I Contracted Myself


On the other side, under the guidance of the mechanical puppet, Wang Zong came to the fishing gear display room.

He looked at the dazzling array of fishing rods, as well as various baits and fishing lines, and asked: "Are all the fishing rods here?"

"Dear guest, yes, all the fishing rods are here." The mechanical puppet replied.

Wang Zong nodded and slowly walked to the table where the fishing rods were displayed. These fishing rods were placed vertically one by one, each with its own use. He looked and asked: "Wuming also uses the fishing rods here?"

"All fishing gear will be shared by the two guests." The mechanical puppet replied.

Wang Zong narrowed his eyes and nodded: "Okay, leave this to me next, you go back."

After the mechanical puppet left, he immediately selected a fishing rod, walked outside the display room, threw the fishing rod into the sea neatly, and then waited quietly.

If this level was the first level, if he had not lost to Wuming so many times, he would actually disdain to do such a thing.

But he had been losing all the time before. Although he didn't say it, he had accumulated a lot of resentment in his mind. In fact, we can see some clues from the indiscriminate killing behavior on the previous level.

Now, in order to win Wuming, he has completely used all means. No matter how despicable the behavior is, as long as it is beneficial to him, he will not hesitate to execute it.

An hour later, he smiled and said, "It seems that the fishing rod does not have the ability to automatically reset, which means that one less fishing rod here..."

He didn't know how good Wuming was at fishing, but he knew that he was just average at fishing.

In this case, let Wuming not be able to fish from the beginning.

Next, he kept going back and forth in the storage room, throwing various fishing rods into the water. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not safe enough, so he simply threw all the fishing lines and fish hooks into the water, leaving only five rolls of fishing lines and five fish hooks to carry with him.

He took the last fishing rod and left the storage room with a sneer. He was looking forward to Wuming's expression when he entered the storage room.


The next day, Wuming got up and had a big meal in the restaurant.

The food on the Endless Voyage was quite good. Wuming ate heartily, and then he leisurely ordered the mechanical puppet to take him to see the fishing gear.

However, when he came to the fishing gear storage room, he looked at the empty storage room and fell silent.

"Where is the fishing gear?"

Wuming asked the mechanical puppet behind him.

"Dear guest, all the fishing gear is here." The mechanical puppet replied.

Wuming pointed to the empty storage room and frowned, "All... I understand, Wang Zong..."

He didn't expect that the fishing gear was not separated, one person per room, but all the fishing gear was put together. Obviously, Wang Zong took all the fishing gear for himself last night.

This behavior is too cheap.

Wuming said indifferently: "Take me to the fishing platform."

"The most expensive guest, please follow me." The mechanical puppet said.

Under the guidance of the mechanical puppet, Wuming came to the fishing platform, and sure enough, Wang Zong was fishing with a fishing rod in his hand.

"Tsk, you fished all night? It seems that no fish has been hooked." Wuming walked forward, observed the fish guard, and then said lightly.

Wang Zong looked at the sea and said lightly: "You should think about yourself."

"Where are the other fishing rods?" Wuming asked straight to the point.

Wang Zong sneered: "Other fishing rods? Sorry, they were taken away by fish during fishing. Now there is only this one fishing rod left."

"Don't you even want the bottom line? It seems that five consecutive losses have distorted your mind." Wuming smiled lightly.

After saying that, he was too lazy to look at Wang Zong's face, turned around and left, and the smile on his face was put away.

Back to the room.

Wuming sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about how to solve the problem next.

Although Wang Zong threw away all the fishing rods and fishing lines, the situation was not too bad. For such a large boat, there must be something that can be replaced.

He is not a handmade scum with zero hands-on ability, and it is not difficult to make a fishing rod by himself.

However, the two people share the fishing rod, which is a bit interesting.

Because Wuming has not seen all the fishing rods, he is not sure whether all the fishing rods are the same, but it is likely that each fishing rod is different.

In short, every time they arrive at a fishing spot, the two people should compete in judging the fishing spot and choosing fishing gear.

Choosing different fishing gear will have a great impact on the results of fishing.

What is the result.

Wang Zong threw away or hid the other fishing rods, and the hidden details were directly destroyed.

It has to be said that Wang Zong is really a breaker of the rules of the game. So far, in every level, Wang Zong has been breaking the rules more or less and not following the routine at all.

But this behavior seems stupid to Wuming.

Before the fishing spot is reached, and no fish has been hooked, Wang Zong is in a hurry to throw away all the fishing rods. If he ends up empty-handed, wouldn’t it be a joke?

Next, we have to make two plans.

Wuming thought about it and gradually came up with an idea.

The first plan is to make fishing gear by himself. As long as he looks in this boat, he should be able to find a lot of substitutes.

As for the second plan, it was to secretly observe Wang Zong and find an opportunity to throw his fishing gear into the sea. It would be fun for everyone to be without fishing gear.

As for why he didn't take it for himself, it was mainly because he was worried about the rules.

If there was an unspoken rule on the ship that whoever took the fishing gear out of the storage room would own it, and he was exposed for taking Wang Zong's fishing gear, it might lead to unexpected situations.

Wuming would definitely not allow this to happen, so the best way was to throw away the fishing rod and give the other party a taste of his own medicine.

"Okay, let's go and find a suitable replacement."

After thinking it through, Wuming got up and walked around the room first, then went out and started wandering around the ship.

The Endless Voyage was very large, and it took most of the day to walk around the ship, but Wuming found that the ship was very clean along the way.

There was almost no garbage, and no extra debris.

He wandered around until noon, and under the guidance of the mechanical puppets, he came to the restaurant again and had a leisurely lunch. Wang Zong still did not appear, probably still fishing.

After he was full, one mechanical puppet after another appeared and began to clean up the leftovers on the table.


Wuming looked at the busy mechanical puppets and suddenly realized something.

The debris on the ship might have all been cleaned up by the mechanical puppets. Even if he continued to wander around, he probably wouldn't find anything useful.

But the problem is...he doesn't actually need to look for it, just ask these mechanical puppets directly.

"Is there a room here that can transform tools?"

After Wuming figured it out, he walked directly to a mechanical puppet and asked.

The mechanical puppet paused, then smoothly handed the work to the next mechanical puppet, then looked at Wuming and replied: "Yes, please follow me."

After that, it took Wuming to a room on the second floor. After opening the room, Wuming saw a dazzling array of tools.

Wuming looked at a fishing rod without a fishing line, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up. It turned out that the turning point was hidden in such a place.

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