I Contracted Myself

【883】Non-fatal fatal injury

Ten minutes later, the big rat fell to the ground with a crash, covered in scars, and the worst thing was that his right eye had been blinded.

Because both eyes were blind, the big mouse was completely unable to defend itself against Wuming's attacks. Wuming kept leaving scars on his body, and he bled to death.

In fact, Wuming had a way to kill the big rat faster, but he just didn't kill it cruelly, which would not relieve Wuming's depression.

After the big mouse died, Wuming slowly walked back, preparing to pick up the bodies of Wang Qiang, Jing Xiu and others. Although he did not kill these people, he was also responsible.

If he had realized earlier that rats might swarm, they might not have died.

On the other side, forced by the threat of two monsters, Chen Qizhi left the scene.

But he didn't actually go far. Instead, he hid not far from the shop and observed the situation through the gap in the window.

When the big wolf dog and the big venomous snake appeared, he slightly tightened the gun in his hand and observed the changes in the situation with the corner of his eye. If the big wolf dog and the big venomous snake could not kill Wang Zong, he would find a way to replace the gun.

He is not obsessed with killing Wang Zong with his own hands. If two monsters can eat Wang Zong, he will definitely be happy to see it. After all, if the monster eats Wang Zong, Wang Zong will really turn into shit.

At this time, the big venomous snake coiled up and stared at the big wolf dog warily. The big wolf dog sniffed the shop and fired its tail at the shop like an anti-aircraft gun.


The ground shook, and the shop and the house were shattered.

Chen Qizhi's pupils shrank slightly and he didn't dare to take a breath. The abilities of this big wolf dog were so terrifying, and its tail turned out to be a cannon.

When the venomous snake saw this scene, it immediately ran away without saying a word. The big wolfdog didn't pay attention to the venomous snake. It fired another shot at the collapsed house.

Suddenly, a man covered in blood rushed out of the dust.

"He's not even dead!"

Chen Qizhi's eyes widened and he looked at Wang Zong in disbelief as he rushed towards the big wolf dog.

The house collapsed so badly that he couldn't imagine how Wang Zong survived. How could this bastard survive like that?

Is it true that good people don’t live long and disasters last for thousands of years?

Chen Qizhi slowly raised the gun in his hand, but Wang Zong moved too fast. In an instant, Wang Zong ran to the big wolf dog and slashed at the big wolf dog's legs with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

The big wolf dog reacted quickly and immediately moved back, but Wang Zong seemed to have foreseen this scene, and the knife just now turned out to be a feint attack.

The sword missed, Wang Zong was faster, and the big wolf dog wanted to bombard Wang Zong, but Wang Zong was too close to it, and its tail could not aim at this distance.

It could only growl, open its mouth, lower its head and bite Wang Zong.

But it didn't know that Wang Zong was waiting for it to lower its head. As soon as the mouth dropped, Wang Zong slashed its nose with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. The injury was not serious but the pain was extremely strong.

"Ang ang ang!'

The big wolfdog screamed in pain, and then jumped up and down in an attempt to distance itself.

But how could Wang Zong let him distance himself and chase him almost closely? However, he could accurately calculate the landing point of the big wolf dog. Even if the big wolf dog wanted to trample him to death, it could not hit him.

If the three-blade ax cannot kill Wang Zong, then Wang Zong will become its nightmare.

"It's too strong. Is this really a human being?"

Chen Qizhi's face was very ugly, his enemy was as strong as a ghost, and no one would be happy.

That big wolf dog, if it were him, would probably be dead if it were discovered. The gun in his hand would not be of much use at all, but Wang Zong was able to chase the big wolf dog and kill it.

This guy is simply too strong to be human.

But the more this happened, the more Chen Qizhi understood that now was his only chance. Once Wang Zong's injury healed, he would never have the chance to kill Wang Zong again.

He gritted his teeth and immediately ran out of his hiding place, observing the surrounding terrain while running, looking for a suitable sniper position.

Now Wang Zong's attention is all on the big wolf dog. He must seize the opportunity to shoot Wang Zong. Once the big wolf dog is killed, Wang Zong may not be easy to kill.

On the other side, Wang Zong cut off one of the big wolf dog's toes with a knife, then moved quickly to one side, and a piece of gravel flew past his right side like a bullet.

Naturally, the big wolf dog does not have such high intelligence and knows how to hit people with stones, but every move of the big wolf dog will cause the earth to shake and the mountains will shake. Some rocks will fly everywhere when they collide with each other. Most people will be stoned to death in an instant.

Wang Zong knew very well that he had to fight the big wolf dog face to face. Once he was separated, he would be at a disadvantage. This dog has a very strong long-range attack, and he was hit unexpectedly. His internal organs are still aching, but thanks to this, his adrenaline hormones exploded. Now not only does he feel no pain, but he is also full of energy and feels like he can fight. One hundred nameless people.

Although this state is only temporary, it is enough for him.

Next, he circled the big wolf dog and launched attacks continuously. All four legs of the big wolf dog were severely scarred by cuts. Finally, the front foot and the back foot were violently separated, and the big wolf dog fell suddenly.

It wasn't Wang Zong who cut off the big wolf dog's legs, but the big wolf dog's own weight that crushed the legs. Wang Zong just made the two feet fragile.

With the fall of the big wolfdog, the battle is basically over.

The big wolf dog smashed out a large amount of dust. In the dust, Wang Zong suddenly felt dizzy, and the super state brought about by adrenaline hormones receded like a tide.


Suddenly, gunshots rang out violently, and there was a burst of shooting. Wang Zong was hit in the kidney, right arm, and neck by bullets.

However, at the moment of being hit by the bullet, he twisted his body decisively. Only a large piece of skin was knocked off his neck, and even the blood vessels were exposed to the air. His arms and kidneys were unavoidable and took the bullet attack.

At this moment, he looked towards the direction where the bullet came from with a hideous face, and saw Chen Qizhi covered in blood, staring at him with hatred.

"Bastard, you are looking for death!"

Wang Zong's eyes were wide open, and he suddenly threw the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand with a shake of his body.

Da da da da da!

Chen Qizhi was shaken for a moment, and the bullets swept to one side, and then his forehead was pierced by the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. He widened his eyes, fell unwillingly, and pulled the trigger tightly for another round of sweeping.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or Chen Qizhi's willpower was strong. This last round of sweeping was towards Wang Zong. Wang Zong avoided most of the bullets, but was hit in the calf by the stray bullet that bounced back.

Under normal circumstances, the bullet would definitely not hit him, but his injuries were too severe now. It was so severe that ordinary people could not stand at all, and it would not be surprising if they died in the next second.

The leg injury was not fatal.

But Wang Zong knew very well that this was actually the most fatal injury, because as the big wolf dog fell, the venomous snake that had retreated before actually appeared again stealthily.

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