I Contracted Myself

【880】One rises while the other falls

Three mice in plain sight were killed, but Wuming did not relax, but kept his eyes on the car.

After waiting for a while, he slowly approached the car.

The hiding mouse was very patient, so he walked to the fuel tank and opened the fuel cap.

He slowly backed away, and the mouse was still calm, so he took out a match and lit it. With a flick of his finger, the match flew into the fuel tank of the car in a perfect parabola.


The car exploded immediately, and a raging fire quickly covered the car.

A mouse rushed out quickly from the shadow of the wheel. Wuming had expected it and slashed at the mouse with a knife.

But this time the machete did not cut off the mouse, but felt like it was cutting a piece of iron. Then he took a few steps back, and his hand was a little numb.

He looked forward, and a mouse fell to the ground, its fur exuding a silver luster, looking like metal.

This mouse was the one that had dented the car's bumper before.

Wuming recognized the rat, so he glanced around, and while confronting the ‘Indestructible Rat’, he retreated.

The rat moved around Wuming, sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right, as if looking for Wuming’s weakness.

Wuming walked to the side of the car shop, simply put away the machete, and then picked up the big hammer on the ground. He felt the weight of the hammer, then looked at the rat, signaling the rat to come over and die.

The rat did not attack rashly. Seeing the hammer in Wuming’s hand, it took a few steps back. Suddenly, it turned around and ran, disappearing in the alley in the distance.

“So smart?”

Wuming was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

However, in his heart, the danger level of this rat was directly raised. If this rat chose to fight to the death, it would not be too scary. It would be really scary if it chose the right time to attack.

Wuming put down the hammer and slowly retreated into the car shop, and then he drove out in a car.

He did not take it lightly. While driving, he was observing and guarding against the sneak attack of the King Kong Rat.

After a while, he drove the car to the supermarket. There were fewer rats. When they saw the car appear again, most of the rats chose to run away, leaving only some stubborn rats who chose to confront head-on.

These rats who confronted head-on were not King Kong rats, so their fate was naturally imaginable.

Wuming drove the car around the supermarket three times, and finally all the rats disappeared, leaving only scarlet blood on the ground. The ground was full of rat blood, emitting a disgusting smell.

He drove the car to the alley, then opened the door and jumped down quickly.

After confirming that there was no danger, he slowly walked through the alley and turned into the warehouse behind the supermarket. However, there was no one in the warehouse, only some dead rats.

"This is human blood."

Wuming observed the area near the dead rats and soon found human blood.

He was sure that someone in Jingxiu's group was injured, but it was hard to say how serious the injury was.


Suddenly, the sound of heavy objects falling came from deep in the warehouse.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, pulled out a dagger with one hand, and immediately walked towards the direction where the heavy object fell.

A few minutes later, he saw a package lying on the ground.

He glanced at the package, then raised the corners of his mouth quietly, pretending to know nothing and walked forward. After passing the package, he suddenly quickened his pace and looked back.

Dozens of rats followed him along the shelf, and the pairs of red eyes in the dark looked extremely scary.

"So many!"

Wuming was a little surprised, but his hands did not stop.

A flying knife shot out and still hit one of the rats accurately, and the rat fell to the ground on the spot.

This was like a signal to start a war. The rest of the rats jumped up and smashed towards Wuming like dumplings. Wuming moved quickly to the right to avoid the rats' attack.

At the last moment, he was still in the mood to cut off the lower body of one of the rats with a knife.

Next, the rats quickly chased after him. Wuming ran around the cargo rack, throwing out a dagger from time to time. The rat closest to him would be hit by the dagger.

Under the intentional control of the distance, the rats continued to decrease in number, and finally a few rats scattered and ran away.

Wuming stopped, took a breath, took a bottle of water from his backpack, opened it, drank a sip after ensuring safety, then screwed the lid on and walked towards the retreat.

Somewhere in the basement.

Wang Zong bandaged his wound and couldn't help coughing lightly.

He was having a great time killing people. When he was looking for food in a fast food restaurant, he met the store owner who asked for help. He killed him with a sharp knife.

Who knew that he would be shot from behind by another person next.

The shooter was wearing a military uniform, his eyes were red, and his appearance was somewhat similar to the female store owner of the fast food restaurant. It was probably his son or relative.

When the other party wanted to fire a second shot, he decisively entered the back kitchen and left through the back door.

He did not regret killing someone, but was a little depressed. If he had noticed someone behind him earlier, the bullet would not have hit him at all. He could have determined the trajectory of the bullet before the other party fired and avoided the bullet one step ahead.

Within three steps, the other party would have been killed by him with one sword.

Unfortunately, he was injured now.

Although the bullet had been removed, the injury would seriously slow down his speed in killing monsters.

"No, I have to go to the pharmacy to find painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. As long as there are painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, I can still kill!" Wang Zong gritted his teeth, stood up, picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and dragged his tired body out of the basement.

A few minutes later, he found a pharmacy. As soon as he entered the pharmacy, he heard footsteps, so he quickly hid behind the medicine cabinet and saw the person who shot him before through the reflection of the mirror.

The other party was holding a machine gun and searching everywhere with red eyes. You don't have to guess who he was looking for.

Come in, kill you!

Wang Zong narrowed his eyes and stared at the other party's figure. Unfortunately, the man did not enter the pharmacy, but walked through the pharmacy.

Although Wang Zong wanted to rush out, because of the wound, he did not have the confidence to kill the other party before the other party shot through his body.

Be patient!

Wang Zong took a deep breath and watched the other party disappear at the end of the reflection, so he thought secretly in his heart.

After making sure the other party had left, he quickly took the medicine and took it in the store, applying some powder to the wound.

After a while, he felt that his injury had healed a lot, especially the feeling of weakness caused by the pain had basically disappeared.

He held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He felt uncomfortable if he didn't kill the bastard who hurt him, and the other party had a gun in his hand, which was always a threat. If he was shot by someone unexpectedly when he was killing monsters, it would be fatal.

So he had to kill the other party first before he could kill monsters with peace of mind!

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