I Contracted Myself


Chen Qizhi glanced at a pharmacy and could see his bloodshot eyes through the glass of the pharmacy.

After the disaster broke out, he tried his best to rush home from school. He encountered many dangers and opportunities on the way.

He even got the favor and funding of an officer and had enough equipment to protect himself.

He had two tasks this time. One was to find his mother and take her to a safe place for refuge. The other was to collect more survivors and take all the survivors to the survivor camp.

But he didn't expect that he didn't find his mother when he rushed home, so he rushed to the store opened by his mother, but saw that his mother was killed by the murderer.

At that moment, the string in his mind broke, and there was only one thought left in his mind, that is, to kill that bastard.

But that bastard was terrible. He could run after being shot. His bullets behind him didn't hit the other party. In addition to the weapon used by the other party, he felt that once the bastard got close to him, he would definitely be in danger.

He glanced at the grenade hanging on his waist, then his fingers tightly squeezed the trigger, and every step was taken very carefully.

Once he found that bastard, he would shoot without hesitation and would not stop until he had beaten the bastard to a hive.

But... where was he?

He should not have stopped at that time, and should not have stayed beside his mother's body.

Being sad cannot bring his mother back to life.

Only revenge for his mother can comfort her spirit in heaven.

Chen Qizhi glanced at another pharmacy and saw that there was no one inside. He sighed in his heart: "The bastard is injured, so he must be looking for medicine. If the pharmacy doesn't have it, it will be difficult to find it."

There must be medicine in the residential building.

If the bastard is not in the pharmacy, then he must be hiding in thousands of households. There are so many buildings in the city that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Qizhi felt a little anxious when he thought that he might not be able to avenge his mother.

If he had not encountered countless dangers along the way and his mind had been transformed again and again between life and death, he would definitely not be able to suppress the impulse in his heart and do irrational things.

But he is no longer the college student who knew nothing a few weeks ago. Now he knows very well that he must be calm and must live.

Only by living can you get revenge.

Wang Zong is like a cat, walking without any sound.

He followed the path that Chen Qizhi had walked, because there were very few people in the city, and most of them were hiding and not moving, so the footprints on the ground were very clear.

A moment later, he saw Chen Qizhi carefully push open a glass door, with the muzzle of the gun pointing into the store.

Then Chen Qizhi seemed a little disappointed, exited the store, and slowly searched the next place.

"It's too dangerous to get close!"

Wang Zong observed for a while and came to a conclusion in his heart.

Although Chen Qizhi was not very old, he acted very carefully, with the muzzle of the gun always pointing in front of him, and from the way he held the gun, it was obvious that someone had taught him how to shoot, and he must have experienced a lot of actual combat.

If he was not injured, such a character would not be dangerous, but he was injured.

At this time, he glanced at the store next to him, walked into the store, picked up an ashtray, weighed the weight of the ashtray, and smiled with satisfaction.

Walking out of the store, he quietly followed Chen Qizhi.

Although Chen Qizhi was wearing a bulletproof helmet and a bulletproof vest, his neck was his weak point.

He only needed to throw the ashtray with all his strength. Once it hit Chen Qizhi's neck, Chen Qizhi would be paralyzed in an instant and could no longer pose a threat to him.

But the distance was a bit far now, so he had to get closer, otherwise his strength would not be enough.

He had to admit that his injury had caused his strength to drop a bit seriously, and he had to use more skills to deal with the enemy that could have been easily dealt with.


Chen Qizhi walked in front, always feeling that someone was looking at him. He looked around suspiciously and looked back from time to time, but he didn't find anything.

He thought he was too sensitive and paid too much attention to that bastard, so this happened.

So he continued to move forward, searching for Wang Zong's traces along the way.

Wang Zong lay on the ceiling, and with a glance from the corner of his eye, he made sure that Chen Qizhi didn't notice him, and immediately landed like a cat, while holding the ashtray in his mouth in his hand.

This distance was enough.

He was indeed getting closer and closer to Chen Qizhi, but Chen Qizhi turned around several times and was perfectly dodged by him.


Wang Zong took a deep breath, then raised the ashtray in his hand and threw it at Chen Qizhi's neck.

I believe many people have seen ashtrays made of glass. This kind of ashtray is often round or square, and at the same time, it is composed of a large number of irregular polyhedrons, just like crystal, which is easy to reflect light.

The moment Wang Zong raised his hand, the ashtray was illuminated by the light, and then a reflection fell on the store glass on the side, and then the glass was reflected on the rearview mirror of a car in front.

The position of the rearview mirror just formed an angle with Chen Qizhi, so Chen Qizhi saw the light.

The next moment, his scalp numbed, and he squatted down instinctively. The ashtray just flew over his head and finally hit the load-bearing column not far away. The porcelain pieces of the load-bearing column were smashed open and the ashtray was broken into pieces.

If this force hit him...

Chen Qizhi was shocked and angry, then he turned around and quickly pulled the trigger, but Wang Zong had already hidden himself.

When Chen Qizhi avoided the attack of the ashtray, Wang Zong realized that he had missed, so he quickly hid in the shop next to him. Chen Qizhi turned around and shot, and the glass not far away shattered and fell to the ground.

"Woof woof!"


At this time, some sounds rang out.

The monsters around heard the sound here and were obviously rushing over.

Chen Qizhi stared at the shop where Wang Zong was hiding, and wanted to rush in and kill Wang Zong immediately, but reason told him that he had to run quickly, otherwise it would be troublesome to be locked by the monster.

In the end, reason defeated anger.

Chen Qizhi ran away quickly. After he left, a three-meter-tall wolfdog quickly appeared, and a huge venomous snake also appeared.

The two monsters quickly caught the bloody smell in the air and locked onto the shop where Wang Zong was hiding.


Wuming passed through another door of the warehouse and entered the retreat route that had been arranged long ago. After walking a distance, he saw the body of a junior high school student.

The corpse had been gnawed by rats and his face was no longer visible. He walked past the corpse in silence.

Then more corpses appeared.

It seemed that after he left, Jing Xiu and his companions were chased by rats all the way. The situation was a bit bad.

These rats chose this time to attack instead of attacking earlier or later. Could it be related to the big rat he shot?

If this was the case, wouldn't it mean that he had harmed Jing Xiu and his companions?

Wuming felt a little heavy, but he didn't draw a conclusion immediately. He had to wait until he saw Jing Xiu and his companions before he could make a conclusion.

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