I Contracted Myself


In fact, the four people present are very good at developing and using their abilities.

Especially Wuming, because he has many abilities, he has unique insights into the prospects and applications of his abilities.

After the game, Lin Renmei quickly mastered the "uncertain future view". Under the premise of close combat, the enemy's actions within three seconds will be perfectly predicted, and even with the sixth sense, crisis sensing and other abilities, it can achieve ultra-long-distance future prediction.

For example, if there is a sniper aiming at a few kilometers away, and several abilities are activated at the same time, the accuracy of the prediction will be greatly improved, and the correct answer can be easily known by the elimination method.

Of course, even the ability to predict the future is just icing on the cake for Lin Renmei. In the final analysis, hard power is the real confidence of the four people present.

Most enemies can be killed instantly with one punch, so this ability is not useful at all.

"In fact, even if it is a wrong prediction, it can sometimes provide useful information. This ability is quite interesting." Wuming put away the coin and smiled at Lin Renmei.

Aries nodded and said, "Indeed, at least you are not confused by wrong information, and you can extract truly valuable information. This ability can be regarded as a magical skill to some extent."

"Renmei, predict what you will encounter tomorrow." Lucyphile smiled.

Lin Renmei nodded, closed her eyes and pressed the Qilin, using the Qilin as a medium to predict the future. The next moment, she frowned slightly and said, "I saw the sun, countless suns falling."

"The sun fell?" Wuming, Aries, and Lucyphile were all stunned.

Lin Renmei opened her eyes and said seriously, "Well, the sun fell from the sky, and the whole world turned into a sea of ​​fire. This is the picture I saw."

"It's not impossible, that is to say... we need to face various natural disasters in this level?" Aries analyzed.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's still several hours before dawn. Renmei's prediction may not be accurate, but you can use different media to make more predictions and find the truly correct answer."

"That's right, then try a few more times!" Aries nodded in agreement.

Then everyone discussed and decided to use everyone's clothes as a prediction medium, because if they encounter danger, each of them will definitely take action. Clothes are close to their bodies and are closely related to their own destiny. It is natural that they can be used as a medium.

First, it was Wuming's clothes. Lin Renmei saw the picture of the sun exploding. Then it was Aries' clothes. Lin Renmei saw the picture of the iceberg falling. Finally, it was Lucy Phil's clothes. Lin Renmei saw a white light.


Everyone present fell silent after understanding the predicted pictures.

This is the sun exploding and the iceberg falling. There is no connection at all.

"Sure enough, this ability... The accuracy is too low." Wuming finally smiled helplessly.

Aries also nodded and said: "It is estimated that it is a million miles away from the real future, but one thing is certain, that is, fighting, we will encounter fighting."

"Well, since the three people are in the picture of danger, then fighting is also a matter of course." Lucy Phil nodded.

Wuming's forehead cracked at this time, and one of his eyeballs trembled rapidly. Then he said with a bitter face: "This space has a concealing effect on the future, and I can't see it for sure."

Predicting the future, spying on the future, such abilities, Wuming has many.

It's just that in the space of the heavens and the worlds, where there are many strong people, the interference is huge. It's better to believe in your fist than to believe in the future you predict, so Wuming basically doesn't use this kind of ability.

"Did you see any picture?" Aries asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "There are dense eyes in the darkness, and I only see this information."

"The sun, the iceberg, and the dense eyes..." Lucyphil frowned and couldn't help thinking.


Suddenly, Lin Renmei couldn't help laughing.

Everyone looked at her, and she smiled and said, "Don't you think these contents are a bit familiar?"

"Familiar?" Wuming touched his chin, and suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "The Hummingbird of All Laws!"

Aries and Lucyphil were both stunned, and then they realized that the Hummingbird of All Laws did meet these conditions perfectly, especially the hummingbird group they just encountered.

It can't be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said that there is no difference!

Aries smiled and said, "In other words, we will encounter a hummingbird group similar to yesterday tomorrow?"

"Is it possible... those hummingbirds?" Lucyphil suddenly asked.

Wuming, Aries, and Lin Renmei were stunned, and then they thought of the abnormal self-explosion of the Hummingbird King of All Laws. Assuming that the Hummingbird King of All Laws knew that he would be resurrected tomorrow, it could be explained.

Because he knew that he would not die, he simply exploded himself and dragged the powerful enemy to death together.

The result is that the enemy died and he was resurrected the next day.

It's just that the Hummingbird King of All Laws didn't expect that even self-destruction couldn't do anything to Wuming and others. As an immortal being, it's not surprising that the Hummingbird King of All Laws will come back to seek revenge tomorrow.

"Indeed... it's possible!" Aries nodded.

He was not surprised at all by what happened in the Lost Gate. It's reasonable that they are just immortal.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then go back and take a look. I'm curious about how they will be resurrected."

"Will it take too much time?" Lin Renmei frowned.

Their first task now should be to find the way to the eighth floor. Even if the Hummingbird King and the flock of birds have the characteristics of immortality, the worst that can happen is to kill them again tomorrow. \u003c‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎/p\u003e

Wuming explained: "It is indeed a little delayed, but sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. It is better to know the enemy in advance than to encounter danger without knowing anything. What if all the creatures on this floor have the characteristics of immortality? I am afraid that we will have more enemies in the future!"

"Then let's go and see!"

Lin Renmei grasped Wuming's thoughts in an instant and nodded.

Immortality is indeed a very troublesome ability.

Wuming not only wants to verify whether the other party is immortal, but also wants to find a way to target it by observing the other party's rebirth.

In short, Wuming thought differently from her from the beginning. She thought that if they are immortal, they will not die, and as many as come, they will be killed.

Wuming wants to destroy the immortality of the other party and kill them once and for all.

After a moment, Qilin turned around and walked back.

"To be honest, except for the transcendents, I don't believe that any creature is truly immortal. The so-called immortality... is just that we haven't found a way to kill them." Aries laughed at this time.

Lucy Phil nodded and said, "That's true. It is said that a long time ago, solid life was immortal and there was no way to kill it. But now, not to mention magical props, some rules and secrets can also kill solid life. Therefore, although solid life is immortal for most creatures, it is not difficult to kill for very few practitioners."

"Yes, that's true." Wuming nodded.

He has killed many opponents with strong vitality, and many of them are said to be immortal.

But in fact, as long as you find the weakness or targeted ability, it is easier to kill than killing a chicken.

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