I Contracted Myself

【878】Killing Progress

The fifth level competition only lasted for seven days.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Although Wuming and Wang Zong were trying their best to kill monsters, their killing was just a drop in the bucket and had little impact on the world.

After a night, Wuming opened his eyes and it was the third day.

He continued to clear the monsters in the entire community according to the original plan. He found that monsters did not coexist peacefully with each other. Different monsters actually fought and even devoured each other.

Some monsters shot by him would attract other monsters. Except for some monsters that he dared not shoot, most monsters were shot remotely by him with a dagger.

Throwing a dagger from a high place can increase the power of the dagger by gravity. Not only do you not have to worry about the power being reduced by throwing too far, but it will become more impactful because it is high enough. Some monsters that are difficult to kill with one shot can also be easily shot.

"I don't know if there are guns in the police station in this world, but I still have to go and take a look." Wuming opened the map, confirmed his position, and then moved towards the police station while killing monsters.

If there were more efficient weapons, he could kill monsters even faster.

He knew very well that he had one day less than Wang Zong, and Wang Zong's killing efficiency must be faster than his, so he had to find a way to catch up.

As for what method, it was naturally a way to speed up the killing efficiency.

If he could have a Vulcan cannon now, he would definitely come with a big wave, attracting all the monsters within a radius of 100 miles to have a carnival, but the problem was that he only had various fruit knives in his pocket.

Moreover, the world was in chaos, which meant that there were stronger monsters, opponents that more advanced weapons could not deal with, and guns and cannons might not work well.

In addition, this level actually had a very interesting little detail.

That is, the rules only counted the number of monsters killed, and both powerful monsters and weak monsters could only be counted as one, which meant that if Wuming could find a nest of mutant ants and scald all of them to death with hot water, his number of kills might suddenly far exceed Wang Zong.

Unfortunately, he did not find any mutant insects, let alone monsters transformed from ants, mosquitoes, flies and the like still remained in their original appearance, as if they were immune to the alienation of the virus like humans.

After confirming that ants would not mutate into monsters, Wuming felt very disappointed, and at the same time, he was also considering other animals.

For example, in places like pig farms and chicken farms, if the mutated pigs and chickens did not leave, could they be killed in one fell swoop?

Half an hour later, Wuming came out of the police station with a gloomy face. The whole police station was covered with blood, but there was not a single gun, only various broken batons and iron forks.

It seems that the humans in this world are still quite civilized and peaceful, and the police do not need to use dangerous weapons such as guns.

"Forget it, I didn't have any hope in the first place, so I can continue to search the next community." Wuming stood at the door of the police station, sighed, and then thought to himself to comfort himself.

After this police station is another community. Although the monsters in the previous community were not completely eliminated, at least they were almost killed, and the safety factor has been greatly improved. As for the remaining monsters, he really has no ability to shoot them.

For example, there is a cow with thick rock armor growing on its body, and magma flows in the cracks of the rocks. When encountering other monsters, this fire bull can kill the other party in seconds with a mouthful of old spit.

The fruit knife that Wuming had probably couldn't even break through the defense, so naturally he had no way to deal with the opponent.

Although Wuming had considered using water from a fire hydrant to extinguish the opponent, firstly, this would make a lot of noise, and secondly, it might not kill the fire bull.

After weighing the pros and cons, he gave up the idea of ​​action.

Unless he found a stronger weapon, he would not consider killing this kind of difficult monster.

Perhaps it was a good turn of events. There were cold weapons in many houses in this community. He found more than ten knives, three bows and arrows, and five crossbows.

There were even more arrows.

He glanced at the police station outside and roughly understood the reason.

So he happily carried a lot of weapons upstairs, ready to have a good fight.


In another distant city.

Wang Zong held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and killed a huge bull monster in one encounter.

His knife cut into the muscles of the bull monster accurately, cutting off the bones and nerves of the bull monster like a butcher cutting a cow, and easily killed the bull monster stronger than himself.

For him, only his walking speed affected his efficiency in killing monsters.

He killed as many monsters as came.

He had not rested in the past few days. With his super high willpower, he gritted his teeth and persisted in killing monsters.

He cut off a piece of the meat of the bull monster and swallowed it in big mouthfuls. It was only seven days. As long as the disease did not break out immediately, he would not take it seriously. As long as he could kill monsters smoothly in these seven days, everything else did not matter.

"Wuming, I have killed a total of 1,533 monsters. How about you?" Wang Zong swallowed the meat and thought secretly in his heart.

He always remembered the number of his kills. Although he was very confident, he was not so confident.

Mainly because in the previous levels, he was very confident that he could beat Wuming, but he lost to Wuming in the end. Now, although he is still very confident, he is not so confident deep in his heart.

Precisely because of his lack of confidence, he did not dare to relax at all. Even if his body was exhausted, he would continue to kill monsters. As long as he could open his eyes and move, he would continue killing to the end.

At this time, another monster came over following the smell of blood.

When Wang Zong saw the monster, he immediately showed a smile that was more terrifying than the monster, and rushed over without waiting for the monster to react.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Wuming stood on a high place and shot a cat-mutated monster with one arrow.

Too many people in this city keep pets, but these pets have become the existence that takes their lives.

"The 530th."

Wuming put down his bow, watched the cat monster slowly fall down, and whispered to himself.

"I don't know how many Wang Zong has killed, but I always feel that he may be far ahead of me." Wuming muttered, and then continued to search for monsters.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance. He frowned and looked in the direction of the loud noise. That was... the community where he first landed.

"Will Jingxiu and the others be okay?"

Wuming was a little worried. After thinking about it, he packed up his things and went downstairs with his backpack.

He found a bicycle and headed towards the community along the road he had scouted.

No matter what, Jing Xiu and the others had saved his life, so he had to make sure they were safe before he could feel at ease.

Half an hour later, he rushed to the entrance of the community, and what caught his eye was a dense swarm of rats. These rats were in strange shapes and were frantically besieging the supermarket, but the entrance of the supermarket was on fire, leaving these rats helpless and could only circle around.

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