I Contracted Myself


Get the fish!

Wuming pulled the hook fiercely, and a little red hat fish immediately left the water and landed on the deck. It jumped very cutely, so Wuming took out his gun and shot it.

He unhooked the fish, put the paralyzed little red hat fish into the bucket, and then Wuming continued fishing.

Because the little red hat fish is easy to deceive, it is considered an entry-level fish in the fairy tale sea. It is probably equivalent to a mobile phone fish. Catching one by Wuming is completely uneventful.

As a skilled fisherman, his current goal is simple, that is, legendary fish. Only legendary fish can be exchanged for things in Meow Meow House.

The most important thing is that the exchanged items can be taken away, not only to the next level, but even outside the Lost Door.

The problem is that legendary fish are not that easy to catch.

Under normal circumstances, legendary fish almost never appear, which means that the probability of catching a legendary fish is close to zero. Legendary fish will only appear in certain special weather conditions.

For example, the particle accelerator fish will only appear during the Thunder God's Birthday Festival. At other times, it will not show up at all, let alone catch it.

Whether it is a prince fish or a princess fish, specific conditions are also required to catch it.

For example, the Snow White Princess Fish must get poison apple bait, otherwise the Princess Fish will not be caught even if it is hooked.

The problem is how to get the poison apple. The illustrated book doesn't even mention it. Wuming has no idea how to get this kind of bait, so if he wants to catch the legendary fish, he can't even touch the threshold.

All day long, Wuming has been fishing for small red hat fish and big bad wolf fish. These two fish are not difficult to catch, but their value is very low. Wuming plans to challenge the 20-meter sea area starting from the next day. Today is just to get a feel for it.

As the sun came out and the water gradually turned from pitch black to azure, Wuming found that he couldn't catch any fish.

“In the fairy tale sea, fishing can only be done at night?”

Wuming pulled up the fishing rods one by one, and sure enough he didn't catch any more fish. He had to pack up his things, go back to the room and put them away before going back to the deck again.

From a distance, he saw Wang Zong coming out of the water wet, and smiled to himself. As expected, everyone thought of it together.

He also planned to dive deeper into the sea to check the situation. Anyway, he held his breath. Let alone one thousand meters, it would not be a big problem to go to a depth of 10,000 meters. He just didn't know if there would be enough time.

After jumping into the water, he quickly swam downstream, and sure enough he didn't see any fish.

The fairy tale sea area only exists at night and disappears without a trace once it is daytime, which obviously makes it more difficult to catch legendary fish.

Wuming dived below a thousand meters in one breath, but didn't find a single fish, so he slowly swam up. When he came out of the water, he saw that the Endless Voyage had traveled a long distance, so he had to swim slowly over.

Half an hour later, he got on the boat and took a shower before going to the restaurant to eat.

"Hey, I didn't expect that busy people also need to eat." Wuming saw Wang Zong walking in and said mockingly with a smile.

Wang Zong sneered and said: "On this level, be prepared to lose."

Last night he came up with another good idea, which was to tie a large number of fishhooks to a fishing line. The less bait he had, did not mean he had less fishhooks. There were more than fifty fishhooks in a box of fishhooks.

He tied all the fishhooks to the fishing line, then caught the fish like crazy, and then hung it on the fishhook. In this way, he saved the repetitive operation of getting on the boat to pull the fish up, and his efficiency was greatly improved. .

One rod down, and then up there were at least fifty fish. With continuous operation throughout the night, one can imagine how many fish he caught.

Now he is very confident, at least in this level, he will never lose to Wu Ming.

"So confident? There is indeed a secret!"

Seeing Wang Zong's calm look, Wuming thought to himself.

It's a pity that Wang Zong was as guarded against him as he was against a thief. Even if he wanted to find a chance to peep, Wang Zong could always hide his trump card before he arrived.

Unless he did nothing all day long and just argued with Wang Zong, he would have to give up exploring secrets.

After a full meal, the two parted unhappy.

Wuming took out the electronic telescope, walked to the deck with a chair, found a place with a wide view and sat down, and used the electronic telescope to observe the surroundings from time to time.

"Poison apples most likely grow on land. The surrounding islands are very suspicious and must be paid attention to at all times." Wuming thought silently in his heart.

At present, the only known bait for legendary fish is poison apple. For legendary fish such as Sleeping Princess and Mermaid Princess, the bait is still a mystery, so we can only explore slowly.

Wuming estimates that the answer should be found before the Endless Voyage leaves.

After all, the Endless Voyage entered the electronic sea area and left the electronic sea area just after the Thor's Birthday Festival. Obviously, its voyage was planned, and it was just a chance for anglers to come into contact with the legendary fish. As for whether they can catch it, then It depends on the anglers themselves.

Night falls.

Wuming put away his things and went to the room, took a shower and came to the fishing platform again.

After putting everything away, he changed the baits and floats one by one, and slowly adjusted the length of the line. After all preparations were made, he started fishing.

Pinocchio's bait is very special, it eats the truth.

As long as you write a sincere statement on paper, it is possible to attract Pinocchio fish, but sincere words also have levels. The more sincere words you don't want others to know, the higher the level, and the attraction to Pinocchio fish. The bigger it gets.

For example, there is a person who likes to eat shit. This is his own secret. He never wants others to know that he often eats shit secretly. So as long as he writes this secret on paper, he will definitely attract Pinocchio fish.

But the truth, such as I love to eat, I love to take a bath, I love to sleep, I hate work, etc., is not very important, even if it is true, it has little appeal to Pinocchio fish.

Wuming thought about it for a whole day, and finally wrote a lot of truth on his note. These words are what he doesn't want others to know, but they are all the most real thoughts.

Underwater, a long-nosed fish that looks like a piece of wood slowly swam over. It was like a cat smelling fishy smell, gradually approaching a piece of paper in the water.

The note read: "I love big butts!"

The truth!

The Pinocchio fish's eyes lit up, and it immediately bit off the note, and then a strong pulling force immediately pulled it up.

On the boat, Wuming pulled the Pinocchio fish up and shot the Pinocchio fish directly. He blew into the muzzle and said lightly: "You can go to hell with my secret!"

Underwater, a Pinocchio fish slowly swam over, and it immediately locked onto the fluttering note in the distance.

The note read: "I want to have a harem!"

The truth!

The eyes of Pinocchio fish lit up, and he immediately bit off the note, and then was also caught by Wuming and brought to the boat.

A beam of light shot through the head of Pinocchio fish.

Wuming blew a breath and said calmly: "Sorry, but you know too much."

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