I Contracted Myself

【895】The joy of catching fish

At noon, the Thunder God in the sky had turned into a young man, and then it began to slowly evolve towards middle age and old age.

Although Wuming had been frying fish, he also paid attention to the changes in the Thunder God in the sky. Until night, when he ordered the mechanical puppet to move the fish to the warehouse for the fifth time, the Thunder God in the sky suddenly roared, and his body broke into pieces, leaving only a lightning ball hanging in the air, and the rest fell into the water.

At this moment, all the fish in the sea water were boiling, and all the fish visible to the naked eye floated on the water, fighting for the body of the Thunder God.

It turned out that... the Thunder God's birthday festival is both the day of birth and the day of memorial!

Born in the morning and died in the evening, this is probably the case.

Wuming was silent for a moment after watching, and then he threw the fishing rod more vigorously.

Now the sea is full of various electric fish, and even many rare fish have appeared. There are no less than a hundred electric car fish. It can be said that you can catch fish with your eyes closed!

Wuming made crazy moves and caught fish crazily.

The fishing line he used was made of several extremely tough fishing lines entangled together. It didn't matter even if he pulled it hard. He didn't plan to play hard to get with the fish. He just wanted to make a miracle happen with great force.

An hour later, he pulled up an electric car fish. Only the left rearview mirror was broken, but the whole thing was still intact.

Wuming laughed and asked the mechanical puppet to move the fish to the warehouse, and then threw the hook again with full energy.


Suddenly, a huge sound came from the bottom of the sea, and a tram jumped out from the bottom of the sea. The next moment, the particle accelerator fish also jumped out of the water. The two fish, one small and one big, were like a small dragon and a big dragon, occupying the most C position on the entire sea surface.

Wuming looked at the two fish with sparkling eyes. They were so beautiful.

He immediately gritted his teeth and threw the fishing rod directly. The hook flew straight to the electric fish. The electric fish had just eaten a piece of Thor's wreckage and was hit by the hook, but the hook only made a little spark on it and finally fell into the sea without breaking the defense!

Good guy!

Wuming exclaimed in his heart, then quickly reeled in the line, aimed at the wire above the electric fish, and threw out the hook fiercely.

This time, the hook quickly entangled with the wire and finally fell into the gap of the electric fish and got stuck. Wuming immediately exerted force to pull hard. The electric fish shook its head and struggled, but its strength was far less than Wuming after all, and it could only be pulled over little by little.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and Wuming was startled and suddenly came back to his senses.

The fishing line is a super-tough fishing line composed of a large number of fishing lines, but it has its limits after all. It is not a single line, but many lines. Some of these lines are good and some are not good enough, so some of the poor fishing lines broke.

Once a large number of fishing lines are broken, I am afraid that the electric fish and the hook will fly away.

Wuming realized that he could not continue to pull hard, so he decisively let go of the line and began to play the fish, slowly consuming the electric fish's physical strength.

However, as the rarest fish below the legendary level, the electric fish is obviously not so easy to catch. Wuming patiently fought against it, pulling it hard from time to time and letting go from time to time. It took two hours to pull the electric fish onto the deck.


With a loud bang, the electric fish fell on the deck, twisting its body weakly, obviously very unwilling.

Wuming approached the electric fish and couldn't help touching the body of the electric fish. Although the electric fish looks like a electric car, it is not a real electric car. Its shell is more like silicone, very soft, and feels good to touch. It's just that the inside looks like a electric car, and it's unknown whether the electric fish can really be ridden.

After being happy for a while, Wuming asked the mechanical puppet to send the electric fish to the warehouse. He also wanted to try to catch the particle accelerator fish, which is the real big head.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the light on the sea surface was still dazzling, and it was estimated that it would slowly dissipate after twelve o'clock.

Wuming held the fishing rod, re-woven the broken line, and then looked at the particle accelerator fish in the distance and threw the hook out with force.

Wang Zong probably didn't expect that his method of fishing by frying fish would be carried forward by Wuming.

The first time he cast the line, he failed.

The hook fell on a fan fish. Wuming pulled up the fan fish and then continued to challenge the particle accelerator fish.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed quietly, and the particle accelerator fish was still not hit. It was too fast in the water, just like a shark quickly snatching the wreckage of Thor. Electric fish avoided it wherever it passed, and some fish that didn't have time to avoid it were knocked flying on the spot, their bodies torn into pieces.

This guy is the overlord of the sea, with the best strength, speed, and defense, and no fish can defeat him.

Because it was too fast and its long body could change direction freely, Wuming aimed and cast the rod. When the hook flew over, it had already changed its position.

"No, calm down, take a deep breath, see through its intentions, predict its trajectory, don't look at the present, look at the future, only in the future can you catch it!"

Wuming realized that it would only be a waste of time to continue like this, so he simply held the fishing rod with both hands and closed his eyes like a swordsman duel.

His heart gradually calmed down, and all the sounds around him that disturbed his heart were gradually blocked by his spiritual will. He took a deep breath and tried to achieve unity between man and rod.

At this moment, the fish hook swaying in the wind was no longer a pure fish hook, but a part of his body, like a tentacle he reached out.

He opened his eyes and looked calmly at the huge particle accelerator fish in the distance. He watched the particle accelerator fish smash an electric car fish and swallow a piece of Thor's wreckage in one gulp. The energy ring on its back became brighter.

Then, the particle accelerator fish plunged into the water and approached another piece of Thor's wreckage at a very fast speed.


A poor transformer box fish was pushed out of the water, and its body exploded instantly, with countless parts and blood splashing everywhere.


Wuming's eyes lit up, and he threw the fishing rod in his hand vigorously. The fishing line shot into the distance with a swoosh. The sword-shaped fish hook flashed with golden light and flew quickly towards the surging water.

At this moment, the particle accelerator fish appeared from the water. There were several holes on its head, and the fish hook happened to be shot into one of the holes. It roared in pain and opened its mouth to spray particle beams.

But it sprayed towards the sky without even touching the edge of the fishing line.

Wuming began to reel in the line, shaking with excitement. This time he really had the illusion of taking a ten-flavor tonic pill, and his whole body seemed to be sublimated.


So cool.

Fishing is so fun.

Although Wuming is a fisherman, he used to fish more to kill time. Only this time, he finally experienced the joy of catching fish, although the fishing method was not so serious.

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