Appraisal Technique really can identify a person's potential to do?

Zhang Ping somewhat uncertain, because he saw the potential in human bottomless Long Fubo body.

In order to escape the death penalty, in order to be able to survive, even forcibly Long Fubo will contract gem digest.

[success] Identification

[Summoned Beast: Long Fubo]

[master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human ]

[potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 86]

[other bands: top awakened]

[ level: 31]

[innate talent]

[tangible copy: consumption spirit strength + blood, may be a tangible copy thereof, the larger the copied object, the ability the complexity, the greater the consumption. ]

[obey: you obey the commands of the summoner, summoner's commands, you will be faithful execution]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate - copy doubled: consumption doubled, may will need to copy more than one copy of the target. ]

[high level - copy pairs: consumption, doubling, may need to copy the target multi-copied twice. ]

[top - the ultimate Copy: copy the required consumption dropped 90 percent and fifty percent probability of the emergence of 'copy crit', the number of target copied to enhance the percentage it by one thousand. ]


Just the ability to understand the dragon Fubo, most people will understand why Zhang Ping Long Fubo willing to give a chance.

In fact, weeks before innocent summon outlaw, the number did not so much, is entirely in Long Fubo with only copying out more outlaw.

two have worked together, almost equivalent to a number of breaking a million troops.

Zhang Ping Long Fubo needs, it is because he wants to take advantage of the ability to copy more Fubo dragon king of gems.

In this way, he would have the king of gems used up.

"Well, let go of him."

Zhang Ping close results of the evaluation, said with a faint smile.

His hidden to the Shou beat a look, Chang Shou-in to take the hint and said:. "Long Fubo after all only an accomplice, may Zhou innocent must die, now call upon Miss Han senior to the death penalty"

"en!" Lu cold holding long sword, went straight to week innocence.

Week innocence standing Zhang Ping looked around Long Fubo, forehead sweat gradually more and more, he want to die ah!

"and so on, I am willing to eat contract gem!"

He gulped, under tremendous pressure to relent Road.

While eating contract gem would have to Zhang Ping work extremely hard, but the good death is worse than to live, this is called the land better than being strong cold beheaded.

"etc., is now employing the occasion, then give him a chance." Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said.

Shou immediately angry and said: "No, he would almost kill me, you look at my throat, you see my chest, now it is still aching, he must die!"

So saying, he excitedly holding the Meteor Hammer, a big step forward seems to want to just kill innocent weeks.

Week innocence to see this scene, and quickly shouted:. "I'm willing to eat, believe me, Dragon Fubo can do, I can do"

" go to hell! "

Shou in fierce threw away Meteor Hammer, but it was cold land with a sword Dangxia, Meteor Hammer collision with the long sword suddenly spark scattered.

In this case, phoenix Sin and Bai De Shou opportunity pulled in, so too in Shou into play, really dropped the circumferential innocent to kill.

"Eat it!" Zhang Ping condensed out of a contract gem, came coldly said.

Week innocent nosebleed cross-flow, as well as the shoe prints Chang Shou-face, twisted his face looked Zhang Ping, gratitude and said: "Thank you, thank you, I'll eat."

he ate contract gem, trying to school himself not exclusive contract gem.

Now let alone a contract gem, as long as can survive, even if Zhang Ping asked him to eat shit, he would face does not change the eat, and thumbs up to say delicious.

humanity in the face of death, the potential is absolutely beyond imagination.

This is the animal can not match.

Because the animal fear of death, in fact, far less than human.

This is particularly true powerhouse like innocence week, once in order to survive, the will would be more receptive to their own instincts do not want to accept things.

Zhang Ping waited for a while, immediately Appraisal Technique for weeks innocence.

[successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Week innocent]

[master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 77]

[other bands: top awakened]

[ level: 34]

[innate talent]

[outlaw: exhaustion summon a one hundred fitness equivalent to summon those forest green hero ten percent, they would fully obey the command summon persons, and comes with a certain degree of military accomplishment, they know how to fight with each other. ]

[obey: you obey the commands of the summoner, summoner's commands, you will be faithful execution]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate -black businessman: extra physical exertion can summon a black businessman, he will provide more weapons to outlaw them. ]

[high level - the mountains Hero: extra physical exertion can summon a hero in the mountains, every hour, there will be one hundred additional outlaw hero gathered in the mountains around the upper limit of one thousand people. ]

[top -enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven: to create a flag on one side, every half an hour, there will be one thousand outlaws appear near the flag, the upper limit of five thousand people. ]


Zhang Ping reading attribute, suddenly smiled and extend the hand palm in Shou, Shou immediately take the hint with Zhang Ping clap to celebrate.

"hahahahaha, really eat?" In Shou said with a big smile.

Zhang Ping nodded said with a smile: ". True to eat, I did not expect would be so successful"

"! - that is because I am acting," Shou in proud said with a smile.

Long Fu Bo and Zhou instantly realized that he was innocent and Zhang Ping Shou in to a routine, they will look for a green a white, and his face is very ugly.

Week innocence teeth and said: "You ...... you ......"

"quiet, then listen to my orders!" Zhang Ping to see the two men opened the mouth and direct said.

he did not these two people as human beings, then his first two commands are not allowed to think for themselves, and then is allowed to have two desires, feelings, and so on.

This is equivalent to the two men became thoroughly puppet, with A large, Genki is basically no difference.

"Well, get up." When all under Zhang Ping command, then lightly saying.

Week innocent stand up motionless, not Zhang Ping command, he is no different with dolls.

Actually, this is a kind of benevolent Zhang Ping, at least not thinking, loss of self, it will not be painful.

"brother, this command will not be too hard a little?" Shou are some can not bear listening in, then whispered BB Road.

Zhang Ping remove the storage deed, deed command the two alone in the reservoir, and then calmly said: ". In my eyes they are dead, but dead just"

"Yes, the death penalty is supposed to be, now just recycling." Lu Han agreed.

phoenix fairy light and said:. "Is that cheap them"

"Now is the occasion of the employer, the good Zhang Ping this approach, killing although able to vent my heart of anger, but after nothing at all, and now innocent and Zhou Long Fubo are completely controlled Zhang Ping, it will help us be the next test of the way, can be considered for their past actions of the atonement. "Liu Sishan said with a slight smile.

Chengxue Jie nodded and said: ". As long as they remain in this state forever, I have no opinion, anyway, alive with the dead, there is not much difference between"

"next encounter Zhu Family man , in fact, can do it, but they certainly know a lot of Zhu Family secrets, and perhaps we can get a lot of first-hand confidential. "Shou in his eyes, a look of treacherous said with a smile.

Bai De agreed: "Try anyway, if we can know Zhu Family's lair in the end where you are, that's fine."

We discussed for a while, feel zhang Ping's contract gem is actually not so useless, under coercion, perhaps the human beast than alienation easy to control.

Chasing the Moon Genki slowly forward again, we talked for a while to spread, fishing fishing, meditation meditation, rest and rest.

Zhang Ping hunkered central shell, thought decided to take take stock of your abilities.

After all, he got too much capacity recently, but it has no time to organize, to reflect on what he will bring these capabilities.

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