
Feng Lai Xian was coldly snorted, scanned all around the reeds, and said while observing: "The investigation team has too much power. There is a lack of necessary supervision in the wild, and it is inevitable to develop into this way. Don’t think about it so much now, just clean up these guys before talking!"

"I have seen that there are at least several thousand people here, an investigation team. Can there be so many people?" Cheng Xuejie doubted.

The silhouette in the reeds is faint. From the arrows just shot, it is conservatively estimated that there are at least 5,000 people, which is completely beyond the number of people in a normal team.

Normally, there is a squad in the investigation team, the number is about nine to twelve, and there must be an awakened with Appraisal Technique to investigate the basic information of alienated beasts.

Zhou Qingbai’s team is too large to be normal at all.

"hehe, Zhou Qingbai's ability is called the Green Forest Hero, he can summon many humanoid Summed Beasts wearing green clothes, most of which are his Summed Beast!" Situ Shibai said with a smile.

Summoned Beast?

Everyone was a little surprised, and Feng Laixian said with a smile: "Cannon fodder type Summoned Beast, no matter how much it is rubbish!"

After that, he simply jumped out of chasing the moon. In the protection range of the mysterious tortoise, the whole person fell like a cannonball in the reeds. Suddenly, a large amount of steam erupted from the reeds, and dozens of Summoned Beasts were directly bombarded and killed.

If it is an enemy who does not know the details, he will treat it very carefully, but after knowing that the opponent is an investigating team, this kind of scruples disappears.

To open a dojo in Pearl City, it is natural to understand who can offend and who can’t.

For the entire investigation team, Feng Laixian only feared two people. One was the leader of the ten days, the Captain Shijun of Team A, and the other was Captain Bai Yating of the Twelve Earth Branches.

Apart from this, all are clay chickens and pottery dogs, impossible to withstand a single blow!

Although the strength of Phoenix in the water is greatly reduced, it is still unmatched.

Even, many reeds burned because of the high temperature, forming a fire sea in a blink of an eye.

"I'm on it too!"

Seeing that Feng Laixian was so brave, Zhang Shouzhong roared in inspiration, and plunged into the water and gu lu lu sank... …

After a while, he emerged from the water, yelled depressed: "If you don’t wear armor, you will be shot by an arrow. If you wear armor, you can’t hit it at all."

"Come up first." Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

This place is really not suitable for fighting, all around is water, and the reeds are also swamps.

Unless you work hard like Feng Laixian with sturdy strength, it is best to stay on turtle's back and act accordingly.

Zhang Ping went to the edge of the tortoise shell and pulled Zhang Shouzhong a hand. After pulling Zhang Shouzhong up, he warned the others repeatedly: "Senior Sister can’t swim, Senior Lu is still recuperating, and the current environment It's really not suitable for everyone's fighting style, so... everyone stay on turtle's back, this time I will ask two seniors to take action."

"Well, when I go back next time, I will definitely have to Learn how to swim." Cheng Xuejie responded with a fist.

Not far away, Lu Han blushed and nodded to express his understanding.

He is the oldest in the entire sweeping team and should have shouldered more responsibilities, but now he has become the most in class.

In fact, his ability to adapt to the environment is very strong. The problem is that the mental damage caused by the mourning bird is not good, and there is really not much battle strength now.

Zhang Ping saw Lu Han's shame, but now there is really no time to comfort him.

He sighed slightly, turned and looked in the direction Zhou Qingbai was, opening the mouth and said: "Senior Ye, Senior Su, there are a lot of people on the opposite side, I'm afraid it will trouble the two seniors this time."

"he he he he, is it finally our turn to play? Although it's comfortable to stay in the contract, it's not bad to come out occasionally to loosen your muscles and bones!" Ye Changchun said with a laugh.

In an instant, the deposit deed he was in quickly flew forward.


When he came out of the deed, his huge body fell into the water, and a huge wave was suddenly raised.

"This place is very nice, the old man likes it!"

Ye Changchun looked up all around, happy said with a smile.

And Su Qingbo also came out of the contract, he did not speak coldly, but quietly merged into the water. In the water, the clear water quickly became turbid, but many fishes could feel the murderous aura of this current, and fled towards all around one after another.

The current changes continuously under the water, and finally four sharp water blades are formed. The reeds next moment all around are like being cut by a knife instantly, crash-bang falls, and hides The people in the reeds were also severely cut.

"Not good, everyone concentrated on attacking that tree man!"

Zhou Qingbai didn’t see Su Qingbo, so he felt that his summoned beast was rapidly diminishing, and mistakenly thought it was Zhang Ping’s release Ye Changchun was playing a ghost, and immediately shouted loudly.

All the masked people wearing green clothes around him pulled bows and shot arrows at Ye Changchun, but the arrows fell on Ye Changchun's body like small toothpicks, and it didn't hurt Ye Changchun at all.

Ye Changchun's old face full of tree knots lowered his head slightly, his smile turned hideous and terrifying under the shadow, he raised his right hand and patted the water directly.


Under tremendous power.

There was a loud explosion.

The river water suddenly turned into water droplets and swept forward. Numerous masked people were hit by the water droplets and burst on the spot.

"Good fellow, the senior's strength is too terrifying!" Bai De couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this.

Cheng Xuejie looked at the green masked man who was quickly slaughtered all around, and added: “The other senior is too strong in the water to see the shadow of the senior at all, but the enemy is like The wheat keeps falling down like wheat."

Three top awakeneds of the cream of the crop joined forces to slaughter. Although Zhou Qingbai had two top awakeneds, his strength was really far worse.

Where Fenglaixian passed, there was a fire sea among the reeds. Ye Changchun didn't need to walk at all. A light wave of his hand was densely packed water drop bullets. All those who were shot exploded and died.

The most terrifying thing is Su Qingbo, he is silent underwater, killing people invisible.

No matter how Zhou Qingbai and another top awakened change their strategy, the number of green forest heroes is constantly decreasing. When there are only two thousand green forest heroes left, Zhou Qingbai finally realizes that he has kicked the iron. .

"All heroes are responsible for cover, Long Fubo, we retreat!" Zhou Qingbai saw that the situation was not good, and ordered immediately.

Long Fubo is the second top awakened of the ugly team besides him. The abilities of the two can complement each other, so for Zhou Qingbai, Long Fubo is very important and there can be no difference.

The two quickly dived into the water, but before they could leave, their feet were imprisoned by a certain force.

"I just want to go now, it's too late!"

Su Qingbo's cold voice came into the ears of the two in the water, and the two immediately struggled wildly, but in the water They couldn't beat Su Qingbo at all.

Finally, both of them began to feel breathing difficulties.

Although Zhou Qingbai pulled out the harpoon behind him and kept waving it, he couldn't beat Su Qingbo at all.

This kind of struggle, on the contrary, consumes the oxygen in Zhou Qingbai's body faster. He could hold his breath underwater for half an hour, but because of the struggle, he passed out in just a few minutes.

Su Qingbo pulled the two quickly to the edge of the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon, and directly threw the two on the tortoise shell like dead fish.

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