I Contracted Myself

【887】Fish in the Storm


The fishhook plunged into the water, causing a loud noise.

If you don’t hit, try again!

Wang Zong quickly reeled in the line and then threw the fishing rod with all his strength.

He missed again and again, but he didn't waver at all. This method must work, but if it doesn't work now, it must be because his skills are not up to standard.

Boom, boom, boom...

Wang Zong kept hitting the fish, and the noise was so loud that Wuming couldn't help but notice it.


Wuming looked back and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

If electrical fish were really that easy to hit, he would have already hit them.

Generally, electric fish have electric fields. As soon as Wang Zong's bait entered the water, those fish probably ran away first.

Wuming raised his head and glanced at the sky. The weather was very good today. The lightning balls discharged steadily, attracting a large number of electrical fish. Electrical fish must eat iron if they want to grow, and electricity if they want to maintain their lives.

However, even if metal baits can easily attract electrical fish, it is not easy to catch electrical fish.

For example, the fan fish can use the fan blades to cut the fishing line, and the refrigerator fish can even freeze the sea and increase its own weight so that the fishing line cannot be pulled up.

It's not that Wuming can't pull it up after the weight increases, but the weight is too great and the fishing line can't bear the weight. Pulling it forcefully will only cause the fishing line to break.

Other fish also have different methods, and it is not easy to catch them.

It has to be said that mobile phone fish are already the easiest electrical fish to catch.


Suddenly, Wuming felt the fishing rod in his hand sink. He immediately pulled hard and then quickly reeled in the line.

This time the fish did not come off the hook and the line did not break.

The boat rose and fell with the waves of the sea. Wuming stood up and reeled in the line bit by bit. He felt that the weight of the fish was not particularly heavy.

Is it another mobile phone fish?

Wuming guessed in his mind that after a while he pulled the fish out of the water, only to see a fish that looked like a remote control.

"Remote control fish..."

Wuming put the fish on the boat, unhooked it, and looked at the fish carefully.

This fish is completely black and has a rectangular body, exactly like a remote control. Its only eye is the red light used to send signals on the remote control.

Wuming put the fish into the bucket, and then heard Wang Zong roar and throw out the fishing rod.

"It's the second one!"

Wuming shouted with a smile and threw the bait out again.


After hearing this, Wang Zong gritted his teeth, took up the line, and continued to fry fish.

The day passed slowly as the two of them kept casting and reeling in the line. Wuming caught a total of five fish, three of which were mobile phone fish, as well as a remote control fish and a stereo fish.

The Audio Fish looks exactly like a stereo, with two large speakers on its body that can produce huge sounds.

When it was caught, the sound was so loud that it could cover up the sound of Wang Zong frying fish.

Night falls.

Wuming carried the bucket and bag and said with a smile: "Five fish, not bad. Go back to bed and continue tomorrow."

He glanced at Wang Zong and then returned to his room.

On the fishing platform, Wang Zong's mentality exploded.

Throughout the whole day, he didn't catch a single fish, but Wuming actually caught five fish. If this continued, he might lose to Wuming.

Maybe there was something he overlooked.

He stopped what he was doing and tried to calm down. He knew very well that there was something wrong with his mentality, and he exploded when he saw Wuming.

"By the way, fishing rod!"

Since Wuming can find special premonitions, why can't he?


A bolder idea flashed through Wang Zong's mind.

If you really can't catch Wuming when fishing, then you can simply drill through the entire boat and let Wuming sink into the sea to feed the fish.

Such a big ship probably has a lifeboat. As long as he leaves in the lifeboat, he will have a lot of time to slowly surpass Wuming. Once Wuming is drowned, his score will be fixed at 5 fishes. Can he still lose?

Of course, this is the final plan.

If you can find special fishing gear, you can try harder.

After thinking about it, Wang Zong put away his fishing gear and started walking around the boat with the fishing gear on his back, but he didn't find any valuable clues until three o'clock in the evening.

This boat is so clean, there is no garbage at all.

"Damn it, Wuming must have taken them all." Wang Zong immediately realized the 'truth'. If it were him, he would have taken away all the useful things and left nothing for the enemy.

In this case, there is only another way to use it.

He walked up to a mechanical puppet and asked, "Does this ship have lifeboats?"

"Distinguished guest, this ship does not have a lifeboat. Please rest assured that the Endless Voyage is an unsinkable miracle ship." The mechanical puppet replied.

Wang Zong took a deep breath and turned back to the fishing platform. The shipwreck plan failed before it even started. Unexpectedly, the ship was so big that it didn't even have a lifeboat.

the next day.

Wuming got up, walked to the window and opened the curtains. He saw that the purple light was still flashing outside, thunder and lightning kept falling, and the wind seemed to be much stronger than yesterday.

"There's a feeling that a storm is coming."

Wuming observed the situation of the waves and thought to himself.

However, the Endless Voyage is very huge, and the impact of ordinary storms on the Endless Voyage is very small. There is no need to worry about the impact of the storm on the Endless Voyage.

Then he brushed his teeth and washed his face, walked to the bucket and squatted down, only to see that all the fish he caught yesterday were dead.

He picked up the mobile phone and shook it. The whole fish had indeed become soft, only the mobile phone was still hard. He took the mobile phone off with force and tried to turn it on but failed.

"No battery?"

Wuming thought about it and put the mobile phone on the table.

Today's goal is to catch a charging line fish and try to charge the mobile phone.

When Wuming fishes, he likes to drink tea and surf the Internet. After all, the process of waiting for the fish to bite is actually very boring. It would be too boring if he didn't find something to do.


Things did not go as he wished.

The next day, he caught three fish, but no charging line fish was caught.

The three fish were radio fish, flat fish, and battery car fish. The largest one was the battery car fish. Wuming struggled with it for an entire afternoon before catching it.

The moment he caught the battery car fish, Wang Zong's expression was completely distorted.

“In the Sea of ​​Fire, there will be a fire tornado tomorrow, the temperature will be 100 to 500 degrees Celsius, and the legendary sunfish will appear.”

“In the Sea of ​​Books, the sun will be bright tomorrow, and the temperature will be 23 to 27 degrees Celsius.”

“In the Sea of ​​Electronics, there will be storms and tears tomorrow, the temperature will be 20 to 23 degrees Celsius, and the rare electric car fish will appear.”

At night, Wuming was bored and teasing the radio fish. Unexpectedly, he really tuned to a certain radio station, and then heard the weather forecast.

After listening to the weather forecast, Wuming immediately opened the illustration to find the electric car fish, which is a larger fish than the battery car fish, and it is the most difficult fish to catch except for the quantum computer fish.

However, the bait of the electric car fish is not metal fish. It prefers to eat battery fish. The larger the battery capacity, the greater its attraction to it.

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