I Contracted Myself

【877】Acting Alone

At this time, Wuming stepped forward and pulled out the two daggers, muttering to himself: "It's really at the seven inches."

Just now, he felt that the rat looked like a snake, so he subconsciously shot at the seven inches of the rat, and it really killed it with one shot.

"Too strong, is this also the ability of the rescue team?" Wang Qiang asked excitedly.

Wuming looked up at Wang Qiang speechlessly, and Wang Qiang said embarrassedly: "Is it... not?"

"How could it be!" Jing Xiu said with a smile.

Wuming kicked the mutant rat back to the vent and said: "It's better to find something to block it as soon as possible. If there is one, there may be more. If I'm not here, it will be troublesome."

"Okay, I'll have someone seal this place with something." Jing Xiu nodded.

Fortunately, Wuming came along, otherwise he and two students would encounter this mutant rat together, and the result would be hard to say.

Next, everyone returned to the warehouse, and Wuming and Jing Xiu continued to check for hidden dangers. In fact, there are quite a few hidden dangers in this warehouse, but these people are lucky and have not encountered these hidden dangers yet.

Of course, it is also possible that there is enough food outside, and the mutated monsters are not hungry enough to plunder them.

After a busy day, Wuming solved all the hidden problems in the warehouse for Jingxiu and others, and then arranged a most suitable retreat.

The next day, after breakfast in the morning, Wuming said goodbye to everyone.

Jingxiu asked reluctantly: "Mr. Wuming, can't you really stay?"

He knew Wuming's ability too well. If Wuming was willing to stay, he would be very willing to let Wuming command the team. Compared with him, Wuming could definitely lead everyone to a better future.

"No, there will be no truly safe place if those monsters are not eliminated. The retreat I mentioned, or the way to survive, can only allow everyone to survive for a while, but it cannot guarantee long-term peace. Only by killing all the monsters can everyone live safely and securely under the sky." Wuming wiped the daggers clean and pinned them on his thighs, back, and waist.

These daggers are actually fruit knives. There are quite a lot of them in the warehouse, but he only took one-third of them, mainly because he couldn't take them. Others actually couldn't use that much, so it was okay for him to continue taking them.

"Then Mr. Wuming, be careful along the way. If you get hurt, you can come back!" Jing Xiu looked at Wuming and said respectfully.

Others were also reluctant to leave. In just one day, Wuming had conquered them with his personality charm and ability. Unfortunately, even if they wanted to help Wuming kill monsters, Wuming would not allow them to take risks. After all, they were just ordinary people, with neither combat skills nor combat awareness. They might be killed by monsters in one encounter.

Wuming left the warehouse and walked out of the alley. He carried a shoulder bag and started to walk up.

He climbed to the roof of a residential building, looked down from the roof, and observed the situation around the street. In a moment, he found a mutant dog.

This mutant dog was eating a corpse. The corpse was already bloody and it was hard to tell what it was.

Wuming took out a full-iron fruit knife from his shoulder bag, weighed it a little, and then raised his hand to throw the fruit knife out.


In an instant, a fruit knife was stuck in the mutant dog's forehead, and it fell to the ground with a whine.

Wang Zong's killing efficiency must be higher than his. He had wasted a day and had to catch up with Wang Zong as soon as possible.

Then, he kept changing positions to find traces of monsters. Whether it was a dog or other indescribable monsters, he shot them all with a flying knife. With sufficient weapons, these monsters were not particularly threatening to him.

However, there were some types that the flying knife could not completely solve. When he encountered them, he would hide decisively and wait for the monsters to leave before showing up again.

In one morning, he shot and killed at least fifty monsters, but there were still a lot of monsters in the city, and screams could be heard from other communities from time to time.

Do you want to save?


But you can't.

Far water can't save a nearby fire.

Wuming couldn't rush over thousands of miles, and even if he rushed over, it would probably be too late.

In addition to the various emergencies that may be encountered on the way, the risk is too great, and Wuming can only give up the extra ideas helplessly and study how to kill monsters more efficiently.

The monsters in this world are very interesting.

Although they are all mutated from animals, some of them have become two species after mutation, while others still retain their original appearance.

Wuming likes to kill monsters that retain their original posture the most. Although they are more mobile, their weaknesses are also more obvious. On the contrary, those mutated monsters that are difficult to describe occasionally have to waste more daggers to shoot.

"We must update our weapons, and it would be best if we can find a bow and arrow."

Wuming threw a dagger and killed a goat monster in an instant, thinking secretly in his heart.

His right and left arms were sore. Without the nourishment of extraordinary energy, high-intensity throwing is a great burden on the arms.

It is estimated that if he shoots more than ten monsters, both of his hands will be disabled.

So, he decided to search the houses around to see if there are cold weapon enthusiasts who have weapons such as swords, bows and crossbows hidden in their homes.

On the way downstairs, he thought of Aries.

Because Aries likes to collect cold weapons, and it is said that there are a lot of magic weapons at home. At the same time, he is also an armor fan, and there are a lot of special armors at home.

When chatting in the past, Aries showed off to him and invited him to visit. He always said that he would do it next time, but he has never been to Aries' home until now.

When you leave the Tower of Death alive, you must go and see it.

Wuming used a piece of wire to easily pry open one house after another. Of course, he knocked on the door every time before breaking in, and said that he had no ill intentions. If someone could respond, he would not break the door. .

Basically, when no one responded to him, he would violently unlock the door and enter the house to search for things.

However, it is impossible for most people to have cold weapons. At most, they can only find one or two fruit knives. If they are lucky, they can find real daggers.

While searching the fifth house, he found a machete, played with it for a while and decided it was right, so he stopped holding back.

To be honest, while prying open the door to search for resources, you can also get a glimpse of the living conditions of these families by observing the furnishings in the house. Some are dark, some are sunny, some are unfortunate, and some are happy.

It's just that the owners of these houses have disappeared, and they have most likely died under the attacks of monsters.

"It's a pity that there are no long-range weapons such as bows and arrows."

After Wuming finished searching the last house nearby, he walked out of the door and said with some disappointment.

In fact, searching for resources itself is also a kind of leisure and rest, and he also ate a few pieces of chocolate and drank a can of water on the way, which restored his physical and mental strength a lot.

So he went up to the roof and started shooting the monster again.

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