I Contracted Myself

【888】Beginner's luck

The next day, sure enough, storms and thunderstorms arrived as promised.

The storm stirred up huge waves that could even hit the deck of the Endless Voyage. The entire ship was bumping in the big waves. Raindrops with electric wires fell from the sky. The electric wires kept twisting like snakes and fell on the deck very quickly. Just follow the current and fall into the sea.

Wuming was wearing a raincoat and came to the fishing platform leisurely. He saw Wang Zong standing at the spot where he fished yesterday, swinging against the strong wind, so he smiled faintly and walked to the spot where Wang Zong fished yesterday.

He took out his chair and sat down, then swung his rod and cast a line, dropping a battery bait into the sea water.


Wang Zong snorted in his heart, gathered all his strength, and instantly threw out the fishing rod in his hand.

His action of swinging the fishing rod is actually very similar to swinging a whip. As long as the length of the fishing line is adjusted, the force can be perfectly transmitted to the position of the fishhook.

Every time the fishing rod is swung, there will be a snapping sound from the fishing line, and when the hook enters the water, there will be another popping sound.

However, this explosion was not actually the sound Wang Zong wanted to hear, because it showed that his power was not concentrated enough and he did not use all his power where it was needed.

Throw the pole, close the pole!

Try again and again, practice again and again.

Gradually, Wang Zong also found some feeling in his hand. At the same time, he was holding back a sense of anger in his heart. Every time he threw out the fishing rod, the anger in his heart would increase by one point.

After continuous accumulation, the shot after Wuming appeared finally had a miracle.

An induction cooker fish happened to be hit by a fishhook, and the fishhook penetrated into the coil of the induction cooker fish. Suddenly, the induction cooker fish started to struggle.

Wang Zong was so excited that he immediately reeled in the line quickly and pulled the fish on board a few minutes later.

The induction cooker fish has a flat appearance and a huge induction cooker on its back. Its long tail is a wire and the end is a plug.

It struggled continuously after landing. Wang Zong lifted it up excitedly and laughed wildly.

Sure enough, his idea was not wrong. As long as he exerted enough force, miracles would still happen, and as he became more and more skilled, miracles would definitely continue to appear.

He put the fish in the induction cooker into the fish protector, then looked at Wuming. Seeing that Wuming hadn't caught the fish yet, he picked up the fishing rod and turned around to continue frying the fish.

Even storms can't stop his passion for fried fish now.

Wuming naturally observed that Wang Zong caught fish, but in his opinion, it was just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

Compared to his skilled fishing, Wang Zong is like a blind man who keeps shooting arrows in front of him. He may be lucky enough to encounter a blind prey, but luck cannot appear again and again.

"According to the weather forecast I heard from Radio Fish, there will be electric car fish appearing today. I wonder if the small battery can attract it to take the bait." Wuming wiped the rain off his face and thought silently in his heart.

With expectations, Wu Ming and Wang Zong fished all morning. Except for Wang Zong who caught an induction cooker fish by mistake, neither of them caught any other fish throughout the morning.

"Something's wrong."

Wuming pulled up the fishhook, looked at it, and then cast the rod again.

When the bait fell to the set depth, he started to reel in the line, and sure enough, there was still nothing when he pulled it up.

The depth is wrong.

Under normal circumstances, the electronic fish does live about thirty meters underwater, but today's storm and thunderstorm, double bad weather, caused the electronic fish to sink deeper.

"Is it because of the thunderstorm?"

Wuming thought for a moment, adjusted the position of the float, and then cast the rod again.

Thunderstorms bring thunder and lightning, and many lightning wires are very thick and can sink deeper. Coupled with the threat of the storm, the fish will naturally sink deeper to avoid being injured by the turbulence caused by the storm.

Because the depth was wrong, his bait was basically ogling the blind.

After Wuming adjusted the float, he cast the line again. When the bait sank to a certain depth, he slowly reeled in the line. Suddenly he felt the fishing rod sinking and immediately pulled it up with force. At the same time, he laughed and said: "Sure enough, I got hooked! "

He reeled in the line quickly, but there was a huge pull on the fishing rod, so he relaxed a little more.

For the next half hour, he kept struggling with the fish in the water to the limit. Gradually, the fish in the sea struggled with less and less strength, and he immediately reeled in the line quickly.

A few minutes later, a heavy washing machine fish was hooked.

There were several other fish in the drum of this washing machine fish. Wuming smiled and grabbed the gills of the washing machine fish and showed off: "Haha, the second big fish is hooked."


Wang Zong naturally knew that Wuming's laughter was for him.

He gritted his teeth and threw the bait out. There was a loud bang, and then there was a huge pulling force from the fishing rod.

There is something!

Wang Zong immediately used force to pull up, the fishing rod quickly bent into a semicircle, and the fishing line trembled crazily.

"There's a big fish!"

Wuming also observed the situation on Wang Zong's side and immediately observed quietly.

Judging from the performance of the fishing rod in Wang Zong's hand, this was probably a very big fish. A conservative estimate would be that it should be about four or five meters long.

The reason Wuming could tell was mainly because the fishing rod in Wang Zong's hand had already caught a fish once. Combined with the performance of the fishing rod that time and the size of the fish caught, he could roughly estimate the strength of the fishing rod. limit.

Of course, this limit is the limit of deadlift. If you deal with fish skillfully, it is not impossible to catch bigger fish.

Wang Zong did not use any skills at all. He just pulled the fish out of the water. He was very confident in his strength. Since the fish was hooked, he would definitely be able to pull it up.

The sea was turbulent, and the boat kept breaking through huge waves.

As the boat rose and fell, a silver electric car gradually jumped out of the sea, then hit the water hard and sank into the sea in an instant.

"It's an electric car fish!"

Wuming was a little surprised when he saw the fishing line in the mouth of the electric car fish.

Wang Zong obviously used the method that was least likely to catch fish, but the second time he caught fish was an electric car fish.

Is this the legendary good luck for beginners?

In fact, this saying is popular in many activities, such as the first time playing cards or playing mahjong, beginners are like being kissed by the god of luck, and their luck is incredible.

Wuming thinks that Wang Zong may be in this situation.

Because it was his first time fishing, Wang Zong was lucky enough to encounter an electric car fish, which is a rare electric fish that will be announced in advance on the weather forecast.

However, no matter how lucky you are, you still need a certain amount of strength to seize the opportunity.

Wang Zong obviously didn't have this kind of strength. He just used brute force to pull, not realizing that his fishing rod was already overloaded.


With a crisp sound, the fishing line broke.

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