I Contracted Myself

【903】Killing and fighting

"Maleficent, it's all your fault. If it weren't for you..."

"Red, shut up!"

"Francesco, this is not the time for internal strife. We must unite, otherwise Tremaine's fate will be our fate."

Then the queens looked at the dead queen on the ground, and they all resolutely and solemnly faced the outside world, all holding their staffs to search for Wang Zong and Wuming hiding in the crowd.

Suddenly, a series of screams came from below, and the queens looked in the direction of the sound. A large number of poker soldiers were torn into pieces, accompanied by the blood and flesh of some spectators flying up, looking like exploding fireworks.

The queens held their staffs in their hands, but they were a little confused at this moment. They didn't find Wang Zong or Wuming.

Where is the enemy?

Suddenly, the masked queen's face changed slightly, raised the staff in her hand and pointed, a rainbow fell, and the remains of a large number of poker soldiers turned into real fireworks and scattered.


A diamond-shaped porcelain pierced through the fireworks, but was hit by another rainbow, and turned into colorful mist in an instant.

"Well done, Francesco!"

"We don't need to look for their traces, as long as they are still in the arena, they will definitely..."

"Red, be careful!"

The queens were very happy because they defended against Wang Zong's attack. Some queens talked freely and felt that they had already won.

But just as the Red Queen was arrogant and expressed her opinions in a sharp and terrible voice, a spear pierced through the body of a poker soldier and instantly pierced the Red Queen's huge head.

After the blow, Wuming broke the teapot lid on his head and threw it away, and the fragments shot towards the rest of the queens like flowers scattered by the sky.

These surviving queens were in a hurry, and all of them were injured, either their arms were scratched by fragments or their skirts were cut by fragments.

Before they could get angry, Wang Zong's attack came like a ghost, and Queen Francesco was instantly pierced through the heart by a fragment.

The death of Queen Francesco successfully broke the camel's back. The remaining queens screamed sharply, and then they were like a broken string. Holding their staffs, they began to use magic frantically at the audience. For a while, the audience was howling like ghosts and wolves, and countless audiences turned into puppets and porcelain on the spot. Some of the audience even exploded on the spot and turned into fireworks.

Unfortunately, this attack was useless to both Wang Zong and Wuming. The two shuttled through the audience. Just by looking at the attack trajectory of the queens, they could find countless routes to avoid the attack.

They both knew what the other was thinking and were looking for the most suitable time.

In fact, since the death of the second queen, 'Red', the competition between the two has changed. They both want to get the queens' staffs. In their eyes, these queens are already trapped in a jar. It's nothing more than who can grab more benefits.

And grabbing more benefits requires position and timing.

Once the last queen dies, the competition between the two will turn from the dark to the light. Whoever is closer to the queens can get more staffs.


Suddenly, Wang Zong attacked Wuming.

Actually, it was not an attack on Wuming. He just attacked a drum-like audience member next to Wuming. After the audience member's body was pierced, there was a loud noise.

Several queens looked in the direction of the sound and attacked at the same time without thinking.

Wuming realized that something was wrong the next second after Wang Zong attacked. He quickly shuttled among the audience, grabbed a tall hat and put it on his head. When passing a rabbit, he took off the mask on the rabbit's face and put it on his own face.

Before the rabbit had time to yell, the queens' magic wands swept over with rainbows, and the rabbit turned into a puppet on the spot.

Wuming moved quickly, sometimes high and sometimes low. When he passed a human-shaped fat pig, he took off the fat pig's coat and put it on. The fat pig immediately chased Wuming in anger, but as soon as he climbed onto the chair, he was kicked in the chin by Wuming. The whole person leaned back and made a series of pig calls.

The queens' attacks fell, and the fat pig turned into a scarecrow on the spot.


Wuming turned around and shuttled through the crowd, turned back and pressed his hat to the scarecrow, then moved out of the queens' attack trajectory like a fish in water, and calmly looked at Wang Zong who was squatting in the distance.


Wang Zong snorted coldly, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck.


Wuming lowered his head and smiled, then raised his hand and threw out a playing card.

This fat pig had several boxes of playing cards in his pocket. It was estimated that he might be a magician, but he never thought that Wuming would be unethical and directly snatched his magic coat.


The playing card passed through the dense flow of people and finally landed on a balloon, which exploded on the spot.

Several queens were like frightened birds, and immediately attacked the location where the balloon exploded, but Wang Zong and Wuming calmly left the attack range, and only a large number of spectators suffered an unexpected disaster and turned into all kinds of messy toys in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, one of the queens suddenly felt something flying towards her. Before she could use her staff to defend herself, the shadow instantly cut her neck.


The surviving queens saw another queen being killed, so they all screamed in panic.

In terms of magic, they are not weak. The problem is that the enemy is hiding in the crowd, and they can't kill everyone in one go. There are only two ways to leave the arena. One is that all the queens use magic at the same time to transfer all creatures from the shadow dark side back to the front, and the other is that they all die.

"Maleficent, think of a way quickly, otherwise we will all die here."

A queen looked at the queen wearing a black mask with red eyes and roared hysterically.

Maleficent said angrily: "What can I do? It's you who want to use them. Now you blame me for the problem?"

"Okay, don't fight among yourself. I have a magic that can revive Francesco and others, but it takes time." A queen said at this time.

The next second, a poker card was inserted into the back of the queen's head. The queen opened her mouth and then collapsed.

The last hope was shattered.

Wuming hid in the crowd and said to himself: "You are still plotting loudly. Do you really think that Wang Zong and I are deaf?"

The physical fitness of the two has not changed. It's just that without the support of extraordinary energy, it is difficult for them to exert their full strength. Now it feels like stepping on cotton candy. It is very good to be able to exert 40% or 50% of their strength.

But the weakening of strength does not mean that the five senses are also weakened.

In fact, from the beginning, the two had locked on several queens. Wang Zong's attack was so accurate because these queens kept talking.

With the death of the queen who had the resurrection spell, there was no suspense next.

Wuming and Wang Zong knew that the final moment had arrived. Both of them no longer held back and launched various attacks almost at the same time. The poker soldiers had no defense at all. One attack after another penetrated the poker soldiers. In the blink of an eye, the remaining queens were shot and killed by all kinds of messy things.

The last queen touched her chest, and dozens of poker cards were inserted into her chest.

Just then, a ‘queen’ was stuck in the middle, and a large amount of blood flowed out of the wound, quickly drowning the queen card. The queen slowly fell down, and only a blood-red conscious state remained.

After all the bad queens died, Wuming and Wang Zong rushed to the platform at the same time.

Wuming grabbed a staff and immediately pointed it at Wang Zong opposite him. Wang Zong’s movements were exactly the same as his.

The two of them waved the staff vigorously, and when they found that they could not use it, they immediately put away the staff. The two sides quickly rushed towards each other and fought dozens of rounds in an instant.

At this time, the arena began to collapse upwards, and countless materials lost gravity and all floated up quickly.

Wuming and Wang Zong noticed this situation, and they all shifted from the fist-and-foot fight to the battle for the staff. No matter what the staffs were used for, they would grab them first.

Both sides quickly picked up the staffs, and at the same time continued to attack each other, preventing the other from obtaining more staffs.

In the end, the two flew into the sky in the fight and quickly disappeared in the huge dark vortex.

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