I Contracted Myself

【898】Fairy Tale Sea

In fact, there were some goods on the list that could be exchanged for a legendary fish, but Wuming knew exactly what he needed.

Although he and Wang Zong couldn't attack each other in this level, they could attack fish in the sea. He was able to catch the particle accelerator fish. Thanks to Wang Zong's troubles, he realized that his body was still a powerful weapon. It can completely cause damage to fish caught.

But that kind of opportunity didn't come around often, so he asked for the gun.

Of course he wouldn't think of shooting the fish he caught, but he could add paralysis and other effects to the beam to weaken the target faster, thereby achieving the goal of catching the fish.

"Happy Trading!"

Boss Cat put down the goblet, swiped his hand in the air, and a piece of light appeared in front of him. Then he clicked on the light to note it down, and a gun appeared on top of the light.

It pushed with its pink claws, and Guang Xun moved in front of Wuming. It smiled and said: "Guest, please set the appearance you want. This gun cannot be damaged and has infinite durability. It must be summoned and it will be permanently bound. In your possession, other people will not be able to use this prop. After setting it up, please click Redeem below. The Endless Voyage will transfer the legendary fish in your warehouse to the Meow House warehouse. It will not be returned or exchanged. !”

Wuming looked at the ordinary style of mind guns in Guangxu and asked, "Any style is acceptable?"

"Of course, it all depends on the customer. After all, this is your gun." Big Boss Cat nodded.

Wuming thought for a while, and then began to set the shape of the gun. According to his ideas, the gun body became wider and thicker. On both sides of the gun body, the words "Gun of Kindness" and "Save the Lover" were respectively branded, and even the aiming center was set. It is in the shape of a heart, and inside the hollow heart is a cross.

Then he made sure that his settings were perfect, so he clicked Redeem in a playful manner.

A gun was quickly born from the void, perfected itself according to the set image, and finally landed in front of Wuming. Wuming picked up the gun and tried the feel, nodded and said: "Very good, exactly what I thought."

"The guest's taste is really... unique." Big Boss Cat looked at Wuming's gun and reluctantly praised it.

Wuming smiled with satisfaction: "I also think it's perfect. Now that the deal is over, I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute!" The boss cat saw Wuming getting up and said quickly. Then it took out a business card and said: "If there are any legendary fish caught, you are welcome to trade at any time. No matter where the customer is, you can go directly to the Meow House with this business card."

"But how do I know that my fish catch is legendary?" Wuming took the business card and asked curiously.

Boss Cat replied: "Just take out the business card and it will glow within one meter of the legendary fish."

"Okay, then I have no problem." Wuming put away the business card and said with a smile.

Coming out of the Meow Room, Wuming saw Wang Zongzheng standing in front of the ladder on the deck of the Endless Voyage with an unhappy expression. Apparently he was rejected by the Meow Room and was not even qualified to board the Meow Room.

Wuming smiled slightly, whistled and returned to the Endless Voyage. When he passed by Wang Zong, he said, "What a great harvest. Are you curious? Do you want to know what's inside?"

"Hmph, don't be proud, you will cry sometimes." Wang Zong said forcefully, then turned and left.

Wuming smiled and then returned to his room.

He returned to the room and sat down, carefully observing the mind gun in his hand, and after thinking about it, he said: "From now on, you can call it the gun of kindness."

He didn't use the gun as a weapon anyway.

His own attack power is powerful enough. This gun is just the icing on the cake at best. Its greatest role is in this level. It restricts legendary fish as much as possible. As long as he can catch more legendary fish, he will definitely not deficit.

In the final analysis, the only things that really hindered him from catching the legendary fish at this level were his technique, fishing rod, and the means to catch the fish.

Everything else is fine. Once the legendary fish takes the bait, but he can't catch it, that's the real heartache. This gun can make up for his lack of skills very well, and it plays a very important role in this level. effect.

At night, the Endless Voyage slowed down again as it bid farewell to the Meow House.

A voice sounded on the ship: "Ding dong, the fairy tale sea has arrived, the fairy tale sea has arrived."

Both Wang Zong and Wuming opened their eyes instantly, both of them showed serious expressions, and the battle began.

Although the two are not head-to-head this time, fishing is also a war. Whoever catches more fish will have the upper hand and become the winner. "Fairytale Sea, trouble."

Wuming flipped through the illustrated book, and many memories came to mind in an instant. He frowned and muttered to himself.

Compared with the electronic fish in the electronic sea, the fairy fish in the fairy tale sea are much more difficult to catch.

Almost every kind of fish here requires different bait, and every ten meters underwater is a completely different story layer. For example, ten meters underwater is the story layer of Little Red Riding Hood. You can catch Little Red Riding Hood fish and Big Bad Wolf fish on this layer. , Wolf Grandma fish, and ten meters further down is the Pinocchio story layer, where you can catch Pipano fish, Pinocchio fish, etc.

However, it is also difficult to catch fish, which is that there are two legendary fish in the fairy tale sea, one is the princess fish and the other is the prince fish.

The two kinds of fish are divided into many different categories, including Snow White Princess Fish, Sleeping Princess Fish, Princess Pea Fish and so on.

In addition, according to the illustrated book, there is a kind of fish hidden in the deep sea of ​​the fairy tale sea that has never been caught by anyone. It is a huge black fish that is suspected to be beyond legend.

However, since no one has ever caught it, this can only be regarded as a rumor.

Wuming was fully armed and quickly came to the Diaoyutai. When Wang Zong saw him, he snorted and packed up his things to go to another Diaoyutai.

"Is there any secret?" Wuming muttered in his heart as he watched Wang Zong leave.

But then he didn't think much about it and started thinking of ways to fish.

The fairy tale sea area is so big and the legendary fish is extremely rare. Naturally, he will not expect to catch it just by fishing. He plans to try his hand first to see if he can catch the little red hat fish.

The bait of the little red hat fish is a key. It likes key-shaped things. Once it sees a key-shaped bait, it has a high probability of biting the hook.

Wuming took out a bunch of keys that the fisherman had caught with his fishing rod, took off one of the keys and used it as bait, and after putting on a good disguise, he just threw the rod to fish.

The bait slowly sank into the water, stopped after ten meters, and began to sway in the water, attracting fish around it.

A few minutes later, a fish with a little red hat on its head slowly swam over. Its fins looked like a basket hanging on it, and its chubby body was very cute.

It was going to visit its grandmother, but somehow it was attracted to the key. The shiny key made it unable to take its eyes away.

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