I Contracted Myself

【889】Island Fishing Rod

Wang Zong took several steps back, his face suddenly became ugly, he didn't expect the fishing line to break.

The problem is that he didn't have much bait left, only five in total. If there were a few more times, he wouldn't even know where to find the bait.

He was caught in his own trap.

Wang Zong realized that he was too stupid to throw away the fishing rod before.

At this time, Wuming whistled, Wang Zong's face turned cold, and he immediately squatted down and started to put on the bait.

Wuming carried the washing machine fish and walked happily to the room. The electric car fish was not caught by Wang Zong, which meant that he still had a chance.

He was very lucky now. Fortunately, Wang Zong didn't know how to fish, otherwise the electric car fish would be caught by Wang Zong, and he would be under great pressure.

Back to the room, put the washing machine fish and the battery car fish together.

Because he felt a sense of urgency in his heart, he was worried that the electric car fish would be caught by Wang Zong first, so he didn't eat at noon.

In fact, he didn't need to eat. Wang Zong didn't eat for two days in a row, and his condition was still very good. He wouldn't have any problems with his body if he didn't eat.

It's just that he didn't feel the pressure before, and Wang Zong couldn't make him nervous at all.

But now the situation is different.

Wang Zong almost pulled up the electric car fish, who can guarantee that Wang Zong won't catch the trick next time?

Although Wang Zong's way of frying fish is very rough and it is almost impossible to catch fish, once he catches fish, he will quickly accumulate experience for Wang Zong. Wang Zong is not a fool, he uses a lot of martial arts.

For example, methods such as Tai Chi can also be used to play fish.

With the lessons learned from the past, once Wang Zong uses these abilities in fishing, his technical level is actually not inferior to Wuming.

So, now is not the time to eat leisurely, but to seize the time and catch the electric car fish first.

In fact, the reason why he can maintain his advantage now is mainly because he has read the illustrations, which is equivalent to reading the strategy carefully before playing the game, and knowing all the levels.

Wang Zong never returned to the room, which was actually a huge mistake, but Wuming would definitely not remind Wang Zong.

When Wuming appeared again, Wang Zong did not notice the problem.

He didn't realize that the electric car fish was a rare fish, and only treated it as an ordinary big fish. Although he was a little upset that the big fish broke free, he felt more distressed that the bait was taken away by the big fish.

If he knew the value of the electric car fish, his mentality would probably be even more explosive.

Rare fish are obviously not so easy to catch.

In the next hour, Wuming only caught a mobile phone fish, but the phone case of this mobile phone fish was red, which was a little different from the previous black mobile phone fish.

And this mobile phone is also more delicate, giving people a feeling of being used by women.

Wuming guessed that this might be a female mobile phone fish, which could just pair up with the previous male mobile phone fish and become a pair of miserable mandarin ducks.


In the sky, a thunder that shook everything sounded.

The huge lightning ball struck a huge lightning, but this lightning did not fall on the Endless Voyage, but on an island in the distance.

In the dazzling white light, the huge island became extremely bright. Wuming and Wang Zong subconsciously looked at the island in the distance, and then both of them narrowed their eyes slightly.

There was a fishing rod stuck on the top of the mountain on the island.

A special fishing rod?

Both of them had guesses.

Wang Zong reacted faster. After calculating the position of the boat and the island, he decisively ordered the mechanical puppet to take him back to the room.

After putting everything away, he walked out of the room and dived into the water.

Wuming reacted and quickly returned to his room with his equipment, then came out and dived into the water.

If it were an ordinary person, this behavior would basically be tantamount to seeking death, but for Wuming and Wang Zong, there was basically no big risk.

Wang Zong felt that he needed a lifeboat before, because of the vast ocean, no one knew how far away from the island or the coast, and if he lost his strength in the sea, he would definitely die.

But now there is an island in the distance, and both of them think this distance is okay.

In the water, Wang Zong twisted his body quickly like a swordfish, swimming towards the island at a very fast speed. Not far behind him, Wuming twisted his body in an S shape, also very fast.

However, because he was a beat slower in reaction, he followed Wang Zong and could not get closer to each other for a while.

In the sea, a huge meat grinder fish sensed the movement on the water and immediately floated from the deep water to the surface.

The meat grinder fish does not eat meat, but it will instinctively look for meat and then grind it into minced meat.

It will sprinkle the minced meat on the seabed and then lay eggs on the seabed. When meat-eating fish are attracted by the minced meat, the eggs it lays will take the opportunity to parasitize these fish until they hatch.

In short, it does not leave much nutrition for its offspring. If it wants to survive, its offspring must parasitize other creatures.

These minced meat are actually the last wealth left by the meat grinder fish for its offspring.

Wang Zong and Wuming swam very fast, but the speed of the meat grinder fish was not slow either. Gradually, both sides moved towards the direction of the island.

When the meat grinder fish was about to float to the surface, Wuming and Wang Zong went ashore first.

The two looked at each other at the same time and rushed to the top of the mountain in the distance.

Since they couldn't attack each other, they had only one idea in mind, which was to get to the top of the mountain first.

The peaks on the island were very steep, but they were nothing to the two of them. They quickly climbed between the mountains and dug holes in the stone walls with their fingers.

In just a few minutes, the two were very close to the top of the mountain.

"No, I can't catch up with Wang Zong."

Wuming was hanging on a tree, looking up at Wang Zong climbing up, thinking silently in his heart.

He squinted his eyes, suddenly punched the mountain with force, and with his huge power, the mountain suddenly sank, forming a crescent-shaped hole.

Wang Zong felt the vibration, looked down and saw Wuming's masterpiece, and immediately realized Wuming's plan.

He snorted coldly and punched the mountain with the same punch, and the mountain collapsed immediately.

The top of the mountain turned into a meteorite and fell from the mountain. The two jumped up at the same time, standing on the meteorite and rushing towards the fishing rod in front.

It was a fishing rod formed by rock, which looked very old and simple, and no one knew what special effect it had.

The two approached the fishing rod, and Wang Zong immediately reached out to grab the rod, but Wuming suddenly stepped on the meteorite, causing it to fall at a faster speed, and Wang Zong's hand suddenly became empty.

In the air, they changed their movements at the same time and dived down, but when one of them was about to touch the fishing rod, the other would exert force on the meteorite, so that neither of them touched the fishing rod.

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