I Contracted Myself

【908】All-purpose Hummingbird


Kill kill kill kill kill!

Wang Zong punched out, and countless gold coins instantly twisted, deformed, and turned into powder.


Wang Zong no longer cared.

He didn't need treasure, he didn't need anything, he just wanted to kill Wuming now.

Rules be damned!

Next level?

No, he was going to kill Wuming on this level.


Wang Zong roared wildly, and the next moment he took a step forward, and the entire treasure house instantly broke into pieces. He smashed the ceiling of the treasure house and rushed out from underground.

There was a huge cave on the ground, and a red dragon was entrenched in the middle of the cave. Hearing the sound, he immediately opened his narrow eyes, and then he roared angrily.

The treasure house it guarded actually had a thief!


Its tail instantly slammed towards Wang Zong, and Wang Zong punched back.

The fist and tail collided together, and the powerful shock wave triggered an earthquake, and the entire cave immediately shook.

"Despicable human, you're looking for death!"

The dragon's tail twisted and shrank as fast as a snake, and the next moment it blasted towards Wang Zong again.

In the air, Wang Zong smiled and said grimly: "Little lizard, you are tired of living!"

He dived directly towards the dragon, and the two collided halfway, with fists and tails colliding at super high speed.

With the two as the center, all matter began to collapse, the cave collapsed in the violent vibration, huge rocks fell from the sky, but were then turned into powder by the shock wave.

The two sides fought from the ground to the sky, and the scales of the red dragon all emitted a scorching red light, and the body temperature rose rapidly.

Suddenly, the dragon opened its mouth and a red light cannon blasted towards Wang Zong.

Wang Zong turned around to avoid the attack of the light cannon, and then raised one hand, and countless black air instantly moved from all parts of his body to his palm like parasites. He roared and swung his hand to chop the dragon's tail.

A flash of black light passed by, and the dragon roared in pain. Its tail was cut off by Wang Zong.

"Next, I will cut off your neck!"

Wang Zong looked at the dragon with murderous intent, his hands emitting black air.

Half an hour later, the dragon's neck was cut off, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang, directly smashing a hundred-meter-long pit on the ground. Then the terrifying high temperature melted the ground and formed a red magma lake. Wang Zong threw the dragon's head into the magma lake and sneered: "You are an overconfident bug!"

His original intention was to find Wuming to fight a hearty fight, and he didn't pay attention to this dragon at all. If the dragon had hidden obediently, it would not have ended up like this.

But thanks to this dragon, he was able to vent his anger fiercely. Now he feels much more comfortable, and reason has occupied his brain again.

Wuming has many friends, and he must have called for external help.

Although Wang Zong didn't want to admit it, he knew very well that Wuming would definitely not let the weak come to help, which meant that if he went to find Wuming now, the result would most likely be four against one.

Wuming alone was troublesome enough, and with three similar strong men, he had no chance of winning at all.

"For now, let's see how to play on this level. If there is a way to quickly improve my strength, then improve my strength first!" Wang Zong thought silently in his heart.

But then all kinds of powerful auras came from all around, and a blue dragon flew from a distant mountain and roared: "Who killed Xiaohong?"

Then more and more dragons appeared, each of which was not weaker than the red dragon.

Wang Zong took a deep breath, then quickly landed on the ground, and fled.

These dragons were not strong.

But he was sure to deal with ten at most at the same time, and it would be dangerous if there were more.

Moreover, there seemed to be more dangerous existences behind these dragons. If he really fought without thinking, he might die.

Half a day later.

Wang Zong fled to a lake. He sat on the ground to rest. Suddenly, the water in front of him rippled and a huge lotus slowly emerged from the water.

"This is... the legendary Buddha-seeing Lotus!"

Wang Zong looked at the lotus in full bloom. In an instant, the sound of Sanskrit lingered in his ears. He unexpectedly muttered to himself.

Then he realized that the female voice before actually gave a huge hint, that is, the name of this layer is "God's Treasure House". Although it is a treasure house abandoned by "God", a lean camel is bigger than a horse. How could there be no good things on this layer?

"So that's how it is, this layer is played like this!"

Wang Zong understood at this moment. He stood up and walked towards the Buddha-seeing Lotus. Hope rekindled in his heart. If he made good use of the treasures on this layer, he might not lose to Wuming.


As night fell, the temperature in the volcanic area remained high.

In fact, the temperature in the volcanic area has been maintained at around 70 degrees during the day, and it drops to around 65 degrees at night. Most of the creatures on Earth cannot survive here.

Qilin was still moving forward. Wuming and others sat on the back of Qilin. No one spoke, but they were doing what they wanted to do harmoniously.

Everyone was so familiar with each other that they would not feel awkward or left out even if they did not speak.

Wuming sat next to Lin Renmei, shoulder to shoulder. Lin Renmei was meditating. The bio-force field was rotating around her body like a stream of water, and it looked like several beautiful star rings. Wuming took out the mind gun, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. A stream of energy slowly appeared, and under Wuming's mind control, it gradually turned into a knife.

He stayed on the sixth floor for three years. Although his goal had never changed, which was to catch legendary fish, it was actually very difficult to catch legendary fish. \u003c‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎p\u003eIn three years, he only caught five legendary fish.

Finally, he exchanged five fish for the Hunting Compass in Meow Meow House. The effect of this prop seemed to Wuming a bit like Jack Sparrow's compass in "Pirates of the Caribbean". When the user determined his goal, the clearer the goal, the higher the accuracy of the compass, and the closer to the goal, the more stable the compass.

After exchanging the Hunting Compass, Wuming turned the Hunting Compass into a flower. At this time, one of the fantasy flowers surrounding him was actually the Hunting Compass.

Therefore, after entering the seventh floor, he actually knew which direction Wang Zong was in.

However, he was not in a hurry to find Wang Zong. After knowing Wang Zong's direction, he changed his goal. They were actually heading towards the location of the most valuable treasure on the seventh floor.

Although the goal was a bit vague, the concept of the seventh level was still very clear, so the hunting compass still gave guidance.


The knife in Wuming's hand turned into petals, and he flicked it lightly, and the petals immediately floated away.

At this time, Lin Renmei suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Be careful, there is danger approaching us, there are a lot of them, a bit like...bugs?"

"Not bugs, but birds, the All-purpose Hummingbird." Aries said.

Lucy Phil frowned and said, "The All-purpose Hummingbird, if there are too many of them, it will be a bit troublesome."

"Whether they are coming for us or not, let's prepare first." Wuming smiled at this time.

He also noticed the existence of the All-purpose Hummingbird, but the All-purpose Hummingbird was still a long distance away from them, enough for them to prepare for battle.

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