I Contracted Myself

【886】Electric fish

The Endless Voyage rode the wind and waves and gradually came to a strange sea area.

There were flashes of lightning on the surface of this sea area from time to time, and the dark clouds in the sky were like a huge vortex, with a lightning ball brewing in the middle.

"Ding Dong, we have arrived at the electronic sea area, we have arrived at the electronic sea area."

A mechanical sound was heard on the Endless Voyage, and then the speed of travel slowly slowed down.

Wuming heard the sound in the room and got up and said, "We are finally here."

The Endless Voyage has been sailing on the sea for three days. He had already built fishing gear yesterday and was waiting to go fishing in a suitable place.

He picked up a bag and went directly to the fishing platform. Sure enough, Wang Zong was still here.

"After three days of fishing, why are you still empty-handed?" Wuming walked up and took a look, and couldn't help laughing.

Wang Zong worked hard, but the direction of his efforts was a little wrong.

"You should think about yourself." Wang Zong said sarcastically.

As he spoke, he looked at the big backpack that Wuming was carrying, and wondered what was in the backpack.

In fact, he didn't need to continue guessing. Wuming walked to a nearby place and put down his bag. After opening the bag, he took out a fishing rod, and then took out a folding chair and opened it.

He sat on the chair and smiled, "Are you surprised? Are you shocked?"


Wang Zong's heart sank slightly, but he didn't say much.

Although he didn't know where Wuming got the fishing rod, he knew that his calculations had failed. Next, he could only compete to see who caught more fish.

Wuming put on anti-electric gloves, then hung up the homemade bait, and gently swung the fishing rod. With the sound of the fishing line being released, the bait quickly flew to the distant sea surface.


The bait fell into the sea water and sank quickly.

The electronic sea area is rich in electrical fish. Among them, the most difficult fish to catch is the quantum computer fish. This is a very large fish with extremely strong computing power. It can easily break the fishing line by struggling.

Only when the computing speed exceeds that of the quantum computer fish can it be caught.

Generally, electrical fish like to eat metal fish. All metal fish are their targets. Therefore, the bait Wuming used this time was very heavy. It was a small fish made of solid stainless steel. It could reflect the light of metal in the lightning, which could easily attract the attention of electrical fish.

Under the sea, many fish were eating electrons floating in the sea water. A mobile phone fish swam in front of a ray of electric light. It was sucked into its body after a little absorption of the electric light, and an extra grid of electricity appeared on the screen above its head.

Suddenly, the lightning in the distance illuminated a dark sea area, and a ray of metal light was reflected.

Many fish noticed the light of metal, so they looked over there.

The mobile phone fish also swam over immediately, and in a moment, it saw a metal fish swimming clumsily. It was instinctively attracted by the metal fish and swam over slowly.

At this time, a larger phone fish appeared, and the mobile phone fish quickly swallowed the metal fish in one bite to prevent the metal fish it found from being robbed.

On the boat, Wuming's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled the fishing rod hard, and the fishing rod immediately bent downward, and the fishing line was straightened.

"Hahaha, it's hooked, a good start!" Wuming laughed at Wang Zong.

Then he quickly reeled in the line, and felt that the fish didn't seem to be very big, and the struggle was not strong. After a few minutes, he pulled the fish onto the boat.

Mobile phone fish!

Wuming recognized the type of fish immediately after taking a look.

He lifted the mobile phone fish by pinching the fishing line and smiled to Wang Zong: "The first one, it looks good."


Wang Zong snorted in his heart, reeled in the line quickly, and decided to change a position to continue fishing.

Because Wuming didn't bring a fish guard, he simply put the fish in a bucket, and then he cast the rod again, waiting for a new fish to be hooked.

When he was free, he began to observe the mobile phone fish. This mobile phone fish was very flat, and its body was like a mobile phone protective case. There was a mobile phone on its back, and the mobile phone had various functions.

"I wonder if it can make a call."

Wuming clicked the dial button on the mobile phone fish with some curiosity, and then entered the dial interface.

He dialed the phone number based on his memory, but it didn't go through.

"It's true that the phone call can't reach home."

Wuming's interest suddenly decreased, and then he tried to download the game again.

This time it was successful, but after playing for a while, the battery of the mobile fish dropped to 50%. Wuming was afraid that it would die, so he didn't dare to continue playing.

In fact, this fish has many special features, such as its body is a perfect fusion of machinery and flesh and blood.

The combination of the two is almost no contradiction.

While teasing the fish, Wuming gently controlled the fishing rod with his hand, letting the fishing line go up and down.

After about fifteen minutes, the fishing line sank suddenly, and Wuming immediately grabbed the fishing rod and pulled it up, but soon the fishing rod became light and the fish ran away.


Wuming reeled in the line with some helplessness and found that the metal fish was gone.

Good guy.

The fish not only ran away by itself, but also took away his bait.

Could it be a graphics card fish?

Graphics card fish is the favorite prey of computer fish, but graphics card fish itself is actually a very difficult fish. The stronger the graphics card fish, the better the graphics card on its body.

The better the graphics card, the more attractive it is to computer fish.

Generally, if you want to catch the top computer fish, you must use the best graphics card.

When the graphics card fish is strong enough, it will have the ability to render reality and can render itself into an extremely powerful fish. The rendering effect will only fail when it is pulled out of the water.

So this kind of fish is very difficult to catch, Wuming actually didn't hold out any hope.

Wuming secretly cursed in his heart that he was unlucky, and then changed another bait he made himself, cast the line and fished by himself.

On the other side, Wang Zong heard the movement from Wuming's side, frowned and looked at Wuming's back, something was wrong, they had already arrived at the fishing spot, why was only Wuming catching fish, but there was no movement here?

Is there something wrong with the fishing rod?

Wang Zong glanced at Wuming's fishing rod, and he was a little suspicious that Wuming was lucky enough to find a fishing rod that was particularly attractive to fish on the boat.

Compared to his ordinary fishing rod, Wuming's fishing rod might be an SSR-level existence.

When he thought that he had thrown away all the fishing rods, so Wuming could only look for fishing rods from other places, and finally found this special fishing rod, Wang Zong felt unhappy.

If I had known this earlier...

Wang Zong gritted his teeth, shook his hand hard, and the fishing line with the colorful bait quickly flew away.


With a loud bang, a big fish jumped out of the water, just passing by Wang Zong's bait.

Then the big fish returned to the sea, splashing huge waves.

Wang Zong was stunned as he watched the fish return to the sea. It was as if a lightning bolt fell in his mind, and a bold idea emerged in his mind.

Since he couldn't catch the fish, why not force the fish to explode?

Although he lost a lot of abilities, his strength was not weakened, and his physical fitness was very strong.

As long as he was strong enough and threw the rod with all his strength, could he use the fishhook as a weapon to hit the fish's body?

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