.

In fact, he was not sure whether it was the monster's forehead. In short, it looked like a weakness, so he shot it to try. The monster's forehead was pierced by the dagger, and the dancing tentacles suddenly fell down. Its body shrank quickly like a leak, and a large amount of blue liquid flowed out of its body.

Wuming did not dare to approach the monster, pinching his nose and retreating quickly.

The houses here are the style of ordinary towns. He walked to a residential building and quickly went upstairs. He did not forcefully open some locked rooms. He only chose those houses that were half-closed and the doors were open to search for supplies.

Just now, he found that intense exercise would still consume his physical strength, which means that food is needed.

Even as strong as Wang Zong, he must eat without extraordinary power. Only when the worries are solved can he really exert his full strength.

It's okay to kill as many people as you want, but you still need to pay attention to the rhythm.

Wuming found some food, put it in a backpack, and then went downstairs quickly.

Ten minutes later, he found another monster. It was a dog, but it had wings and its tail turned into a huge mouth.

In fact, he prefers to face those strange monsters, because those monsters' bodies are actually unreasonable, so they are strong in combat, but they have obvious weaknesses.

This dog is just the opposite. It has strong mobility and its tail has strong attack power.

Wuming saw with his own eyes that this dog bit off a car with its tail. This thing can stretch, shorten, grow larger, and shrink. I don't know if it can bite a house in half.

If it can do it, Wuming will definitely turn around and run away, and would rather die than fight it head-on.

However, when he was observing the dog, the dog seemed to be aware of his presence. It sniffed the odor factor in the air with its nose, and then cast its eyes on Wuming's hiding place.


Wuming turned around and ran immediately.

The dog immediately barked wildly and chased Wuming.

During the pursuit, more and more dog barks were heard, and Wuming was horrified to find that dogs kept rushing out from the alleys and around the houses.

All of these dogs had strange shapes. Some had manes like lions, and some stood like humans with well-developed muscles.

More and more dogs followed Wuming, and Wuming could only run at full speed, not daring to stop at all.

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