I Contracted Myself

【897】Meow Meow House Time

Three days later, the Endless Voyage left the electronic sea area, once again reached full speed, rode the wind and waves, and set off towards the next sea area.

Neither Wuming nor Wang Zong had ever fished this time. This was their first experience. They knew very well that at the speed of the Endless Voyage, they would not be able to gain anything.

Moreover, the scores of marine fish in ordinary sea areas are estimated to be very low. Even if they are caught, they are of little value. At most, they are just a side dish.

Wuming rested for a day, and appeared on the deck in high spirits the next day. Watching the surrounding scenery fly by, he took out his electronic telescope and carefully observed the surrounding islands.

Since there is a fisherman’s fishing rod, are there other special fishing rods?

Wuming scanned the surrounding islands, and some strange animals came into view. For example, there was an island with many long-necked rabbits, and there was a rabbit head on the long neck, which looked very weird and uncoordinated.

However, the plants on the island are all very tall plants. The plants are bare underneath, with only a handful of dense leaves growing on the top. It’s no wonder that the rabbit eventually turned into a long-necked form. In the end, everything is for survival.

There is also an island covered with ears, including cat ears, dog ears, cow ears, and human ears. The densely packed ears are spread all over the island. They look disgusting and want to touch them.

Wuming looked around and found that there was nothing worth collecting on these islands, so he stayed on the deck for a while and then returned to the room.

Next, every day he would go out for a walk and then go back to his room to fish.

The only good thing about the fishing rod is that you can fish wherever there is water. Wuming simply moved the bathtub in the bathroom to his room and fished in the bathtub every day.

However, the things caught are all kinds of things, including everything except fish.

Wu Ming has fished for old mobile phones, old electrical appliances, stainless steel basins and old refrigerators that others don't want.

When he was lucky, he could catch several fishing rods a day. When he was unlucky, he even caught a garbage bag thrown out by others. When he opened it, it was full of domestic garbage, which made Wuming roll his eyes.

A week later, Wuming stood on the deck, using an electronic telescope to look ahead from a distance.

"When will we arrive at the next sea area?" Wuming put down the telescope, scratched the back of his head, and said to himself with some dissatisfaction.

He wanted to fish like crazy. At this time, the Endless Voyage suddenly slowed down.

Wuming leaned forward slightly and immediately looked around in surprise. Could it be that he had reached the next sea area?

He looked around, and then he saw a ship much smaller than the Endless Voyage slowly approaching. The ship was shaped like a cat's head, and there was a plaque hanging on the top that read: Meow Meow Room.

The ship slowly approached the Endless Voyage, and then the Endless Voyage stopped. A white ladder appeared between the two ships. Catwomen walked out of the ship, singing and dancing: "Welcome distinguished guests, now is Meow house time!”

Meow house time?

Wuming looked around him, then pointed at himself.

The dancing catwomen over there nodded their heads, and some even deliberately swayed their bodies wider, making everything appear vaguely visible.

Wuming curiously walked up the ladder and entered the cabin under the guidance of a cat girl.

It's said to be a cabin, but it's actually more like a house, a house made entirely of half a cat's head.

When Wuming walked into the house, he saw a cat holding a cigar in its mouth. The fat cat had a slicked back hair, one of its paws was holding a goblet, and it was gently shaking the red wine in the goblet.

Seeing Wuming coming in, it nodded and said, "Youngster, you are very good. You can actually catch legendary fish."

"Excuse me, what does this place do?" Wuming asked, sitting opposite the boss cat.

Big Boss Cat blew out the cigarette, then took another sip of wine, and said: "This is the exchange, a place where only anglers who have caught legendary fish can visit, and you are lucky enough to be qualified for trading. "

"Sorry, I don't plan to trade the particle accelerator fish." Wuming refused directly.

The boss cat said calmly: "Don't refuse in a hurry, you might as well take a look at the things that can be traded first. My Meow Meow House has never met a customer who can refuse the transaction."

As he spoke, he handed a transaction list to Wuming.

Wuming took the list, his eyes widened slightly, looking at the dazzling array of goods on the list with some disbelief.

Forgotten notebooks, the content written in the notes will be forgotten by most people. Exchange price: two legendary fish catches.

Energy-draining mirror, when there is a target in the space in front of the mirror, you can specify the mirror to copy the target. The copy will be exactly the same as the target. It takes 9 minutes if the target is a living thing and 5 minutes if the target is an object. Exchange price: ten legendary fish catches.

The universal system manager can have an effect on all systems and perform various management of the system. Exchange price: ten legendary fish catches.

The Transmitter Monitoring Mirror can lock on all life forms that passively traverse space in all the worlds. It can monitor all traversers and can attack targets or drop materials through the mirror. Exchange price: Five legendary fish catches.

The omniscient elf can answer any questions the user has, and answers everything he knows. Exchange price: one hundred legendary fish catches.

Family Doctor 0.1 version, after wearing it, the user will have powerful conventional treatment ability. The closer the user is to the patient, the stronger the treatment effect. When the user encounters a difficult and complicated disease that he has never seen before, this item will be updated one hour after scanning. After the version update, there is a 60% chance of deriving targeted treatment ability. Exchange price: three legendary fish.

This cat is not bragging.

Wuming must admit that he is moved, and he is not moved by one item, but by everything.

Are these magical items?


Magical items definitely do not have such powerful functions.

Wuming has a feeling that these items may be one level higher than magical items, and he wants them so much.

However, he only has one legendary fish, and he can't afford most of these things. He can only suppress his excitement and continue to read down. Finally, he sees something he can afford.

He took a deep breath, then put the list down and asked, "Can I take the exchanged items out?"

"Of course, the items you exchanged belong to you, and this store is not a black shop." Big Cat replied.

Wuming was silent for a moment, pointed to an item on the list, and said, "I want to exchange this."

The gun of inspiration and mind!

According to the user's thinking, each beam will have different effects. The power of the beam depends on the strength of the user's mind. The stronger the mind, the stronger the beam.

Exchange price: a legendary fish!

The power of this gun depends entirely on the user. The stronger the user, the greater the power of the gun, and the effect depends entirely on the user's thoughts at the time.

The beam can kill people, but it can also save people.

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