I Contracted Myself

【912】Unlimited materials

The next day.

Wang Zong sat cross-legged in the lake. After swallowing the Buddha-seeing Lotus, his inner irritability and murderous intent were straightened out. It was not that the murderous intent disappeared, but that he became more rational.

Controlling violence with wisdom is the right way.

He lost to Wuming in the first six levels, and his heart was unbalanced, so he fell into a state of obsession.


The Buddha-seeing Lotus is the best antidote for obsession.

At this time, Wang Zong was completely sober. Although he knew that the situation was very unfavorable to him, he would not lose his composure because of it. Instead, his heart was inspired with endless fighting spirit.

Suddenly he noticed a familiar breath flying from the air, so he slowly opened his eyes.

"Despicable human, die!"

The red dragon he killed yesterday swooped down from the sky, and immediately opened its mouth after penetrating the clouds, and flames spewed out of its mouth.

One second.

Wang Zong suddenly appeared in front of the red dragon, and slashed down from top to bottom with his hand knife. The red dragon was killed before it could open its mouth, and blood was spilled into the sky.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Zong was very strong. Yesterday, because of his inner imbalance, he could only exert 50% of his strength, so he formed the illusion of being evenly matched.

Now he has calmed down, and the red dragon is not his opponent at all.

However, looking at the dragon's body, he immediately realized that things were not that simple. How did the dragon find him?

Obviously, he just restrained his breath and his presence was extremely low. Even the wild beasts in the forest who came to the lake to drink water could not detect him, let alone the red dragon hundreds of thousands of meters away.

But the red dragon found him and took revenge.

At this time, dozens of terrifying auras burst out at the same time in the distance, and a roar spread across the continent: "Who killed Xiaohong?"

"Here it comes again!"

Wang Zong thought to himself, and then punched the ground.

The corpse that lost its self-consciousness was just a piece of meat. With this punch, the red dragon's corpse was reduced to ashes.

After ensuring that he had destroyed the corpse, Wang Zong quickly evacuated, and the next thing would be tomorrow.

If the red dragon appeared again tomorrow, it would mean that the more monsters killed in this level, the more monsters would chase him the next day.


Let's talk about two things.

Wuming and others returned to the place where they had killed the King of All Laws Hummingbirds before, waiting from night to day. When the first ray of sunlight shone from the horizon, the flock of all laws hummingbirds began to revive.

It was not resurrected from the wreckage, but like 3D printing, it was born out of thin air from the feet. When it was completely printed, the King of All Laws Hummingbirds immediately made a loud cry, and the flock of birds quickly lined up.

"This way of resurrection... is troublesome." Aries said to himself.

If it was resurrected from the wreckage, they only needed to seal the wreckage of the King of All Laws Hummingbirds, such as blood and feathers, to solve the problem.

But the flock of birds was 3D printed by sunlight, so there was no way.

At this time, the King of All Laws Hummingbird noticed the people on the ground, and for a moment, the enemies were particularly jealous of each other.

With the bird king's cry, dense small fireballs appeared out of thin air, and then the fireballs quickly merged with each other to form a huge fireball that fell from the sky.

"The sun is falling!" Wuming said with a smile.

Then everyone used their magical powers to leave the back of Qilin in an instant, and Qilin was also sent back to the Wuming Sea by Wuming.

The 'sun' fell.

After the explosion, a sea of ​​fire was formed.

Wuming and Lin Renmei stood in the sky, looking at the sea of ​​fire below, and Wuming asked: "Does it look like the picture you saw?"

"A little bit, but the momentum is much smaller." Lin Renmei replied.

In fact, the momentum is already not small. The impact range of the fireball explosion is as long as 300 meters, and the sea of ​​fire formed after the explosion has a diameter of about 600 meters.

For ordinary creatures, this kind of fireball is already a disaster that cannot be avoided.

"Speaking of which, now that the Hummingbird King has been resurrected, can its heart also give other people innate spells?" Aries appeared next to Wuming and asked.

Wuming was stunned, then laughed: "It seems to be the case."

"That is to say, in theory, as long as three days pass, each of us can obtain an innate spell." Lucyphile also came over and said lightly.

Wuming nodded and said: "It should be the case."

"Then what are you waiting for, kill!" Aries laughed.

Although innate spells are just icing on the cake for these strong men, and they are not even icing on the cake, who would dislike having too many abilities?

The most important thing is that the King of All Laws of the Hummingbird King has no side effects, and the innate spells are completely random. If you get a useful ability, you will make a lot of money.

"That's right, then kill!" Wuming laughed.

Next, the four people attacked at the same time. Compared with yesterday's competitive mode, this time it is a cooperative mode.

Wuming and Aries attacked the flock of birds from both sides, while Lin Renmei and Lucyphile interfered from the front and back.

Because the Wanfa Hummingbird race has a high "magic resistance", Wuming did not use those pure energy attacks, such as laser eyes and golden scorching sun. He did not use any abilities like that. Just one move of Titan's Hand was enough.

The densely packed Titan's Hands transformed from the Flowers of Imagination bombarded wildly, and each punch could kill a hummingbird in seconds. On the opposite side of countless Titan's Hands, Aries also used the Traceless Palm continuously, blowing up the surrounding hummingbirds without leaving any trace.

‎​​‎​‏‎‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏The bird king realized that the enemy was too strong, and decisively burst out the golden light spell, turning into a giant bird again, but was stunned by Lin Renmei's punch from the sky.

"Is your brain only the size of a peanut? This trick failed yesterday, and you still need it today?" Wuming couldn't help laughing.

He glanced at the flower of fantasy next to him, and the next moment a Titan's hand pierced into the huge golden bird, and one hand held the bird king's body.

This time, he learned from yesterday's lesson, so the palm of the Titan's hand pierced out a small hand again, and took away the heart of the Wanfa Hummingbird King before he wanted to launch a self-destruction.

Once the bird king died, the hummingbirds became a pot of loose sand. The four people easily killed all the remaining hummingbirds and collected a large number of feathers.

Everyone returned to the back of the Qilin, Wuming took out the heart and asked, "Who will come?"

"Since it is you, the president, who got the heart this time, it is natural that you go first." Aries said.

Lucyphile also nodded and said, "Anyway, there will be some tomorrow."

"If there is none tomorrow, you won't even have a place to cry." Wuming laughed.

Aries rolled his eyes and said calmly, "It's just an ability anyway. At most, I can buy a skill stone and learn a skill."

"It's really not a valuable thing." Lucyphile nodded.

As the vice president of the Council of All Heavens, it may take time for Lucyphile to obtain the SSS skill stone, but the skill stones below A level are completely available.

If there is no "random" attribute, the blood of the King of Ten Thousand Laws is actually worthless in the eyes of Aries and Lucyphile.

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