I Contracted Myself

【882】Fighting Rat

Ten minutes later, Wuming saw Wang Qiang's body.

There was a bloody machete beside Wang Qiang, and there were some dead rats not far away. It was obvious that he had fought with these mutant rats before he died.


Wuming picked up the machete and continued to move forward.

Finally, he saw Jing Xiu's body. Jing Xiu was killed by some kind of huge claws. The lower right chest was completely hollowed out. It seemed that he died very suddenly.

"So that's it."

When Wuming saw Jing Xiu's body, his mind automatically filled in the last link.

A huge, humanoid monster attacked the warehouse. Jing Xiu followed Wuming's arrangement and led people to evacuate decisively, but was chased by the monster all the way.


Suddenly, a strange laughter came from not far ahead.

This kind of sound is known to be not made by humans. Wuming looked forward and saw a three-meter-tall rat with a human head on its tail looking at Wuming with a humane, half-smile look.

In fact, this scene is very terrifying.

In the dark passage, a rat that was bigger than a cow was lying on the ground, but its face had some human characteristics. The face that could cause the uncanny valley effect was extremely intimidating to humans.

If someone had never experienced a battle and was not particularly courageous, he would probably lose his courage when he saw the rat and would not have the courage to fight it.

"Is that rat your subordinate?" Wuming asked.

Of course, he did not expect the rat to understand human words. He walked towards the rat quickly while speaking, with an inexplicable low pressure on his body.

The rat, which was originally a prey, narrowed its eyes and shrank its sharp claws when it saw Wuming slowly approaching.

Five meters, three meters, one meter...

Suddenly, both sides attacked at the same time. The big rat exerted force on its hind legs, and its hidden claws suddenly stretched out, and its sharp nails flashed coldly in the faint light.

Wuming turned sideways, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, and avoided the rat's attack just right. Then he used the machete in his hand to cut off the softest ear of the rat, and a lot of blood immediately flowed out of the ear.

After the attack, Wuming quickly retreated to avoid the attack of the human head on the rat's tail.

The human head only had one way to attack, and after avoiding it, Wuming pulled out his scimitar and turned around. The human head immediately rolled off the rat's tail, and blood flowed again.

But at this moment, Wuming noticed that there were protrusions moving on the rat's fur, so he continued to retreat decisively, and then he saw rats jumping out of the fur.

These rats were hiding under the rat's fur.

Obviously, the body of this rat might not be as strong as Wuming saw, and there were still many rats hiding under its fur.

Wuming avoided the attack of these small rats, pulled out a dagger with his left hand, and unexpectedly shot it at the ceiling, and a rat with invisibility was shot dead immediately.

The big rat obviously didn't expect that the trump card of its sneak attack would be seen through. It looked at Wuming in surprise while feeling pain.

In fact, Wuming didn't see through the invisible rat, but the invisible rat exposed its whereabouts. When it came out of the big rat's fur, although its specific image could not be seen, it was still very obvious that the fur was lifted.

As long as you pay attention to the big rat, you will find that discordant scene, and then calculate the direction of the rat a little bit, Wuming is 80% sure that he can shoot the opponent.

Of course, if the rat paused halfway, Wuming might miss it.

It's just a rat, how can it be so scheming.

Wuming shot the invisible rat and then continued to retreat. When he retreated to Jingxiu, a rat suddenly came out of Jingxiu's body and attacked.

Get out!

Wuming saw this scene and immediately kicked the attacking rat, but the rat reacted quickly and immediately landed on Wuming's foot, opening its mouth and trying to bite.

But Wuming was faster, and when the rat just landed on his foot, the other foot had already kicked.

His whole body was suspended in the air, and with the cooperation of his legs, the rat was kicked away before it had time to bite, hitting the face of the big rat that wanted to attack.

After the attack, Wuming fell to the ground and flew back. The big rat tore the small rat that hit its face into pieces and continued to chase and kill.

One of the two sides was retreating, and the other was advancing. The distance between them did not change much.

Wuming's forehead was slightly sweaty. He held the scimitar in one hand and a special small dagger on his waist with the other hand. The shape of the dagger was similar to that of a dog's tooth, and there was a ring at the end of the handle, and the finger could be inserted into the ring.

Suddenly, the big rat accelerated and pounced on him. At the same time, several small rats jumped out above his head and sprayed black liquid at Wuming.

Wuming could only dodge to the right. The big rat stretched out its claws, and the claws actually became longer little by little.

In an instant, Jingxiu's wound flashed through Wuming's mind. He squinted his eyes and made a posture of iron bridge. At the same time, his left hand held the small dagger and rotated it quickly, throwing it out with soft power.

The small dagger bounced off the ground, and the big rat's claws swept past Wuming. The small dagger hit the ceiling, and the friction between the ring and the ceiling splashed sparks.

The big rat was immediately attracted by the sparks, but it was too late to dodge, and the small dagger instantly pierced its left eye.


The big rat missed the attack, and its eyes were blinded by the small dagger instead, and its body slammed into the wooden box in front of it.

Swish, swish, swish!

Wuming got up again, and immediately took off the light crossbow hanging on his waist, which was only more than 30 centimeters long, and shot four arrows at the big rat's body in succession.

It must be said that he carried a lot of weapons, but his movements were not hindered by these weapons at all. On the contrary, he could occasionally use the weight of these weapons to perform actions that ordinary people could hardly do.

He was indeed far behind Wang Zong in hand-to-hand combat, but compared with ordinary people, he was a grandmaster.

This rat was very strong, but not strong enough to run away. After all, he now had enough equipment, unlike before when he had nothing and could only run away when he saw a dog.

Throwing the light crossbow aside, Wuming took out a dagger, looked at it carefully, and then threw the dagger.

The big rat suddenly got up and swung back. A small mouse just blocked the dagger and screamed and rolled down from the big rat's fur. The dagger was hit in the abdomen and it was obviously dead.

Wuming chuckled and threw the dagger again. The big rat was about three meters away from Wuming. Because one eye was blind, he could not accurately judge the position of the dagger, so he could only order the mouse to come out of his body to block the attack for him.

Animals have eyes on both sides. Once one eye is blind, their vision will be greatly weakened.

Even if Wuming deliberately walked towards the blind eye of the rat, the rat would have to keep turning around to keep up. It could no longer observe the situation on its left side. Once Wuming's attack was launched from the left, it would be difficult for it to defend.

With such a big flaw, the outcome was actually doomed.

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