I Contracted Myself

【890】Scissors, rock-paper-scissors


There was a loud noise.

The meteorite fell to the ground, and Wuming and Wang Zong also hit the ground immediately. After hitting the ground, the two of them exerted force immediately, and stretched out their hands while approaching the fishing rod.

Finally, Wuming held the handle of the fishing rod, and Wang Zong held the shaft of the fishing rod.

They both looked at each other and shouted at the same time: "Let go!"

However, neither of them let go, but stared at each other angrily.


There was a thunder, and other stones fell from above one after another.

Wuming thought for a while and said, "It's boring to keep going like this. Let's play rock-paper-scissors, two wins out of three games, and the loser lets go. How about it?"


Wang Zong narrowed his eyes and wondered whether Wuming's proposal was beneficial to him.

With the reaction speed of the two, basically no one would cheat the other, so rock-paper-scissors is indeed a fairer way.

The problem is what if you lose?


Once you cheat, you will inevitably fall into an endless stalemate, because no one will trust anyone anymore.

Endless Voyage was still sailing. Once it reached the destination, the two people's catch would be calculated. He only caught one fish, while Wuming had caught many fish, even two big fish.

In other words, the stalemate was actually beneficial to Wuming, but Wuming didn't realize it.

Wang Zong took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's play rock-paper-scissors. The loser should let go honestly."

"Don't worry, I'm not a person who likes to cheat. The key is... don't cheat." Wuming smiled slightly.

Wang Zong would naturally not cheat. After all, the stalemate would only make it more and more disadvantageous to him. Whether he could get the fishing rod or not, delaying time would only make him closer to failure.

If he had the upper hand, he would wish Wuming would continue to stalemate with him. The problem was... he was at a disadvantage.

Then the two raised their hands and looked at each other seriously.

Rock-paper-scissors is just a small game, but there are actually many psychological games hidden in it. It is an enlightenment-level game suitable for all ages. I believe that most people have been exposed to it when they were young, and even as adults, they occasionally play rock-paper-scissors with friends at the wine table. The loser will drink a glass of wine as a penalty.

Wuming and Wang Zong stared at each other, and Wuming said: "Next time there is thunder, we will attack at the same time!"

"Okay." Wang Zong said lightly.

Then he looked up at the sky and said to himself: "Next time I will play rock!" "..."

Wuming was not shaken, just raised his left hand and waited for the thunder to sound.

"Wuming will definitely not believe what I said, and he will definitely guess my intention in his heart. Since I said rock, I intend to tempt him to play cloth, so I can guess that I will play scissors.

But this most basic guess will inevitably be seen through, and then it will be the next round of guessing.

Since he guessed that I hope he will play rock to touch the scissors that I may play, then I may play cloth to deal with his rock..."

Wang Zong kept calculating in his mind.

In fact, the logical relationship is not complicated. The question is how many rounds will Wuming speculate like this?

After all, there are only three options in rock-paper-scissors. After round after round, it is actually a reincarnation. Once you guess Wuming's thoughts wrong, you may capsize in the ditch.


Suddenly, a thunder came from the sky, and the surrounding trees were rustling.

Wuming and Wang Zong almost made their moves at the same time, and neither side gave the other a chance to cheat.

In an instant, their fists were frozen in mid-air.

Everyone played rock.

Wang Zong sneered and then raised his hand again.

"Next, I will play scissors!" Wang Zong said lightly.

He already knew how many rounds Wuming had guessed in his mind, and he must be the winner next.

A few minutes later, thunder sounded again.

Wang Zong and Wuming made their moves at the same time, and Wang Zong's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Wuming in disbelief.

Rock versus paper.

Wang Zong looked at his rock and couldn't understand why Wuming played paper.

"Did you guess it?" Wang Zong asked with gritted teeth.

Wuming blinked and asked, "Is there still a guessing game for rock-paper-scissors? Isn't it enough to make a decision one second before making a move? Why think so much?"


Wang Zong's face suddenly became ugly. This was not the answer he wanted.

Even if Wuming won him by calculation, he would not be so disgusted. As a result, Wuming is now purely... lucky?

Then he clenched his fist and said, "Next, I will play paper!!"

He didn't believe that Wuming really didn't think about anything. He must be fooling him. Wuming secretly calculated more than him.

A minute later, the thunder sounded again.

Wuming played rock, and Wang Zong really played paper.

"Humph, as expected, you have been calculating what I will play in your heart!" Wang Zong smiled confidently and sneered at Wuming.

Wuming blinked. He really decided what to play at the last second. Losing to Wang Zong was just bad luck.

Then Wang Zong raised his hand and said calmly, "Next, I will play fist."

He already knew how to beat Wuming.

The waiting time was particularly long.

The next is the most crucial round. The winner will get a special fishing rod, and the loser can only give up the fishing rod.

This may affect the final victory or defeat.

Wang Zong wiped the rain off his face and stared at Wuming's eyes, trying to see Wuming's plan from his eyes.

Unfortunately, there was nothing in Wuming's eyes. It seemed that he had really let his brain go and left everything to God.

Finally, the light broke through the sky, followed by thunder.

Wang Zong decisively played the stone, and Wuming played the cloth.


Wang Zong looked at Wuming's cloth in silence, his face gradually flushed, and he wanted to cheat.

But the next second, the cold rain calmed him down. Cheating would only make him lose faster, and he was not qualified to cheat.

"Humph, you win!"

Wang Zong wanted to let go of the fishing rod with heartache, but with endless reluctance, he finally gritted his teeth and let go of his hand.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Wuming thought Wang Zong would definitely cheat, and even made a second plan in his mind. If Wang Zong cheated, he would use the second plan.

Who knew that this time Wang Zong did not cheat, and really let go.

Wang Zong snorted coldly, turned around and cut wood on the island, then tied a large number of trees with fishing lines, re-entered the water, and swam towards the Endless Voyage.


Wuming held the fishing rod, blinked, and then focused on the fishing rod.

After a moment, a sense of familiarity came to his mind, as if someone was telling him the effect of the fishing rod:

[Fisherman's fishing rod: This is a fisherman's fishing rod, which can catch anything except fish. 】

This attribute...

It seems to be useless for this level.

After all, he has to catch more fish in this level to win Wang Zong.

Wuming was not satisfied with the effect of the fishing rod.

PS: The cough is severe, but there are no other negative symptoms... It's uncomfortable... But I can still write.

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