Actually, Su Qingbo likes to stay in the contract more than Ye Changchun.

Especially meditation in the storage contract, the effect is incredible, and there is even a feeling of'the five aggregates are empty'.

This feeling is hard to describe.

To put it simply, it means staying away from all upside-down dreams, no more troubles, confusion, or ignorance.

Su Qingbo has a faint intuition. As long as he stays in the deposit for a long time, he may really be able to break through to the King level.

So, after the battle ended quickly, he returned to the deposit, and then controlled the deposit to fly into Zhang Ping's pocket.

"Thanks, Senior Su." Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After Ye Changchun and Feng Laixian came back, everyone first tied Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo, then Zhang Ping infiltrated part of the blood of the two people, and Liu Sishan also Some pure water was poured into the abdomen of the two of them.

With these two guarantees, they are not afraid that Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo will even dare to resist when they wake up.

Actually, there were still a few awakened survivors from the Ugly Team, but Feng Laixian didn't plan to stay alive, so he killed them neatly.

"Zhang Ping, don't be soft-hearted this time. After the interrogation, I will do it. I will give them a good time!" Feng Laixian looked at Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo unkindly, and said to Zhang Ping. Said.

Zhang Ping said noncommittal: "Let’s interrogate first to see if they belong to the Zhu Family."

He just checked the attributes of the two, and both of them are in power. It appears to be an investigation team, but there is a bracket behind the investigation team with the word'rebellion' written on it.

"Whether it is Zhu Family or not, I will kill them later." Zhang Shouzhong gnashing teeth said.

His throat was sealed with an arrow and he almost died.

"You don't have to kill, sometimes life is more valuable than death!" Zhang Ping said meaningfully, and at the same time gave Zhang Shouzhong a look that he understood.

Zhang Shouzhong rolled his eyes and vaguely understood what Zhang Ping meant. He squinted his eyes and said, "No, I have to kill them!"

About a few minutes later Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo woke up slowly, and they soon realized their situation.

"You are who, I am the captain of the ugly investigative team, Zhou Qingbai, you are breaking the law..." Zhou Qingbai said loudly immediately.

However, before he finished speaking, Feng Laixian slapped him to the ground, and several teeth were shot out.

"I ask, you answer. If the answer makes me unsatisfactory, you don't need to say anything." Feng Laixian said coldly.

Zhou Qingbai sat up reluctantly, with a fierce look in his eyes, trying to calm Feng Laixian with ruthless words, but then Zhang Shouzhong smothered his face with shoes. Zhang Shouzhong said unhappy: "He doesn't seem to plan to cooperate. Let's change one."

"You...what do you want to ask?" Long Fubo said with a bitter smile.

Zhou Qingbai wanted to stop Long Fubo, but Zhang Shouzhong stepped on him when he got up.

"Why attack us?" Zhang Ping ignored Zhou Qingbai, looking at Long Fubo and asked.

Long Fubo could see more thoroughly than Zhou Qingbai, and fell into the hands of Zhang Ping and the others. It was useless to pull a tiger's skin. If you can confess now, you might suffer less.

"Captain Zhou took a lot of bribes from Ma Bin. Recently, the situation in Pearl City is very weird. He escaped because he felt something was wrong, so he mistakenly thought you were here to catch him after he found out." Long Fubo said with a bitter smile.

Ma Bin?

That's Zhu Yanbing!

Everyone reacted immediately. With that said, although Zhou Qingbai is not a member of Zhu Family, he is also inseparable from Zhu Family.

"What did he do for Ma Bin?" Zhang Ping asked seriously.

Long Fubo glanced at Zhou Qingbai. Zhou Qingbai struggled wildly and warned him fiercely not to say.

In the eyes of Zhou Qingbai, Zhang Ping and the others would definitely not dare to kill him. As long as they are escorted back to Pearl City, he may not be able to ask Ma Bin to help him out, and now the confession is over.

"Captain Zhou secretly helped Ma Bin transport a lot of heart-eating phantom foxes and dangerous foxes into the city, I also not quite clear what they want these two alienated beasts to do." Long Fubo hesitated for a moment. Still speaking.

Situ Shibai’s voice came from the bracelet: "The inherent innate talent of the heart-eating phantom fox is a cognitive distortion, and the inherent innate talent of the fox is a subversion of common sense. Zhu Family needs these two alienated beasts... …Afterwards, Heavenly Fox turned out, hehe, I couldn’t help but wonder."

"Did Zhu Family use some means to create Heavenly Fox through these two alienated beasts?" Zhang Shouzhong speculated.

Liu Sishan disgusted: "No matter what the reason is, it is a capital crime to bring these two alienated beasts into Pearl City!"

Because in the past, there was an awakened called ' Rootworm's alienated beasts were brought into Pearl City. In the process of entering the city, rootworms lay their eggs quietly, and the insect eggs were scattered throughout the city along the canal, eventually killing thousands of people.

From then on, the leaders of Pearl City have been very cautious about awakened carrying alienated beasts into the city.

Under normal circumstances, if you bring an alienated beast into a city without permission, according to the degree of danger of the alienated beast, the carrier can be imprisoned for life or death.

Although the investigation team has privileges, it must also apply for qualifications from the City Lord's Mansion, and the alienated beasts can be brought into the city under the supervision of the patrol team.

Why Zhou Qingbai ran away whenever there was trouble, in fact, he mistakenly thought that the Dongchuang incident had happened.

"Okay, things are cleared up, because it violated the rules of the investigation team and violated the ban of Pearl City, this guy defected from Pearl City. This kind of defection happened to be under the control of the sweeping team. I Think of the death penalty directly, do you have any opinions?" Zhang Shouzhong glanced at Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said first.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo indifferently, and said indifferently: "I agree."

"No comments!" Cheng Xuejie said.

Lu Han drew out his sword and said calmly: "Captain, I apply for the execution of the death penalty."

"Wait, can I apply for atonement? Zhou Qingbai pays it back There is a secret. He hid all the bribes he received in a safe house on the outskirts of Pearl City. Only me and Zhou Qingbai knew about that place." Long Fubo face deathly pale and immediately opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping timely said: "If you want to live, you don't have a chance. You can survive by eating this contract gem!"

He condensed a contract gem, looked at Long Fubo calmly.

"Zhang Ping, do you want to save these two scumbags?" Zhang Shouzhong opened the mouth and said dissatisfied.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "This contract gem has not modified any rules. Once they eat the contract gem, they can only be loyal to me. In fact, it is no different from life imprisonment."

"But they should be executed. They must die. Only when they die can I vent my hatred!" Zhang Shouzhong blushed, yelled his gnashing teeth.

Zhang Shouzhong tone barely fell, Long Fubo took the opportunity to open the mouth and said: "I eat, I eat, I want to eat!!!"

He opened the mouth after he finished speaking.

Mouth, looking at Zhang Ping hopefully.

Zhang Ping threw the contract gem directly into his mouth. His eyes widened suddenly, a huge sense of disgust poured out in his heart, and then he swallowed the gem fiercely.

"Your heart is repelling it, and it is not digested even after eating it. It doesn't count." Zhang Ping waited for a while to activate the Appraisal Technique, and then lightly saying.

He turned one hand into the form of king blood and penetrated directly into Long Fubo's abdomen, slowly pulling the contract gem from his stomach along the esophagus.

Long Fubo vomited the contract gem to the ground, panting in pain, and after a long time opened the mouth and said: "Please give me a chance, please, I will definitely not this time Repel it!"

In order to survive, in order to escape the death penalty, he can save everything.

"Then give you another chance, don't let me down!" Zhang Ping looked at him and said.

Next, Long Fubo gritted his teeth and bit the contract gem on turtle's back, he brow beaded with sweat, his eyes looked up and swallowed the gem.

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