I Contracted Myself

【893】Thunder God’s Birthday Festival

Is this the Thunder God’s Birthday Festival?

Wuming thought to himself as he recalled yesterday’s weather forecast.

He put the fishing rod back down and then looked up to observe the changes in the lightning balls in the sky.

During the discharge of the lightning balls, the shadow was like a baby in the womb, with its limbs gradually becoming clearer. At the same time, lightning bolts were wrapped around its body, making it look like a baby wearing a dragon robe.


The baby suddenly opened his mouth and cried loudly, and the sound was like thunder.

As it cried, dense lightning bolts fell, forming a lightning net in the entire sea area, and then dense and tiny raindrops fell. If you look closely, you will find that these are not raindrops made of water at all, but raindrops made of countless tiny lightning balls.

Wuming is not sure whether the Thunder God’s Birthday Festival is good or bad, and now he can only stay where he is and observe.

When the first batch of lightning balls fell, the sea water suddenly turned golden, like a nest of golden soup. More and more electric fish appeared on the water surface, and two huge electric car fish jumped out from the water to compete for the lightning balls that fell.

Many mobile fish had their phone cases turned into gold, and a congratulatory screen for the birth of the Thunder God appeared on the screen.


Suddenly, Wuming heard a scream coming from the fishing platform in the distance.

Wuming blinked, then couldn't help laughing. It seemed that Wang Zong hadn't made any preparations and suffered a loss.

However... are these lightning balls so powerful?

He had some doubts in his heart, so he took off the insulating gloves on his left hand and gently touched a lightning ball that fell in front of him. There was a sizzling sound of electricity, but it didn't hurt at all.

Could it be that a large number of lightning balls were needed to cause damage?

Forget it.

Wuming finally gave up the exploration. After all, it had nothing to do with him. The most important thing for him now was fishing. Since the fish appeared on the water, it would be easy to catch.

On the other side, Wang Zong was charred all over, and climbed onto the deck with a look of doubt.

Seeing so many fish appear, he naturally couldn't hold back his surprise and impulse, and jumped into the water without saying a word. Who knew that the lightning in this sea was extremely strange in nature? His strong body was completely unable to defend against the damage of lightning, and he was finally electrocuted and screamed.

"It seems... I can't go to the sea today."

Wang Zong thought a little unhappy, but he was not in a hurry in his heart.

During this period, he observed Wuming's harvest. Compared with his continuous "catching" of big fish, Wuming's harvest was much less than his. Even if he wasted a day, Wuming couldn't catch up with him.

In the field of fishing, he was confident that he had been ahead of Wuming for countless years.


Deep sea.

In the depths of the dark and lightless slit, a giant dragon was sleeping. Gradually, the golden lightning magma spread to the place where it rested, and it slowly opened its eyes.

The body of this giant dragon is a huge metal pipe, and there are countless complex instruments. When the huge body moves, the surrounding seawater is in chaos.

Particle accelerator fish.

The largest creature in the electronic sea area, and also the strongest creature.

Once it opens its mouth and sprays particle beams, it can easily kill 99% of the enemies.

After sensing the golden thunder magma of the Thunder God's Birthday Festival, it quickly came out of the slit. It only eats today in a year, absorbing enough electricity for the next few decades at a time.

Of course, if it runs at full speed, this amount of electricity is only enough for it to spray particle beams a few times, so even if it absorbs enough electricity for the next few decades every year, it will still appear every year to absorb that electricity.

Half an hour later, it appeared in the shallow sea, and countless electric fish avoided it. It did not pay attention to the electric fish around it, but just twisted its body silently to absorb the abundant electricity in the sea water.

On the Endless Voyage, Wuming soon realized that something was wrong. There was a sea area a few hundred meters ahead that had dimmed.

That's right.

Now the whole sea is glowing, and the golden light even dyes the sky golden.

In such a dazzling golden light, it is very obvious that a sea area has dimmed. Wuming's heart moved immediately and he couldn't help licking his lips.

It won't be the fish recorded in the illustrations, right?

There are legendary fish in every sea area, just like the sunfish in the flame sea area, the strategy fish in the book sea area, and the legendary fish in the electronic sea area is the particle accelerator fish.

This is a real big guy!

Unfortunately, the records of particle accelerator fish in the illustrations are all question marks. Wuming doesn't know what particle accelerator fish likes to eat and how to catch it.

However, if the particle accelerator fish is the same size as the real particle accelerator, then it is at least 20 kilometers long, or even 30 kilometers, or even larger and longer!

Wuming looked at the dim sea area in the distance, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Finally, he gritted his teeth and thought to himself: "Let's fight!"

He reeled in all the fishing rods and then cast them all to the dim sea area. As for whether the particle accelerator fish would take the bait, everything depended on God's will.

At this time, the fisherman's fishing rod suddenly bent and the fishing line was quickly straightened.

Wuming immediately picked up the fishing rod, reeled in the line, and pulled it hard, and a duck was pulled up.

"It's true that everything can be caught except fish!"

Wuming looked at the duck that was still alive and kicking, and couldn't help complaining.

He took the duck off and threw it aside, and the duck quacked and staggered away, but it was hit by a lightning ball after a few steps, and its body was instantly cooked.

The temperature of the lightning ball is actually very high. If a mortal body touches the lightning ball, it is estimated that the person will die instantly.

Wuming and Wang Zong were not afraid of lightning balls because their physical fitness was preserved, otherwise they would still have to hide from lightning balls.

"Ah, what a waste!" Wuming sighed after seeing Yaya being burned by electricity.

His mind was all on the dim sea area, so he ignored the fact that the duck's body was very fragile.

But then he didn't think about it any more, but kept staring at the sea area, hoping that the particle accelerator fish would be hooked. Although he didn't know if he could catch the particle accelerator fish, it was good enough to let the particle accelerator fish be hooked.

Underwater, the particle accelerator fish was constantly circling, and all the surrounding electricity was absorbed by it. No electric fish dared to compete with it for the water area, and all stayed away from it.

But because it was very domineering, it would never allow itself to move around in this sea area.

When the bait slowly sank to the depth where the particle accelerator fish was, the particle accelerator fish immediately locked onto the two baits, opened its mouth, and let the particle accelerator pipe pass through it. Then a beam of light shot out of its mouth, and the two baits were instantly reduced to ashes.

From the sea surface, the dim sea suddenly lit up with white light, and then a large amount of water exploded, as if a bomb exploded underwater.


The water kept falling, and Wuming quickly pulled up the fishing rod, only to see that the bait under the fishing line had disappeared.

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