I Contracted Myself


Warehouse, warehouse, warehouse!

Wuming has only one goal, which is the warehouse of the castle, and of course, it may also be a treasure house.

He entered the city, walked up the complex stairs, shuttled through the corridors, and avoided patrols one after another.

Suddenly, there was a clanging sound from the fortress, and then many patrols rushed to the other side, and someone shouted, enemy attack, enemy attack.

"Wang Zong?"

Wuming thought about it and immediately continued to move forward.

On the other side, Wang Zong pinched the neck of a soldier, and when he saw more and more soldiers appearing, he immediately showed a ferocious smile.

These soldiers were not strong, and he was going to kill only one soldier, and then slowly tortured him for information about the castle.


In the main hall of the castle, several queens sat on their respective thrones, observing Wuming and Wang Zong through a mirror.

"They are not like ordinary people, their physical fitness is too strong." A queen said.

Another queen wearing a black mask laughed and said, "Are you tempted?"

"No, I just want to turn them into cute teapots to serve me day and night." The queen replied.

Suddenly, the chairs, tables, and tea sets around them wailed in pain, and the queens around them laughed sharply.

"Okay, it's time to make them suffer a little,"

After laughing enough, the masked queen took out a staff and turned it around the mirror for a few times, and many green lights immediately entered the mirror.

Wuming and Wang Zong just took a few steps, and suddenly the world spun around, and then they appeared in an arena.

"Hehehe, hahahahahaha, welcome to the slave arena, today the great queen has caught two more slaves, I wonder if they can leave here alive?"

A large number of messy porcelains cheered, Wuming and Wang Zong looked at each other, and were about to attack, but then people appeared in two cages. Wang Zong punched the cage, but failed to break the cage.

"Is there a spell blessing?" Wang Zong thought silently in his heart.

At this time, Wuming was released from the cage, and a kangaroo was also released not far away.

"The strongest, I am the strongest boxer!" The kangaroo shouted loudly.

The audience around him immediately shouted: "The strongest, the strongest, the strongest, the strongest..."

"Please be ready, both of you." A flying rabbit appeared in front of Wuming and the kangaroo, holding a microphone and said.

Wuming sighed, and after the rabbit shouted start, he immediately stepped back. The kangaroo's fist smashed down like a meteor, making the air bang.

"Don't hide, let's fight head-on." The kangaroo said dissatisfiedly.

Wuming smiled and said, "I don't want a head-on fight."

"Ahhhhhh, I'm so angry." When the kangaroo heard it, the veins on his forehead bulged, and he bombarded Wuming with a stronger offensive.

Wuming dodged left and right, silently consuming the kangaroo's physical strength, while observing the kangaroo's attack routine. He didn't know how many enemies there would be in the arena, nor did he know what would happen if he won until the end.

But it is definitely right to conserve physical strength and respond to changes with the same.

Ten minutes later, the kangaroo's physical strength obviously decreased. Wuming took the opportunity to kick the kangaroo in the head and it fell to the ground on the spot. The audience was quiet for a while, and then cheered.

Wuming was transferred to the cage again, and then Wang Zong was released.

A minotaur appeared in front of Wang Zong. His burly body exuded a sense of oppression, and he felt that he was a level stronger than the kangaroo.

"Please prepare, both of you." The rabbit said.

The minotaur grinned and said, "I will twist his neck off."

"Boring." Wang Zong said indifferently.

As the game started, the minotaur immediately pounced on Wang Zong, but the next moment Wang Zong appeared behind the minotaur with the minotaur's heart in his hand.

The heart was beating, and the minotaur looked down at the big hole in his chest and roared in pain: "No, this is impossible!"

Then it fell down weakly, smashing a big hole on the ground.

Wang Zong threw the heart to the ground and returned to the cage amid the cheers of countless people. He did not express anything throughout the whole process.

"Interesting, both of them are very strong, maybe they can defeat the black warrior." In the box at the top of the audience, the queen wearing a black mask said lightly.

Another queen said: "Let's wait and see."

At this time, Wuming appeared in the arena again, his opponent was a bear, the bear was wearing leather armor, and looked at Wuming with caution.

"Ready, start!" Rabbit said.

The giant bear did not attack first, but stepped back a few steps, then slapped the ground with one palm, raising a cloud of dust.

It hid in the dust, constantly raising a larger dust, and finally Wuming gradually sank into the dust, and only the sound of the bear's claws scratching the ground could be heard.

Wuming looked around calmly, and gradually showed a smile.

Although the giant bear would immediately move its position every time it raised the dust, its movements were actually regular, otherwise the dust would soon disperse after being raised. Only by constantly filling the position where the dust was raised could a large enough dust be formed.


Wuming suddenly attacked. As soon as the giant bear moved to the next place, Wuming kicked it on the head and it fell to the ground.

The dust gradually dispersed, and many people were shocked.

The giant bear was also a strong presence in the arena. In the past, it defeated many gladiators by raising dust and attacking. Unexpectedly, this time it was defeated without even breaking the dust.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I see hope, this human may be able to turn us back to our original appearance." A queen saw this scene and laughed loudly.

At this time, Wang Zong came on the field again, and his opponent was a black dragon.

"Hehehe, the black dragon is very strong, can this human defeat it?" A queen laughed.

The other queens watched the game in the arena attentively. As the rabbit sounded that the game started, the black dragon directly sprayed flames at Wang Zong.

The temperature of this flame is very high, and it will emit billowing black smoke when burning.

Wang Zong frowned, avoided the attack of the flame, and then jumped up and kicked the black dragon's head, but the black dragon reacted quickly and immediately protected his brain with his wings. When the wings collided with Wang Zong's feet, they also exerted force violently, directly pushing Wang Zong out.


Wang Zong fell to the ground, and the next moment a big pit appeared under his feet. His body appeared again at the chin of the black dragon, and he jumped up and kicked the black dragon's jaw.


The black dragon roared, and its body suddenly curled up. As its body turned, its tail collided with Wang Zong.

Boom boom boom...

Wang Zong was knocked out, plowing a long scratch on the ground.

The two sides were evenly matched?

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