I Contracted Myself

【900】Bad Queen Island

On the third day, Wuming started fishing at a depth of 30 meters.

Below 30 meters is the Nutcracker Layer, where you can catch Mary fish, walnut-biting mermaids, rat king fish, etc.

With the right skills, it is easy to catch Mary fish, but once you catch Mary fish, other fish will hate his bait and will bite off the fishing line again and again.

Wuming can only keep changing positions to catch Mary fish before the walnut-biting mermaids and rat king fish find him.

There was no conversation that night. When the sun pierced the sea, Wuming packed up his things and asked the mechanical puppet to deliver the fish to the warehouse.

Although he was busy all night, he was not very sleepy, so after having breakfast in the restaurant, he returned to the fishing platform and observed the surrounding situation with an electronic telescope.

Until noon, a special island slowly appeared.

This island is a huge, broken heart shape. Because there are a lot of black pine trees on the island, the heart looks like a black heart.

"Ding Dong, we've arrived at Bad Queen Island, we've arrived at Bad Queen Island."

When Wuming was planning to make a fortune quietly, the Endless Voyage made a mechanical sound. He could only sigh helplessly and wait for Wang Zong to come out.

After a while, Wang Zong walked onto the deck and saw the Bad Queen Island in the distance. He squinted his eyes, jumped off the ship immediately, and rushed to the island on the waves.

The Endless Voyage slowly sailed to the vicinity of the island. Wuming saw that Wang Zong had no problem landing on the island, so he jumped up slowly.

Bad Queen Island, just by hearing the name, you know it's not simple. If there is any problem on the island, Wang Zong is the best pathfinder.

Wang Zong stood in front of the Black Forest and did not approach the Black Forest rashly. He was also waiting for Wuming.

Although this might take away the benefits of Wuming, in case of danger, Wuming could also share half of the burden. He knew very well that Wuming wanted to use him as a pathfinder, and so did he.

The two stood side by side, glanced at each other, and then slowly walked into the Black Forest.

The tall and sturdy black pine trees are almost fifty meters high. The dense trees block the sunlight in the outer layer of the forest. The forest is dark, and only sporadic light spots fall on the ground through the gaps, forming beautiful broken light channels.

"Run, run, this is the Bad Queen Island. If you mistakenly enter this place, please leave quickly."

"The Bad Queen is very bad, the Bad Queen is inhumane. You will suffer a lot if you stay here, and finally become useless garbage, just like me, just like me."

"Brave stranger, we are a group of poor people suffering. The Bad Queen has turned us into things that cannot move. Please save us."

At this time, sharp and strange voices suddenly came from all over.

There was an old man's voice urging them to leave, a young man's voice full of fear, and a woman's voice mournful and sad.

Wuming quickly found the source of the voice. The old man was a tattered puppet with patches all over his body. He was hung on a tree and endured countless sun and rain. It looked like he could break at any time.

The man's voice came from a broken porcelain, which looked like a Tang Sancai, but the face was cracked, which looked a bit creepy.

Finally, the woman's voice came from a bird. The bird was blind in one eye and was looking at Wuming and Wang Zong with strange eyes.

"There is something wrong with this bird!"

Wang Zong made a judgment immediately. He picked up a stone and immediately threw it at the bird on the tree. The bird was frightened and flew higher.

It stared at Wang Zong angrily and cursed: "Bad-hearted man, you are finished. I will say bad things about you to the queen. You will be tortured and become useless garbage in the end."

"Hmph, you can escape first." Wang Zong picked up several stones and immediately threw them at the bird.

With his strength and technology, the bird was very lucky to dodge once. The second time it was hit by a stone, fell from the air, and screamed.

"What the hell are you?" Wang Zong picked up the one-eyed bird and asked coldly.

He deliberately didn't throw the one-eyed bird at its vital points, in order to get more information, otherwise the one-eyed bird wouldn't be able to dodge the first stone so easily.

"Murder, murder, help, someone wants to kill the queen's messenger." The one-eyed bird screamed.

Wang Zong squeezed the one-eyed bird again and said coldly: "Who is the bad queen, where is she, and what's going on with this island?"

"The queen is the greatest queen, this is Queen's Island, as long as you pass through this forest, you can see the queen's fortress." The one-eyed bird confessed everything in pain.

The old man with the puppet said: "The bad queen is very bad, you'd better leave quickly."

"I want to see how bad the bad queen is." Wang Zong pinched the one-eyed bird and walked forward confidently.

Wuming did not leave in a hurry, but walked to the old man with the puppet and asked, "Are you like this originally, or were you changed by magic?"

"Of course I was changed by magic. I was originally a prince. I heard that there was a beautiful princess on the Bad Queen Island, so I traveled thousands of miles to propose marriage, but who knew that the Bad Queen would turn me into rags." The porcelain young man said angrily.

Wuming asked, "Why did you turn into rags? Did you do something wrong?"

"She asked me to race with cheetahs, jump high with rabbits, and hold my breath with turtles. I am just a human. How can I beat these animals?" The porcelain prince replied.

Wuming nodded and analyzed: "So you failed the challenge, which is why you are now what you are now. Since you decided to take a gamble, aren't you mentally prepared to lose?"

"Which side are you on?" The Porcelain Prince asked with shame and anger.

Wuming smiled and said: "I am not on either side, just a tourist. If I have the chance, I would like to compete with the cheetah in speed, the rabbit in high jump, and the turtle in breath holding."

"You will be like me." The Porcelain Prince cursed.

Wuming turned and walked deep into the Black Forest, and replied: "No, we are completely different."

Next, many porcelain, puppets, and puppets on the road warned Wuming not to go forward, but Wuming didn't listen to these advices at all.

Half an hour later, a huge and majestic castle appeared in front of him.

The castle was surrounded by towering walls, and there were a large number of soldiers patrolling on the walls. Some plants poked their heads out from the walls, and the flowers were blooming brightly. There were also a lot of creepers clinging to the walls in the east, and the growth was very good.

Wuming observed the surroundings and finally came to a wall covered with ivy. He slowly climbed up the wall, avoiding the patrolling soldiers. He jumped down silently and entered the fortress.

Throughout the whole process, he did not make any sound and was not discovered by anyone.

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