I Contracted Myself

【879】Kill rats

Under this circumstance, Wuming did not dare to approach the supermarket rashly.

He ran around the supermarket and found that these rats were everywhere, and the entire supermarket was blocked.

"It seems that we must find a way to lead the rats away first, so as to determine the situation of Jingxiu and the others." Wuming thought about it and immediately went to a parking lot.

A moment later, he drove a car out of the parking lot.

In fact, he can drive. He didn't drive before because he was afraid that the noise of driving was too loud and he would attract monsters that he couldn't beat.

Now that the group of rats is making a lot of noise, there is no need to keep quiet, so there is no problem driving.

He drove onto the road and immediately drove towards the supermarket. He deliberately chose a durable car. He didn't know what brand it was, but it felt good to drive.

"Okay, let's start!"

A minute later, he saw rats not far away, so he stepped on the accelerator hard.

In an instant, the car roared towards the rats.

Many rats were unable to dodge and were hit by the car. For a moment, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and a large amount of meat fell on the car window.

Wuming stepped on the accelerator, with no intention of stopping. He drove forward, crushing the rats all the way, and then drifted through the corner, leaving two long bloodstains on the ground. Countless rats died under the wheels.

The car was like a mad beast, and countless rats died instantly wherever it passed.

Wuming drove the car around the supermarket, and a large number of rats died under the wheels, but there were more rats who were angry and attacked the car. There were clanging sounds on all sides of the car. The rats' various attacks fell on the car body, making the car body bumpy, and the window glass of the back seat was broken on both sides.

"No, I have to run away after another turn." Wuming glanced at the rearview mirror. The damage to the car body was very serious, so he stepped on the accelerator and continued to run away from the rats around him.

Suddenly, a fireball hit Wuming's car window, and the glass burst instantly. Wuming tilted his head to avoid the impact of the glass fragments, and then gritted his teeth and continued to drive forward.

After crushing a large number of rats, he drove away, with countless rats chasing after him.

"I can't count how many monsters I killed this time." Wuming looked at the rats chasing him through the rearview mirror and thought happily. Gradually, the rats were left behind. He found a place to stop the car and got out of the car immediately.

The car was originally white, but now it has turned red. There are blood and meat everywhere. Some rats' internal organs are stuck to the wheels, making the car look very disgusting.

Wuming took a look at the car, then ran to a car shop in front, chose a car that also looked tough, and drove back.

If he had time, he would actually like to modify the car, such as transforming the bumper into a machete, so that he could definitely kill many rats wherever he went.

Now driving mainly depends on speed and the weight of the car. Either the rats are hit or crushed. Some rats scratched by the car are not so easy to die.

Wuming estimated that he had just driven around the supermarket twice and killed at most four or five hundred rats, no more.

This was mainly because the rats were so dense that even if the rats could keep up with the car's reaction, they were surrounded by rats and it was difficult for them to dodge the car immediately. This was the real reason why many rats were run over.

After a while, the rats besieging the supermarket heard the familiar sound of a car, and many rats immediately stood up halfway, staring at the direction of the sound with scarlet eyes.

When they saw the car coming at high speed, many rats immediately made angry calls, and then one by one they charged at the car.

The densely packed rats formed a gray-brown river, and the scarlet eyes looked extremely strange and terrifying in the gray-brown river.

Wuming immediately stepped on the accelerator hard, holding the steering wheel with both hands and also attacked the rats.

A few seconds later, the car collided with the rats, and a rat that looked quite strong suddenly jumped up and hit the car's bumper hard. The bumper was deformed on the spot, and the rat was also knocked out.

However, it landed on the ground far away without any damage, and then charged again.

Other mice were not so lucky. After this mouse was knocked away, other mice were either killed or injured. Many mice were caught in the wheels and crushed to death in the blink of an eye.

Some mice climbed onto the car body and bit the car. Wuming immediately braked suddenly, and a large number of mice flew out at once. Then Wuming quickly retreated, and then stepped on the accelerator again, and quickly hit the mice in front.

Probably because these mice have experience, Wuming drove the car around the supermarket once and couldn't drive a second circle. He could only choose to run away, otherwise once the car stalled and was surrounded by mice, he would definitely die.

After getting rid of the mice, he drove the car not far from the car shop. After getting off the car and taking two steps forward, he saw danger through the window of the shop in front of him, so he decisively rolled forward. A mouse attacked from under the car and jumped over the place where he just stood.

It missed the first strike and immediately turned to look at Wuming, who also rolled over and pulled out a dagger from his back.

At this time, another rat ran out from the back of the car, and a rat appeared on the roof.

Apparently, these rats had just climbed onto the car and were not thrown away.

The two sides confronted each other silently.

Wuming silently pulled out his scimitar, with the scimitar in his left hand and the dagger in his right hand, keeping his eyes and ears open.

He suspected that there were still mice hiding in the car, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Strike first and gain the upper hand!

In an instant, he threw the dagger in his hand at a mouse, and the mouse immediately raised its tail, which turned like a drill, and then collided with the dagger head-on.


The dagger was bounced off.

At the same time, a mouse rushed towards Wuming.

With a flash of knife light, the scimitar easily cut the first mouse that approached into two pieces, but another mouse approached. He just swung his left hand, and his right hand had no weapon, and it seemed that the situation became precarious.

But the next moment he let go of the scimitar in his left hand, and the scimitar flew out like a boomerang, and then the handle hit the ground and bounced, spinning to his right.

He grabbed the handle of the knife with his right hand just in time, and killed the attacking mouse with one knife.

The rat with the drill tail actually took the opportunity to rush over, but when he saw the first two rats that attacked being easily killed by Wuming, he immediately became afraid and just as he was about to retreat, his pupils reflected the image of Wuming's left hand drawing a knife and throwing it.

All the actions were actually done in one go.

From the first step to the killing, everything was completed in an instant, the whole process was smooth and there was no pause.

The dagger was like a meteor, spinning and piercing the rat's head.

A headshot.

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