I Contracted Myself

【894】Xi Shi imitates others

If the full score of fishing skill is 10, Wuming gave himself a score. His fishing skill is about 7 points. With a strategy, it can reach 8 points.

Wang Zong's fishing level is about 5 points. These 5 points come from martial arts attainments. As long as there is a fish on the hook, he can catch it with a little more care.

Of course, the premise is not to pull it hard.

At this time, looking at the fishing line without bait, Wuming had a funny feeling. His fishing skills might not be as high as he expected.

The bait was obviously wrong.

The pursuit of catching fish too much and losing his composure in the face of legendary fish are the fundamental reasons for the deduction of points.

Wuming closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he looked at the dim area again and carefully thought about what the bait of the particle accelerator fish was.

Suddenly, a thunder interrupted his thoughts.

He looked up at the sky. The phantom of Thor had grown from a baby to a seven or eight-year-old child. The electricity on his body was more violent, thick and huge.

"Thor's Birthday... Particle accelerator fish appears..."

Wuming suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. Could the particle accelerator fish feed on Thor?

The question is how to knock Thor down from the sky?

Countless possibilities flashed through his mind, and then were denied one by one.

In the end, Wuming had to accept the reality that he couldn't knock it down. That thing was just a phantom at the moment. Without the right means, it was impossible to touch it.


Wuming suddenly thought of Wang Zong.

Before, Wang Zong swung hard and used his strength to fry fish. Although Wuming thought it was funny at the time, now the shallow water area is full of fish, and Wang Zong's method of frying fish has become a good idea.

No matter whether the cat is white or black, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat.

With luck, maybe he can catch a particle accelerator fish.

Wuming packed up his things and went to the studio without saying a word, and then began to create the special fish hook he wanted, and at the same time he had to modify the fishing line.

The previous fishing line had to consider both toughness and concealment, at least it couldn't be discovered by the fish.

But since it was a fish fry, there was no need to consider so much, just pull the toughness to the maximum, and the concealment didn't need to be too high.

Two hours later, Wuming returned to the Diaoyutai with his modified super fishing rod.

The fish hook was modified into the shape of a sword, with a large number of barbs. Once inserted into the target's body, the barbs would hook the flesh and blood of the prey and make it difficult to pull out.

At the same time, the fish hook was very heavy, and when it was thrown out, it could perfectly transmit its own power to the fish hook. Compared with Wang Zong's unskilled fish fry, it was easier to hit the prey in the water with his modified fish hook.

"Okay, let's try it!"

Wuming first threw the fisherman's fish hook and other ordinary fish hooks, then held the special super fishing rod in his hand and began to practice.

He really knows how to whip.

He held the fishing rod and waved it like Tai Chi, and then with a bang, the fish hook shot out instantly and sank into the water silently.

This is the difference between a modified fishhook and an unmodified one.

Every time Wang Zong puts his fishhook into the water, it causes a loud noise. The fish below senses the danger first and has a high chance of escaping successfully.

Wuming's fishhook is specially made. It is not only flat and slender, but also streamlined. It will not cause any explosion when it enters the water, and it can hit the prey silently.

An LCD TV fish was pierced instantly, and its body immediately twisted wildly, but it was firmly stuck on the barb.

Wuming felt the force from the fishing rod and knew that he had hit the fish, so he quickly reeled in the line, and an LCD TV fish was easily pulled up.

Then, he began to cast the rod continuously and continuously pulled up different electrical fish.

There are computer fish, notebook fish, battery car fish, remote control fish, microphone fish, light bulb fish...

However, all these fish were pierced in the body and forcibly pulled up, so they soon lost their lives and became broken electrical appliances.

At noon, Wuming began to pack up and prepare to take a rest. He would continue to work hard in the afternoon. A mechanical puppet came forward and asked, "Dear guest, since you have caught a lot of fish, do you need an assistant to help you move the fish to the private warehouse?"

"Is there such a service?" Wuming was surprised.

The mechanical puppet nodded and said, "Yes, another VIP has opened a private warehouse."

"Are our warehouses the same, or does each of us have one that belongs to us alone?" Wuming thought of sharing fishing rods, so he asked.

Don't let the private warehouse not be private, but two people share the same warehouse.

The mechanical puppet replied, "Of course, each person has a separate warehouse, and the two are not mixed."

"That's fine, help me transport the fish to the warehouse." Wuming nodded.

Then he thought of something and said, "By the way, help me transport the fish in the room."

"Okay." The mechanical puppet responded.

After the mechanical puppet left, Wuming packed up his fishing gear, thinking that Wang Zong had already activated this service, which meant that Wang Zong had caught a lot of fish these days, even far more than him.

The pressure was huge.

Wuming could imagine Wang Zong's smug look now.

Originally, he planned to go to the restaurant for a big meal, then rest for an hour and come back to continue fishing, but under pressure, he decided to continue fishing.

Well, actually, it can't be called fishing, it would be more appropriate to describe his current behavior as frying fish.

He held a heavy fishing rod in his hand and flicked it with gentle force. The fishhook instantly flew through the air and was inserted into the water at a beautiful angle. An oversized battery fish was instantly hit by the fishhook and its body began to struggle.


Wuming pulled the fishing rod, and the battery fish flew out of the water. But before it landed, the battery fish exploded, and the fire illuminated the entire fishing platform.

"My bait!"

When Wuming saw this scene, he immediately threw his fishing rod and flew towards the center of the explosion, just in time to catch the fishhook that was ejected by the explosion.

Then he fell into the golden water.


It hurts, it hurts so much, it feels like there are countless tiny knives cutting into the flesh.

Wuming didn't expect that the sea water would become so terrifying. He screamed and swam back. Finally, he burst out with all his strength and jumped out of the water in an instant, grabbing the railing on the deck with one hand.

He gasped for air, glanced at the golden sea with lingering fear, and quickly climbed onto the boat using his hands and feet.

"It hurts me so much. Fishing is risky."

Wuming sat down on the ground, looked at the slightly twisted fishhook in his hand, and sighed in his heart.

This thing is not difficult to make, but it is time-consuming. Time is precious today, and it will be difficult to fry fish like this tomorrow, so he jumped off the boat desperately to save the fishhook.

Fortunately, it can still be used after washing.

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