"Roar, moo!!!"

The particle accelerator fish was angry.

It struggled madly in the water. No creature had ever dared to attack it in the past, and it had never been injured in the past.

Under the stimulation of pain, it kept spraying particle beams around. A bus fish was hit and its body was instantly split in half. An electric duck fish and a bumper car fish were hit and were directly destroyed.

Wuming found that he couldn't pull the particle accelerator fish at all. Its power was too great. Although it was still not as good as it, it was enough to break the fishing line.

If he pulled it hard, the particle accelerator fish would definitely fly.

Wuming could only keep letting out the long line and let the particle accelerator fish go crazy in the water.

This madness lasted for several hours. Because the particle accelerator fish made a lot of noise, Wang Zong, who returned to the room to look at the illustrations, was also alarmed.

He walked out of the room and climbed to the highest point of the Endless Voyage. When he saw Wuming catch the particle accelerator fish, his eyes widened.

"No, we can't let him catch it." When Wang Zong saw the particle accelerator fish in the distance, the first thing that came to his mind was to stop Wuming.

The problem was that he couldn't stop it.

He couldn't hurt Wuming, nor could he hurt the fishing rod and fishing line in Wuming's hand.

At this moment, he looked at the particle accelerator fish in the distance, thinking about how to get the particle accelerator fish to break free. If the fish broke free by itself, there would be no problem.

"Is this a particle accelerator fish? The illustration is full of question marks. What can I do?" Wang Zong thought secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, he thought of an idea, ran back to the room, and ran to the top of the boat with a few logs. When he got to the top of the boat, he made a fire by friction and made one end of the log burn.


Wang Zong lifted the log and threw it hard to the other side of the Endless Voyage.

The log flew out at a very fast speed, then fell on the water, and a lot of white smoke came out after the flame went out.

At this time, the particle accelerator fish also saw the white smoke, but it didn't care about it, and even completely ignored the guidance of the white smoke, and continued to rush around like crazy.


Wang Zong cursed inwardly, and then repeated the same trick again.

He was telling the particle accelerator fish that it could only break free from Wuming's fishing line by swimming in a certain direction. As long as the particle accelerator fish saw the white smoke appear and swam in that direction, the fishing line in Wuming's hand would not last long.

The sea water was now golden, and Wuming would definitely not dare to go into the water, so the probability of the particle accelerator fish breaking free was very high.

The second time, the log still fell in a similar position, but Wang Zong's behavior was like throwing a wink to a blind man, which had no effect at all.

The particle accelerator fish was still spraying particle beams, and as the beams were sprayed, the energy ring on its body was also dimming.

Although Wang Zong was angry at the stupidity of the particle accelerator fish, he still gritted his teeth and continued to make trouble.

"Wang Zong, if you don't want me to mess with you every day, you'd better not mess with me!" Wuming had long discovered that Wang Zong was throwing things to interfere with his fishing. Seeing that he still didn't give up after several attempts, he warned loudly.

Wang Zong sneered and threw the log again.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off.

Finally, when he threw the log for the seventh time, the particle accelerator fish noticed the continuous appearance of white smoke. It did not realize that it was a signal to guide it to break free from the fishing line, but thought it was an enemy, so it shot a particle beam at the location where the log fell.

Then it swam quickly to the landing point of the log, crashing into a large number of tiny electric fish and roaring angrily.

Probably a lucky coincidence, and then it continued to swim forward, and Wuming could only keep letting out the line until the line was not long enough.

At this time, he had only two choices, either jump into the water and continue to play the particle accelerator fish, or cut the fishing line and admit defeat.

"I'll do it!"

Wuming gritted his teeth, then took a step forward and jumped into the water. The golden seawater made him feel numb all over, and he wanted to scream in pain.

But because Wang Zong was watching, Wuming gritted his teeth and endured it. He couldn't let the enemy look down on him!

He let the particle accelerator fish pull him away. After half an hour, the particle accelerator fish began to swim back. Tens of minutes later, Wuming climbed back onto the deck of the Endless Voyage, raised his middle finger to Wang Zong, who was livid, and continued to fight against the particle accelerator fish.

At 11:29 pm, the particle accelerator fish was still full of energy. It had too much energy and too much electricity. Wuming felt that it could struggle like this for several years. He really didn't know when he could fish it out of the water.

And Wang Zong started throwing logs again. When Wuming thought of the feeling of falling into the water, he wanted to give up. In fact, it was good enough to catch the electric car fish. Why not forget it?

But the next second, this idea was suppressed by his own hands.

The more Wang Zong messed up, the more he wanted to catch the particle accelerator fish and let Wang Zong see what it meant... Forget it, it doesn't matter, just catch the particle accelerator fish first.

In the storm of brain confusion, the particle accelerator fish was attracted by the white smoke again, Wuming jumped into the sea decisively, and was dragged by the particle accelerator fish to move quickly in the water.

However, this time, the particle accelerator fish made a big turn, and Wuming was pulled out of the water on the spot, and his body quickly approached the particle accelerator fish.

The particle accelerator fish did not notice Wuming in the air, it always thought that it was some creature in the sea that attacked it, so its eyes were always fixed on the sea.

When it opened its mouth to spray particle beams, Wuming looked at the particle accelerator fish getting closer and closer in the air, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: "If I kick it hard now, can it still survive? If it dies, will it count as a score if I catch it?"

In just one day, after frying the fish, Wuming has learned another trick of Wang Zong without a teacher, cheating in the sea!

He kicked the particle accelerator fish on the head, and the particle accelerator fish immediately shut up. The particle beam exploded in its body. Its body swelled up and quickly recovered, but its huge body fell down with a bang, splashing a lot of seawater.

Wang Zong, who was far away, saw this scene, his hands fell down weakly, and the log fell on the top of the boat with a snap. He knew it was over. The particle accelerator fish was kicked to death by Wuming, so Wuming would definitely be able to catch the particle accelerator fish.

Although he wanted to shout cheating and report Wuming, he was the biggest cheater. Once Wuming was judged to be cheating, he would also be cheating.

It was really painful not to be able to report Wuming.

Especially when the reason for not being able to report was that I was also cheating, it was even more painful.

"Since I was born as a clan, why did I have a name? The vast heavens, how can you be so unkind to me!"

Wang Zong raised his head in pain, letting the rain fall on his body, and finally let out a long sigh.

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