I Contracted Myself

【892】Everything is available

A day later, Wuming returned to his room with a bucket.

He sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the fish in the bucket, and frowned after counting them. In a whole day, he only caught eight fish, and they were all power bank fish.

He was ambitious to catch electric car fish, but he didn't catch any electric car fish, not to mention electric car fish.

In stormy weather, although rare fish will appear, the difficulty of fishing will also increase significantly. Fish will appear at different depths with undercurrents. Without experience, you can't even touch the tail of the fish.

Then, Wuming looked at the bag on the other side. There were soap, shampoo, flying chicken cup, milk pudding, mask, blood oxygen meter, antiviral oral liquid, compound Luobu Ma tablets, compound Danshen tablets, 406 glue, canned olives, tata candy, razor...

In addition, there were five fishing rods.

A full harvest.

Obviously, the fishing rod of the fisherman does not catch whatever is in the sea. Wuming suspects that its real ability is to create something out of nothing.

As long as the bait is put into the water, it seems that there is a probability of catching something, regardless of whether there is anything in the water.

Wuming sighed, then went into the bathroom to get a bucket. After filling half a bucket with water, he carried the bucket to the bed, picked up the fisherman's fishing rod, put the bait into the bucket, and then he lay down to rest.

The body is not tired, but mainly bored.

Boredom is very torturous, especially when there is no fish.

In the middle of the night, Wuming suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the fishing rod with one hand and pulled it, and a pack of toilet paper fell wet on the bed. He sat up and looked at the toilet paper, then looked at the fisherman's fishing rod, and finally sighed for a long time. It was indeed a probability to catch something, regardless of whether there was anything in the water.

However, compared to fishing in the sea, fishing in a bucket seems to be much slower. He slept for several hours before something was hooked.


Wuming sighed, then threw the toilet paper, lay down to sleep again, and this time he did not put the fishhook into the water again.

In the next few days, the Endless Voyage stayed in the electronic sea area, and only sailed at a very slow speed at night. Wuming estimated the size of the electronic sea area and estimated that it would leave the electronic sea area in three days.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Zong put more and more pressure on him, because one day, he saw Wang Zong returning with a full load, carrying a large bunch of fish back to his room.

Wuming once doubted himself. Did Wang Zong become enlightened after reading the illustrations?

He had also read the illustrations, so why was there such a big gap between him and Wang Zong?

“Welcome to the weather forecast, I am the host Manman.”

“In the Sea of ​​Fire, tomorrow will be calm, and the temperature will be 100 to 500 degrees Celsius.”

“In the Sea of ​​Books, there will be a knowledge storm tomorrow, and the temperature will be 23 to 28 degrees Celsius. There will be legendary strategy fish, please be prepared.”

“In the Electronic Sea, tomorrow will be the birthday of the Thunder God, and the temperature will be 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. Please be careful of thunderstorms.”

Wuming listens to the weather forecast every day.

Because the weather forecast of Radio Fish is very accurate, and it is almost never wrong.

As a fisherman, if you don’t know the weather on the day of fishing in advance, you will definitely fail.

The birthday of the Thunder God?

Wuming frowned slightly, it doesn’t sound like good weather.

During this period, the weather in the Electronic Sea is generally good. Except for the storm, there has been no other bad weather.

Wuming thought about it and felt that he should make some preparations.

For example, prepare a rope for all fishing rods to prevent them from being pulled into the sea when they catch fish at the same time.

It just so happens that the fisherman's fishing rod can really catch anything except fish. Wuming has no shortage of materials at hand, so he prepared overnight and even made a simple battery. In case of lightning, he can use lightning to make nests.

Speaking of making nests, he didn't make nests before, mainly because he didn't have suitable materials at hand.

Now that he has the conditions, he must make up for it.

Wuming is very suspicious that Wang Zong can catch so many fish, maybe he got some secrets from the island.

Otherwise, the other party would not avoid him mysteriously. Every time he appeared, Wang Zong would leave and would never fish with him on the same fishing platform.

One night passed in a flash.

The next morning, Wuming came to the fishing platform fully armed. He put the fishing rods one by one and then started fishing.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the fisherman's fishing rod was the first to move.

"A good start!"

Wuming grabbed the fisherman's fishing rod and quickly reeled in the line. Before the fish came out of the water, he pulled the fishing rod up and shouted.

Then a slate fell on the deck.

Wuming's face changed like the summer weather, and he became silent.

He cast the fisherman's fishing rod again, and after the hook fell into the water, he sat down and waited.

Probably because he was bored, his eyes fell on the slate a minute later, and he picked it up after thinking about it. There was a set of exercises engraved on the slate.

"Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Interaction. Joyful Ode"

A pair of little people vividly demonstrated each movement, and there were also mental formulas engraved next to each movement.

Wuming took a look, and then threw the slate back into the sea. He had no interest in practicing this kind of exercise, and this kind of exercise could not be practiced by one person.

But then again, he could practice this exercise with Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao, but... it was a bit embarrassing.

Over the years, he only occasionally slept with the two women, and most of the time they lived their own lives. Although their feelings had not changed (maybe), he felt embarrassed to practice such a powerful technique right away.

"Alas, an old couple, practicing this kind of thing together, they will also be embarrassed." Wuming thought silently in his heart, and then recalled the technique again. This damn memory, he couldn't forget it after reading it once.

When he got the advantage and acted cute, the fishing rod not far away vibrated, and he immediately stepped forward to grab the fishing rod and started to wrestle with the fish in the water.

The force was very strong.

Of course, this was much stronger than other fish, but it was the same for Wuming. If he was not afraid of breaking the fishing rod or the fishing line, he could actually pull up most of the fish directly, without having to play the fish and slowly consume the fish's physical strength.

A few minutes later, a speaker fish was pulled up, and the speaker continued to emit: "It hurts, it hurts, be gentle, it hurts..."

If it were Earth, a fisherman would be scared to death if he caught a speaker fish in the middle of the night and heard this sound before he saw the fish in the water.


When Wuming put the speaker fish into the bucket, a dry thunder suddenly sounded, and lightning fell from the sky like swords, illuminating the entire sea.

Wuming looked up at the sky and saw that the lightning ball hanging high in the air was discharging crazily. At the same time, he could vaguely see a strange creature with horns on its head appearing in the center of the lightning ball.

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