I Contracted Myself

【884】The Dignity of a Fisherman

Seven days can be long or short.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. Wuming and Wang Zong appeared in the white space. They looked at each other and waited for the final result.

At this time, a light screen appeared in front of the two.

The light screen showed the two people's portraits, and then their names appeared at the same time, and the number of kills of the two people was slowly displayed below.

Wuming: 2,866.

Wang Zong: 1,739.

When the numbers were displayed, Wuming was surprised at first, and then looked at Wang Zong with a smile, while Wang Zong's face was livid, and the veins on his forehead slowly bulged.

If it wasn't for Chen Qizhi, how could his number be so small.

"It's just over a thousand. I haven't seen you for a few days. You have become trash again." Wuming smiled proudly.

Wang Zong didn't say anything. No matter how many harsh words he said, it would be no different from farting without actual performance.

Although he was harmed by an NPC this time, losing is losing. Besides, he had never beaten Wuming before. It didn't matter if he lost again. As long as he could turn the tables in the end, the current failure was nothing.

At this time, two white lights fell, and Wuming and Wang Zong disappeared in the white light at the same time.

When the two opened their eyes again, there was an endless sea in front of them, and they appeared on a huge ship beyond imagination at the same time.

The woman's voice sounded: "The sixth floor, welcome the two players to the Endless Sea Chart. There are countless magical lives hidden in the sea. As anglers, you board the Endless Voyage. Please catch as many fish as possible before the Endless Voyage reaches the end. The final winner will receive a magical fishing rod as a reward, which can be taken out of the Tower of Babel of Death."

There is a reward, which can be taken out of the Tower of Babel of Death.

Magical props!

Wuming and Wang Zong's eyes lit up at the same time, realizing that there are benefits to be gained in the sixth level.

Both of them immediately became excited. Compared with those levels without rewards, the levels with rewards can indeed stimulate people's desire to win.

After the sound ended, the two found that they could move.


The next moment, the two found that their physical fitness was not weakened, but the energy in their bodies seemed to be unable to be used, and their abilities could not be activated, only their physical fitness was preserved.

Wang Zong reacted and immediately punched Wuming, but the punch was blocked by a layer of ripples when it hit Wuming. This layer could not hurt the opponent.

Wang Zong realized the details that the rules did not mention, so he retracted his fist and said lightly: "Hmph, good luck!"

In the case of being unable to use abilities, even if the two people have similar physical fitness, he is sure to beat Wuming to the ground. As long as Wuming cannot fish, he will be the winner even if he only catches one fish.

Unfortunately, there is no such big loophole in the Tower of Death Babel for him to exploit.

Wuming was suddenly attacked, and he had actually prepared a defensive posture. Seeing that the attack did not work, he followed Wang Zong with a smile and said: "How do you feel after losing five games in a row? Do you feel that you are getting closer and closer to death?"

"What does a temporary victory or defeat matter? The person who laughs last must be me!" Wang Zong said lightly.

Wuming leaned his hands behind his back and whistled, "You are just a stubborn duck. I see you are panicking and scared to death. You have to hide in the quilt and cry secretly at night."

"Humph." Wang Zong quickened his pace with an unhappy look on his face.

However, Wuming followed closely behind, laughing smugly from time to time, making Wang Zong want to kill Wuming right now.

This damn rule.

Wang Zong cursed inwardly and walked into the cabin quickly.

Countless puppets were working in the cabin. When they saw the two people, a mechanical puppet immediately stepped forward and said, "Welcome, two distinguished guests. Your room is ready. Please follow me."

"I want to fish, not go back to the room." Wang Zong said directly.

The mechanical puppet heard it and responded, "My distinguished guest, the Endless Voyage has not yet arrived at a suitable fishing spot. I don't recommend you to go fishing."

"What if I insist on going?" Wang Zong asked.

The mechanical puppet heard it, his eyes flashed, and another puppet came over and said, "Dear guest, please follow me."

Wang Zong nodded and immediately followed the puppet to leave.

"Take me to my room." Wuming did not follow, but prepared to go back to his room first.

Since the mechanical puppet took him to the room first, maybe there were some clues in the room.

After the two separated, the mechanical puppet took Wuming forward, and came to a room after many twists and turns. After opening the door, he said, "Dear guest, please remember your room number."

"No. 101, OK, I remember it." Wuming nodded.

Then he entered the room, and the mechanical puppet closed the door. "Huh!"

Wuming lay on the bed, and the whole person breathed a sigh of relief.

In the previous level, he killed monsters almost day and night. Although the fatigue was eliminated after the level was cleared, the memory itself carried weight, and he still felt a mechanical fatigue.

After lying for a while, he noticed a book on the bedside table, so he picked it up and opened it.

"It's actually an illustrated guide of various fish, but are these things really fish?" Wuming sat up suddenly and couldn't help complaining after reading two pages.

Computer fish, a fish that looks exactly like a laptop, likes to eat bait like graphics cards.

Door fish, a fish whose scales are made entirely of doors, likes to eat bait like keys.

Cotton fish, a fish made entirely of cotton, likes to eat bait like quilts.

There are so many fish, so weird that Wuming can't really treat them as normal fish.

However, this illustration is very useful, recording many baits that ordinary fish like. However, the further you go, the more difficult it is to describe the appearance of the fish, and some fish with question marks begin to appear.

The name is a question mark, the size is a question mark, and the preference is also a question mark.

This kind of fish has nothing to do with fish just by looking at its appearance. In the world view of the K-series, K-series monsters can be called beautiful.

"By the way, what is the winning condition for this level?" Wuming looked at it, and suddenly an idea popped up out of thin air.

The female voice explained the rules, but in the end it just asked them to get as many fish as possible, but did not say that the one who got the most fish would win.

In the previous level, killing monsters only depends on the number, not the strength.

There is no rule that powerful monsters can be counted as ten ordinary monsters.

So what about this level?

Assuming that it is just to count the number of fish caught, then this illustration is actually unnecessary.

Is it weight?

In this level, the winner is actually determined by the total weight of the fish caught.

Of course, there is another possibility that all aspects are taken into account, such as weight, rarity, number of times the fish are caught, etc., all of which are calculated comprehensively to determine the winner.

As a fisherman, he cannot lose this round.

Wuming likes fishing very much and often goes fishing in the Great Wilderness Special Zone. Although he often catches nothing when fishing, it is related to the dignity of a fisherman, so he will take it seriously this time.

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