I Contracted Myself

【907】Seventh floor

Five years later.

Two white lights appeared simultaneously in a pure white space.

The light dispersed, and Wuming looked at the other end with a smile on his face. Wang Zong had an expressionless face, as if nothing in the outside world could affect him anymore.

At this time, a woman's voice sounded: "The seventh floor, welcome the two players to the treasure house of the gods. The seventh floor, which was originally the residence of the gods, has undergone horrific changes due to the departure of the gods. Two players, please come to the treasure house of death. Find the way to the eighth floor before the tower is destroyed.

At the same time, you can invite three foreign aids to this floor, and everything you get can be used to get out of the Tower of Babel of Death. "

Then, a panel appeared in front of Wuming and Wang Zong. They could invite foreign aid at will, and foreign aid would not really die if they died in the Tower of Babel, but would be sent back to their original space.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏Wuming thought for a while and immediately chose Lin Renmei, Lucy Fair, and Aries Gong. The reason why he did not choose Gao Shang Palace was because of Gao Shang Palace Although the level is high, his combat effectiveness is not particularly strong. In a space without rules and secrets, his combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened.

In contrast, Lucifer's ability to be difficult to kill is more useful.

On the other side, Wang Zong looked at the invitation panel in silence. He had no friends or lovers and had been killed by his own hands. He found that he had no foreign aid to invite.

Finally, he silently clicked to close the invitation panel, thinking coldly in his heart: "Beasts always walk alone, only cattle and sheep travel in groups!"

Although he said this, he was still quite anxious in his heart.

Wuming will definitely get great benefits from being on the sixth level. Coupled with the inherent rewards, if the strength of both sides is not restricted on the seventh level, it will be difficult for him to outdo Wuming.

At this time, two rays of light covered the two people again, and then sent them to different landing points.

Wuming landed on the edge of a volcano. The next second after the light dispersed, three rays of light quickly fell. After the light dissipated, Lin Renmei, Lucy Phil, and Aries appeared in front of him.

"President, long time no see!" Aries Gong said with a cheerful smile.

Wuming was surprised: "Long time no see? How long has it been outside?"

"President, you have disappeared for ten thousand years. The Council of Heavens has now elected a new president. By the way, I should call you the former president." Aries said seriously.

Wuming was shocked.

At this time, Lin Renmei couldn't help laughing.

She stepped forward and hugged Wuming gently, and said, "Okay, Mr. Aries is just joking with you. In fact, you have only been away for six days, and today is only the seventh day."

"Is it really just seven days?" Wuming looked at Lucifer.

Lucifer nodded and said: "Well, you only disappeared for seven days because Qin and I were here. In fact, there will be no problem in the Council of the Heavens with or without you."

"That's good." Wuming breathed a sigh of relief.

Aries smiled and said: "Okay, let's talk about the current situation first. What is the use of us as foreign aid?"

"It's not clear yet, let me tell you what I know about this place first!" Wuming replied.

Then he told in detail how he was involved in the Tower of Babel of Death, and what he experienced at each level. The three of them listened. Finally figured out the current situation.

"Does Wang Zong have any foreign aid?" Aries Palace asked.

Wuming shook his head and said: "I don't know. I don't know much about Wang Zong's interpersonal relationships. Anyway, let's just assume that he has foreign help."

"It won't be too late. Let's learn about the surrounding situation and talk as we go." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming looked at the endless volcanoes in the distance and said: "This space is very large. From the moment I appeared on this level, my mental power turned into a straight line and continued to extend outwards, but I have not yet explored it to the end."

This level does not suppress his strength. With his mental power, he can explore the past even millions of light years away, but so far he has not explored the end of this space.

And this ‘volcanic jungle’ is too big.

"Then first set a direction and move in that direction. You can't just stand here and chat." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming nodded, then took out a coin and said: "Heads go east, tails go west. Anyway, we don't know what we will encounter, so let's try our luck. At least in terms of luck, I am relatively confident. "

"Yes, I agree." Aries nodded.

Everyone present knows what the nameless luck is. At least his luck is still working, so the seemingly unscientific method of tossing a coin is actually the most scientific.

After a while, Wuming finished tossing the coin and decided to head east.

Wuming walked in front, and Lin Renmei and others followed suit. Aries walked around and picked up a lot of ores on the road. After his explanation, everyone realized that there were a lot of rare ores near the volcano.

"Fire Pattern Mine, good stuff!"

"This is a lava gold mine, good stuff!"

"This is the first time I have seen such a large piece of black gold obsidian. Wuming, can these things really be taken out?"

Aries kept putting various stones into his storage space, and Wuming also kept collecting various rare ores beside him. As for Aries' question, he directly affirmed it.

"Wu Ming, I think these rare or even precious ores may be traps!" Lin Renmei said as she saw the two of them continuously collecting ores.

Wuming frowned and said, "Are you saying that the purpose of these things is to prevent us from finding the way to the eighth floor?"

"There is a possibility." Lin Renmei said calmly. ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏

Wuming grabbed a piece of ore and got up from the ground. He thought about it and said with a smile, "That makes sense, but it's not impossible to have your cake and eat it too!"

As he spoke, the dense flowers of fantasy immediately turned into pairs of huge Titan hands.

Countless Titan hands quickly collect the surrounding ores.

"Look, it solves the problem perfectly!" Wuming smiled.

Then he summoned Qilin, sat on Qilin's back, and said: "Next, let's collect the treasures along the way while walking, and try our best to avoid delaying both."

"By the way, if you meet Wang Zong now, how long will it take to defeat Wang Zong in a one-on-one situation?" Aries Palace jumped on Qilin's back, picked up a piece of ore with telekinesis, and then asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "Within one minute!"

In the previous level, he summoned the Meow House to trade again. With the cover of the Flower of Fantasy, and using magical props, he could definitely kill Wang Zong at first sight.

Next, everyone chatted and observed the situation around them.

Lucifer even made many arrangements in some volcanic craters. Lin Renmei also used biological force fields to observe the interior of volcanoes and captured some creatures living in the magma.

It's a pity that these creatures will die quickly once they leave the magma, and then turn into some kind of crystal. The value of research is not great.

The long-legged Qilin walked very fast and had climbed over dozens of volcanoes in the blink of an eye, but there was still an endless volcano in front of it.

PS: Why do others get better so quickly? It’s been a month since I still have headaches, drowsiness, and cough with yellow phlegm...

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