I Contracted Myself

【891】A new approach

In the cold sea water, Wang Zong's heart was also cold.

He didn't get the special fishing rod, but wasted a lot of time in vain. He was in a very bad mood now.

But it was not without gain. At least he took a lot of wood from the island. After processing these woods, maybe they can be made into rafts.

If the idea succeeds, he will find a way to drill through the Endless Voyage and continue the race on the raft.

Although it is not clear what the consequences will be, it is better than watching Wuming step by step towards victory.

Suddenly, Wang Zong felt something approaching him through the water flow. He opened his eyes in the sea water and immediately saw a meat grinder madly strangling him.

He immediately stuffed a log into the meat grinder, and the log was cut off in an instant.

"Looking for death!"

Wang Zong was angry and immediately dived into the sea water and kicked the side of the meat grinder fish. The meat grinder was kicked over immediately. Then he kicked again, and the meat grinder fish lost the ability to resist.

He looked at the unconscious meat grinder fish, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind...

Since he always failed to catch fish, could he go to the sea himself, hang the fish on the hook, and then get on the boat to catch the fish?

The rules didn't seem to say that this was not allowed.

As long as the fish was caught, it could be counted as a catch. As for what the fish had experienced before being caught, it was not within the scope of the rules.

The more Wang Zong thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was very likely.

Compared to fishing honestly, he was more flexible and good at finding new ways.

He caught the unconscious meat grinder fish and immediately drove towards the Endless Voyage. After getting on the boat, he jumped into the water again with the fishing line of the fishing rod and hung it on the body of the meat grinder fish. Then he got on the boat again and grabbed the fishing rod to catch the meat grinder fish.

"This is the fish I caught, right?" Wang Zong looked at the mechanical puppet not far away and asked.

The mechanical puppet congratulated, "Congratulations, VIP, for catching a rare meat grinder fish."


Wang Zong seemed to see hope and burst into laughter.

The sky cleared and the rain stopped.

He felt that he was fine again.

Wuming jumped out of the water and returned to the Endless Voyage.

He went back to his room to change his clothes, then took his fishing rod and other tools, and slowly came to the fishing platform. Then his eyes widened.

There were several big fish next to Wang Zong, and the fish guard shook from time to time. Obviously, there were fish in the fish guard.

How did Wang Zong catch so many fish in just over ten minutes?

At this time, Wang Zong pulled the fishing rod hard, and a LCD TV fish was pulled out of the water. The only strange thing was that the screen of the LCD TV fish was broken and now it was a snowflake.

"Humph, bad luck!"

Wang Zong saw Wuming coming back, so he packed up and prepared to leave.

Endless Voyage is very big, so naturally there is more than one fishing platform. Wuming came to this fishing platform specifically to observe the enemy situation. Wang Zong actually had the same idea.

But now Wang Zong did not plan to continue fishing with Wuming on the same fishing platform. After all, he did not want Wuming to learn the trick of cheating in the sea.

So, he packed up his things and left directly, leaving Wuming with an incredible look.

"Did Wang Zong find other baits on the island?" Wuming guessed secretly in his heart, otherwise with Wang Zong's level, it would be hard for him to believe that Wang Zong could catch so many fish.

But guessing would not lead to an answer.

Wuming did not continue to think deeply. He took out a chair and sat down, put the two fishing rods side by side, and then started fishing. He had to hurry up, otherwise Wang Zong might really surpass him.

The time for fishing passed very quickly

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and suddenly the fisherman's fishing rod shook slightly, and Wuming quickly picked up the fishing rod and reeled it in.

Speaking of which, although this fishing rod is made of stone, it is strangely bendable and has very good toughness. Wuming pulled the fishing rod fiercely, and a piece of soap fell on the deck.

Wuming looked at the soap and fell into silence.

It is true that everything can be caught except fish, but why does he need a piece of soap?

Forget it, at least it is a harvest, which is a good start after rounding it off. This is a good sign.

After forcing a wave of good signs, Wuming took off the soap, and then threw the bait out again, quietly waiting for the fish to bite.

He actually didn't expect the fisherman's fishing rod to have any good harvest, but he was just idle, one fishing rod is also fishing, two fishing rods are also fishing, three fishing rods...

That's right.

Why did he only use one fishing rod to fish?

Wuming suddenly had an idea in his mind, and he realized afterward that he could actually prepare a large number of fishing rods to increase the speed of catching fish.

"Wang Zong misled me!"

Wuming slapped his forehead and sighed deeply.

The main reason was that Wang Zong initially used a fishing rod. He subconsciously thought that he could only use one fishing rod to fish, but now that there is a special fishing rod, it means... In fact, more fishing rods can be used.

He picked up the first fishing rod and began to reel in the line, preparing to go back and make a few more fishing rods, and then come back to continue fishing.

However, just after the first fishing rod was reeled in, the fisherman's premonition suddenly bent, and something came up again.

Wuming quickly picked up the fisherman's fishing rod and began to reel in the line. The last fishing rod was caught by him.


Wuming looked at the fishing rod and fell silent again.

This fisherman's fishing rod seems to be a bit strong. Although it can't fish, it can provide alternative help.

He picked up the fishing rod and looked at it, then changed the bait and cast it, and then cast the bait of the other fishing rod. Since it can catch the fishing rod, there is no need to spend time to make it.

What if he spent a day to make a fishing rod, but he didn't catch as many fish as the fisherman's fishing rod, that would be funny.

He sat down again in a good mood and continued to wait for the fish to bite.


Another fishing platform.

Wang Zong jumped off the deck and his body plunged into the water in an instant.

He took a deep breath, then swam quickly, searching for suitable fish in the water with his eyes.

If it was before, he wouldn't dislike it even if it was a mobile phone fish, but now it's not a big fish, he's too lazy to even shoot. Since he cheated, he must find a big one with a high score.

Suddenly, an electromagnetic gun caught his attention. It was a very aggressive fish. Many electric fish avoided it wherever it passed, for fear of being targeted by it.

"Good thing, it's you."

Wang Zong immediately opened his hands and swiped his body towards the electromagnetic fish like an arrow.

After a moment, the electromagnetic fish, sensing the danger, aimed at Wang Zong, and fired electromagnetic bullets from the water at Wang Zong. Wang Zong was like an elegant ballet dancer in the water, easily avoiding the attack of the electromagnetic fish. After getting close, he cut the electromagnetic fish's gun body with a knife, and it was obvious that it would not survive.

He grabbed the electromagnetic fish and found the hook he had thrown down in advance, strung the fish on the hook, and then quickly floated to the surface of the sea.

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