I Contracted Myself

【904】Everyone has their own gains


Pah pah pah pah!

Various objects fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

A little bird held its wings and wailed, "I have a broken bone, I can't fly, my bird has given birth."

Then a pig wearing striped boxer briefs fell from the sky and sat on the bird. The hunchbacked pig straightened up and his eyes widened. Something... came in!

At this time, Wuming and Wang Zong fell from the sky. Both of them supported the ground with one hand, then kicked each other with their legs, and their soles collided with each other. Under the interaction of forces, the two quickly flipped back, stepped on the ground with the other foot, and pulled away from each other in an instant.

Wuming looked at Wang Zong's hand. Wang Zong held four staffs in his hand, and then he glanced at the staffs in his hand, which were also four staffs.

Unfortunately, no one had the upper hand this time.

The fighting spirit in the hearts of the two men gradually diminished. If they continued to fight, there would be no winner. In fact, they had no reason to fight.

"We are back, great, the queens are dead, we are free."

A dog woke up and suddenly shouted happily. Many animals also found that the castle had lost its past colorful light and the flowers and plants around were withering, but they did not feel sad, but cheered.

"Ding Dong, the Endless Voyage will leave the Bad Queen Island in 30 minutes, the Endless Voyage will leave the Bad Queen Island in 30 minutes!"

The notification sound of the Endless Voyage came from a distance.

Wuming and Wang Zong both realized that now was not the time to fight, so they quickly put away their fighting postures and rushed to the castle that was becoming dilapidated.

Perhaps it was because of the loss of the magic blessing of several queens that the castle gradually turned from its original brilliance to dilapidated, the walls fell off, moss slowly climbed up the corners, the window frames gradually became rusty, and the lights in the originally bright corridors gradually dimmed, and even glass fell from above.

Wuming and Wang Zong acted separately, and both felt that the other was too annoying.

This castle is connected in all directions, but the structure is quite strange, like countless puzzles of different styles that are forcibly pieced together. Originally, it didn't feel out of place with the magic blessing, but now with the rapid aging of the magnificent decorations, this feeling of disharmony has become particularly strong. Wuming walked through a long corridor, and the armored guards standing in the corridor suddenly fell apart. He looked back, then pushed open a door and looked into the room.

Seeing that there was nothing good, he continued to search forward.

After breaking into more than ten rooms in a row, he found a pharmacy.

There were thick books in the room, as well as a large number of strange bottles and jars, and some green and blue potions were placed on the medicine shelf as a whole.

In addition, in the corner of the room, there were a large number of bright red apples, each of which was shiny and full, exuding an attractive aroma.

Poison apple?

When Wuming saw these apples, he had some guesses in his mind. Without saying a word, he packed up the apples in the basket and took the books on the table away. ‎‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

After leaving the pharmacy, he found a queen's underwear room, which was filled with all kinds of underwear.

He was naturally not interested in these underwear, so he continued to search more rooms.

"Good stuff!"

Fifteen minutes passed in a flash, and Wuming broke into a room with a large number of gold and silver artworks. He immediately found a golden fishing rod.

He was not interested in the crowns, gem necklaces, and golden daggers around him. Only the fishing rod attracted his attention.

However, as he approached the fishing rod step by step, "ruin" spread. A large number of gold and silver jewelry in this magnificent room quickly became dull, the crown turned into rotten iron, and the gem turned into stone.


Wuming quickly got the golden fishing rod.

The next moment, the atmosphere of decay spread throughout the room. Only the golden fishing rod in his hand remained golden, and all the remaining gold and silver jewelry turned into broken copper and iron. The whole room seemed to change from golden to black and white.

"Not good!"

Wuming glanced at the fishing rod, then at the broken copper and iron around him, and his heart sank, realizing that the same scene might be happening in other rooms.

If he didn't race against time to grab more things, everything in the castle would become rubbish.

Next, he didn't think about it anymore, but rushed out of the room, racing against time, constantly packing up and taking away things that looked valuable in each room.

On the shore of Bad Queen Island, the Endless Voyage gradually started, and with a sound of metal friction, the anchor slowly emerged from the water.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the Endless Voyage did not wait for Wuming and Wang Zong specifically, but slowly sailed away from the island.

When the boat was hundreds of meters away from the shore, a huge running sound came from the black pine trees, and then Wuming rushed out of the forest with a package several times larger than his body, and countless tree fragments flew everywhere.

He roared, jumped up with all his strength, and landed on the deck of the Endless Voyage like a meteor. The huge impact caused the ship to shake slightly, and then quickly regained balance.

"Huh, we caught up!"

Wuming sat on the deck, looking at the island in the distance, wiped the sea water off his face, and said with a smile.

After a few minutes, Wang Zong rushed out of the trees of Bad Queen Island. He also jumped up with a huge package on his back, and the whole person hit the deck like a cannonball. Fortunately, the Endless Voyage was huge enough and made of indestructible materials, so the hull was only slightly shaken by this heavy hit, and then everything returned to calm.

Wuming didn't care what Wang Zong had gained. He pulled the package in front of him and began to count his spoils.

There is no need to say much about the four magic wands. There are also goldfish rods, a large number of poisonous apples, various potions of unknown use, a thick book, and some bracelets, crystal shoes...

Wuming is not sure what the magic wands and the like are used for, but the poisonous apples can be used to catch Snow White fish, and the crystal shoes can also be used to catch Prince fish.

As long as he catches legendary fish, he can go to Meow Meow House to exchange for various props and slowly accumulate advantages.

After counting the harvest, he sorted out the things and returned to his room with the package on his back.

On the other side, Wang Zong was also counting his harvest.

Axe, armor, sword...

He selected a large number of weapons, but the one he liked best was an exquisite harpoon.

Compared to fishing, he was more used to fishing in the sea.

With this harpoon in hand, there were not many fish that could escape his pursuit in the water.

Even if it was a legendary fish, he was sure to kill it.

Now everything is ready.

Everything will be revealed at night.

Wang Zong held the harpoon, caressing it lovingly, and was full of anticipation for the arrival of night.

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