Three days later.

The tortoise chasing the moon slowly moved forward in the reeds, and everyone on the turtle's back was doing their own thing.

"Where is the exit? There are all reeds here, so there is no exit." Bai De said helplessly while fishing with a fishing rod in his hand.

On the first day, everyone searched and exited patiently. On the second day, everyone did not give up. On the 3rd day, only Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan were still working hard.

Now, Zhang Ping is doing push-ups, and Liu Sishan simply sits cross-legged and meditates. Everyone is not in a hurry.

It's mainly because it is urgent and useless.

The poison swamp was too big. Zhang Ping flew into the air and looked down. It was really boundless. There was almost nothing except rivers, swamps, and reeds.

Although it is suspected that the exit is hidden somewhere in the reeds, it obviously cannot be found in a moment.

"Old Mister Situ, can I ask a question?" Zhang Ping stood upside down on turtle's back doing push-ups, while still having room to ask.

Situ Shibai replied: "What's the problem?"

"After the investigation team came in, it was definitely not as easy as we are now. They don’t have pets to ride, so how do they deal with poison? Find an exit in the swamp?" Zhang Ping curiously asked.

When they first came in, they fell directly into the water. Without Ah Da, the countless mutant leeches underwater would be enough for them to drink a pot. He could not imagine how the newcomer of the investigation team passed the test. .

"Not quite clear, maybe they also have their way." Situ Shibai said.

Well, I really listened to what you said as if you listened to it...

Zhang Ping was a bit speechless.

Suddenly, his ears moved slightly and he looked up all around. Densely packed arrows shot from different angles.

The speed of these arrows are not the same, some are extremely fast and some are slow. When he was about to remind everyone, Bai De had already yelled first: "Enemy attack!"

Zhang Shouzhong sat up and hit an arrow in the chest first. Before he could activate his ability, he was shot through his throat.

"Xuangui, use the space to solidify!!!"

When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he immediately roared loudly, and rushed towards Zhang Shouzhong at the same time.

He ran to Zhang Shouzhong, Zhang Shouzhong covered his chest with one hand, his eyes widened, and his face had become purple.

"Don’t worry, I’m here, even if you only have your head, I can let you survive!"

Zhang Ping’s arm immediately turned into a king’s blood form, from Zhang Shouzhong’s The cervical spine penetrated in, while treating Zhang Shouzhong while looking all around.

All arrows are blocked by the invisible gossip formed by the solidification of space.

Zhang Ping followed the direction from which these arrows came, and immediately saw many people in green clothes.

These people are immersed in water, with long bows in their hands and harpoons on their backs. They are all glare like a tiger watching his prey watching Zhang Ping and the others.

"You...who in the world?" Feng Laixian roared at this time.

Liu Sishan coldly shouted: "Why attack us?"

In the distance, Zhou Qingbai narrowed his eyes slightly, realizing that he might have made a mistake.

From the attitude of Feng Laixian and Liu Sishan, these people are not like the people sent by Pearl City to catch him.

"Boss, what should I do?" asked an awakened next to Zhou Qingbai.

Zhou Qingbai thought for a while and decided: "Kill, you can't let them leave alive, otherwise...Pearl City will know that we are hiding here sooner or later."

He is the investigation team, The Captain of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

In the past few years, Ma Bin has been bribing him.

at first he refused.

However, Ma Bin’s hospitality was really unstoppable, and in the end he received a lot of Ma Bin’s benefits.

The so-called good is like den, and evil is like collapse.

Zhou Qingbai received the benefits, how could he stay out of the matter forever.

One come and two go.

He also did a lot of things that violated the rules of the investigation team for Ma Bin.

Some time ago, the situation in Pearl City suddenly became unpredictable.

Zhou Qingbai felt bad. He suspected that what he had done was about to happen, so he simply left Pearl City with a group of confidants and smuggled into the poison swamp.

Here is the scene he is most familiar with. He is going to build a water kingdom here and get away with it from then on.

The scene of Experience Land has a very interesting feature. When do you enter the special scene, when do you often go out, it looks like Time Freeze.

But if the first group of people do not go out after entering the scene, will the people behind never come in?

Not so.

The first group of people will not go out, but if the second group of people come in, then the time when the first group of people go out will become the time when the second group of people come in!

This is why Situ Shibai does not agree with Time Freeze.

In his opinion, the two spaces are just anchored by the entrant, anchoring time.

If the entrant is changed, then the time anchor point will change.

It's just that this kind of thing is more troublesome to explain, so Situ Shibai didn't elaborate on Zhang Ping.

Zhou Qingbai was obviously not prepared to communicate with Zhang Ping and the others. Originally, he mistakenly thought Zhang Ping and the others were the ones sent by Pearl City to capture him, so he decided to act first.

After discovering that it was a misunderstanding, he guessed in his mind that Zhang Ping and they were probably new members of the investigation team and were undergoing tests.

So once Zhang Ping and they return to Pearl City, talking about this test, it is likely that the leaders of Pearl City will realize that he is hiding in the poison swamp.

Then the next time...I am afraid it will be the one who really captured him.

Now we can only make mistakes, cut weeds and eliminate the roots!

Next, Zhou Qingbai's people continued to attack, densely packed arrows continued to shoot, and at the same time some awakened also activated their abilities, the swamp was frozen quickly and spread to the mysterious turtle chasing the moon.

"These people don't plan to communicate with us, let's do it!" Feng Laixian squinted, and murderous aura overflowed.

He has no habit of not being able to fight back. The reason why he didn't kill him immediately is because the number of enemies hidden in the reeds is unknown, and the awakened ability is unknown. It is not only stupid to approach him rashly, but also very dangerous.

Not far away, Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said: "Wait, I will deal with the fatal injury before hitting it."

He was also very angry, unfathomable mystery suffered When it comes to attack, if he doesn't happen to have the ability to heal, Zhang Shouzhong's current injuries can basically be declared dead.

Not everyone is a Phoenix.

Overwhelming majority awakened is hit by an arrow, and they will die!

Zhang Ping held the arrow in Zhang Shouzhong’s throat, gritted his teeth and said: "fatty, hold back!"

next moment, he directly pulled out the arrow, and One hand controlled Wang Xue to quickly repair the wound.

After the two arrows were pulled out, Zhang Shouzhong’s injury quickly recovered. He took a breath and looked at Zhang Ping gratefully, saying with a smile: "Thanks!"

"It's okay, ready to fight!" Zhang Ping punched Zhang Shouzhong's shoulder, then got up and looked at the reeds.

Zhang Shouzhong's whole body was instantly covered by armor, and he had two more Meteor Hammers in his hands. He gnashing teeth said: "These bastards, see if I am hammered to death!"

this time It was the closest he was to death. He really thought he was going to die just now.

"Wait, that's... Zhou Qingbai, these people are probably members of the ugly team of the investigation team!" Situ Shibai said at this time.

Why is the investigation team again?

Everyone is slightly frowned, and the impression of the investigation team is greatly reduced.

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