At this moment, both Zhao Yanhu and Zhang Ping are extremely excited.

They are not afraid that the giant snake in front of them will eat too much, they are afraid that it will not eat the blood of the saints at all.

As long as it is willing to eat.

Then equivalent to become Zhang Ping's bag.

Zhang Ping thought that he could have such a huge rare beast, his heart bubbled beautifully.

But then, the giant snake kept licking Zhao Yanhu's blood and did not stop at all. Zhang Ping thought for a while and immediately stepped forward to support Zhao Yanhu.

He turned his hands into the form of king blood, inserted Zhao Yanhu's back, and began to provide Zhao Yanhu with stronger hematopoietic ability.

Everyone else is motionless, waiting for Zhang Ping to subdue the giant beast in front of him.

About two hours later, the giant snake finally stopped.

"Good child, come, eat it!"

Zhao Yanhu took the contract gem from Zhang Ping and raised his hand to order.

The giant snake hesitated for a moment, and finally opened its mouth and swallowed the contract gem. The part that belonged to the tortoise awakened in an instant, but soon became quiet again.

"Master Zhang Ping, did you succeed?" Zhao Yanhu asked expectantly.

Zhang Ping was worried and immediately used Appraisal Technique on the giant beast in front of him.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Chasing the moon mysterious turtle]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Alienated two-headed turtle]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 1000000]

[etc. Tier: high level Alienated Beast]

[Level: 25]

[innate talent]

[Overlord physique: The body can grow continuously, the larger the body size , The stronger the defense, strength, and speed. 】

【Black snake chasing the moon: The black snake part can be converted into'moonlight energy' by absorbing moonlight and stored on the surface of the turtle shell, which greatly improves the defense of the turtle shell and has its own counterattack effect. 】

【Xuangui Bagua: The Xuangui can consume the'moonlight energy' in the body to form the naked eye invisible gossip, and manipulate the space by controlling the different directions of the gossip. ]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner's commands, and you will faithfully implement the summoner's commands]


Good guy!

The potential is ten three-star, and the lifespan is one million years old. It really deserves to be a tortoise-shaped alienated beast.

But what surprised Zhang Ping the most was the Innate Ability, which chased the mysterious tortoise on the moon. There is nothing to say about the black snake part, it's just that the power bank has increased defense and built-in anti-armor.

But Xuangui's gossip is different. Just looking at the ability description, Zhang Ping can't imagine what kind of ability it is.

But the final "manipulation of space" is enough to show that this ability is very high level!

"Master Zhang Ping? Master Zhang Ping?" Zhao Yanhu couldn't help shouting when he saw Zhang Ping motionless.

Zhang Ping Ping Weiwei exhales one breath saying, said with a smile: "Successful, everyone, wait a moment, I will give you a few commands for Chasing the Moon Xuangui!"

Follow him Just repeating the previous order to A Da, after confirming that the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon had been completely controlled, he ordered the mysterious tortoise chasing to come closer.

"Everyone first go to turtle's back, let's speak slowly!" He said with a smile in a happy mood.

Turtle's back is a bit slippery, but it's much wider than Ah Da's snake back, it's like a big playground.

After everyone transferred to the back of the black turtle chasing the moon, Zhang Ping took Ah Da back into the deed.

"This big guy is called Chasing Moon Black Tortoise. One end of the tail is a black snake, and the tortoise side is a Black Tortoise. Although it is very huge, it is actually a high level alienated beast, and it only has Level 25. "Zhang Ping sat on the turtle's back, looking at the turtle shell in surprise, and then said.

Cheng Xuejie was surprised: "It's only Level 25? How do I feel that it can beat a hundred me?"

"I'm afraid in this environment, I may not be it. Opponent." Feng Laixian couldn't help but said as he looked at the huge black snake behind the tortoise.

Zhang Ping laughed, although Xuangui's gossip abilities have not yet been figured out yet, spatial abilities have always been unreasonable, especially the abilities of alienated beasts are often a little bit stronger than humans.

If this gossip is an offensive ability, I am afraid Feng Laixian can't really beat the mysterious turtle chasing the moon.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and his arm turned into the form of king blood, and he directly separated a mass of blood. He ordered the black snake to swallow the blood, and then controlled the blood to penetrate into the body of the mysterious turtle chasing the moon.

The easiest way to understand the abilities of the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon is to observe it in the body of the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon.

"Sister Sisi, I will move into your body for a while. I am going to transfer my consciousness to the moon chasing black turtle to have a look." Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and said directly.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Yes."

"Then I'm here!"

Zhang Ping transformed into a king's blood form, directly from Liu Sishan The wrist penetrated into Liu Sishan's body.

However, his consciousness did not stay in Liu Sishan's body, but directly transferred to the body of the mysterious turtle chasing the moon.

He discovered that there were many parasites in the body of the mysterious tortoise, so he started killing the insects and repaired the internal injury of the mysterious tortoise.

Chasing the Moon Black Tortoise probably felt that Zhang Ping was helping him, and suddenly let out a huge roar of joy.

"Okay, okay, be quiet. Next, Xuangui uses gossip, let me see what power it is." Zhang Ping commanded in the moon chasing Xuangui.

For an instant, through Xuangui's perspective, he saw countless virtual gossips appearing in the space. Each of these gossips was different, and there was even an unimaginable huge gossip floating on the water.

The mysterious turtle stepped out and appeared directly tens of thousands of meters away. A giant crocodile happened to be beside it. It glanced at the giant crocodile, and gossip also appeared on the giant crocodile.

This giant crocodile has a strong sense of territory, and immediately roars at the moon chasing mysterious tortoise, and then twists his body in an S shape, quickly thinking of the moon chasing tortoise to start a collision.

However, every time its nose touches invisible gossip, it will go backwards a little bit. It looks like playing an online game with high network latency and the character keeps walking in space.

"Are there other abilities?" Zhang Ping asked with great interest.

The next moment the black turtle chasing the moon controlled the gossip in front of the giant crocodile to turn. When the giant crocodile touched the other side of the gossip, its body suddenly twisted into a ball, as if being locked in a juicer, and the blood came from The body was twisted out.

A giant fifty-meter crocodile was twisted to death like this!

really strong!

On the turtle's back, Liu Sishan and the others watched the giant crocodiles being killed in seconds with no difficulty, all sucked in a breath of cold air.

Feng Laixian felt a little blush. Although chasing the moon mysterious turtle this move may not kill him, he will definitely die if he comes a few more times.

Next, Zhang Ping ordered the Black Tortoise Chasing Moon to use the remaining five abilities, finally clarifying the power of the Black Tortoise to gossip.

Xuangui Bagua has a total of eight abilities, namely Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground, space distortion, space solidification, space rotation, space folding, space shock, and space Elongated.

Space solidification is Space Shield.

The moon chasing mysterious tortoise can form a large number of Space Shields around itself, and the attacks of the top alienated beasts cannot break this shield.

Space rotation is similar to space distortion, but space distortion acts on the enemy, while space rotation acts on itself.

Space lengthening is actually the opposite of Shrinking the Earth into an Inch.

One is to shorten the distance of the space, and the other is to extend the space very long.

However, these abilities all need to consume moonlight energy. Among them, space distortion, space rotation, space folding, and space vibration consume a lot of energy, while Shrinking the Earth into an Inch and space elongation consume the least, while space freezes generally.

After using the eight abilities one by one, the moonlight energy of the chasing mysterious turtle consumes seven tenths.

Obviously, the ability of chasing the moon mysterious tortoise is strong or strong, but it can't be used many times.

Good steel is on the blade.

Zhang Ping immediately made the decision to store the moonlight energy as much as possible in the chasing moon mysterious tortoise, and try not to use gossip when it is not necessary.

At a critical moment, playing the Xuangui gossip as a trump card is the final word.

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