I Contracted Myself

【916】Snow Mountain Temple

The seventh floor, the third day, eight o'clock in the morning.

The hummingbirds really came to chase them, and then under the attack of Wuming and others, they were annihilated as expected, and everyone harvested another drop of the blood of the king of all laws.

Wuming sat on the back of the Qilin, holding a drop of golden blood in one hand, looked at Aries and Lucyphile, and asked, "Who will come first?"

"Ladies first!" Aries smiled slightly.

Wuming looked at Lucyphile and smiled, "Anyway, there will be more tomorrow, and it will be flooded the day after tomorrow, come on!"

"Well, thank you!" Lucyphile nodded.

After a while, Lucyphile swallowed the blood of the king and frowned, "It seems that I am the one with the worst luck."

"Fireball?" Aries said with a smile.

Lucyphile shook her head and said, "I'm not that unlucky."

"What spell did you get?" Wuming asked curiously.

Lucifer replied: "The effect of equal spell exchange is to exchange the opponent's spell with a spell of the same value. For example, if I have Fireball and the enemy has Waterball, then I can initiate equal spell exchange and exchange Fireball for the opponent's Waterball."

"How to judge the value is equal?" Lin Renmei decisively grasped the key point and asked.

Lucifer said helplessly: "There is no loophole to exploit. This spell has its own judgment ability. If the value is not equal, then I can't exchange other people's spells."

"It's really useless in this way." Wuming nodded.

Aries smiled and said: "It's not completely useless. Some enemies practice secrets. We use spells of equal value to exchange the opponent's secrets. We can still practice the original spell again, which is equivalent to having one more spell."

"If it's unexpected, it can really catch the enemy off guard." Lin Renmei nodded.

But this ability is actually the most suitable person for Wuming.

Because Wuming has enough abilities, some of which are obviously useless, but the level is very high. If they are used to replace the enemy's trump card, the enemy will definitely cry.

Unfortunately, Wuming's ability is a long and ugly non-online post-event agenda patch, not a magic exchange.

"President, we should be able to leave this damn place today, right?" Aries asked while chatting.

This damn place is nothing but volcanoes. Although everyone present is not afraid of cold or heat, it is really boring to keep looking at the same scenery and do nothing.

Wuming smiled and said, "We should be able to leave the volcanic area, but I'm afraid we can't avoid the next battle."

In the direction they are heading, there are a large number of flame snails on the edge of the volcanic area, so a flame snail king is born. The shell of the snail king will quickly turn into jade after the snail king dies. Grinding it into powder is a very valuable panacea in the Shenzang space!

Panacea can cure diseases, detoxify, repair damage, make up for cracks in magic weapons and artifacts, and can be used to repair most damaged items in the world.

It's just instant noodles in the cultivation world!

The most important thing is that the fire snail moves very slowly, and it will leave after doing a job. Even if the fire snail wants to catch up, it's not easy. If it really catches up, it can leave them behind in a short time.

After listening to Wuming's words, Aries, Lin Renmei, and Lucyphil said calmly: "The panacea is actually the shell of the fire snail king. This is really beyond my expectation."

"In fact, there is more than one panacea. Deep-sea Buddha Light Giant Clam, ground into powder, is also a panacea." Lucyphil explained.

Aries smiled and said: "Panacea, as long as it can meet 10,000 functions, it can be called this, but the real "omnipotent" is very rare in the cultivation world."

"It turns out that the panacea... really has 10,000 functions..." Wuming was surprised.

He thought that only when you can do everything can you be called omnipotent, but the cultivation world is so real that you can be called omnipotent if you meet 10,000 effects.

"Don't believe those vendors. They dare to say anything to make money." Aries said with a smile.

Wuming was a little disappointed, but he thought it was reasonable.

He leaned against Qilin's neck and said, "I'll sleep for a while. When we are close to the border, I will wake up by myself."

"Go ahead."

Everyone knew that Wuming was not really sleeping, so they smiled and responded.

Wuming closed his eyes and fell asleep the next moment.

He stood up, thought about it, and flew in the direction of Wang Zong. He was ready to see what Wang Zong was like now.

Now Qilin was heading in the direction with the greatest benefits, and Wang Zong was not on that side.

"If I kill Wang Zong now and wake up again... will Wang Zong die?"

Wuming sat on the huge fantasy flower, looking at the scenery below, and an idea popped up in his head.

The question is whether he can kill?

Speaking of which, he came out in a dream yesterday, and actually took some natural treasures, and he really didn't kill any targets.

It just so happened that Wang Zong could be used as a test subject this time.

If he could kill...

This ability is a bit scary.


On the snowy mountain.

Wang Zong killed a snow ape with one punch, leaving countless corpses behind him.

He tore open the snow ape's abdomen, grabbed a piece of liver and swallowed it, and a flash of red light flashed across his face the next moment.

Originally, he planned to avoid all living creatures, but the red dragon came to seek revenge every day. When he killed the red dragon, it was inevitable that some animals were affected, so more and more animals came to chase him.

‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎In this situation, he could only kill and walk, and finally he met the Nine-Colored Deer. After killing the Nine-Colored Deer, he swallowed the Nine-Colored Deer Antlers and obtained the Nine-Colored Unyielding Bone.

He realized it at that time.

Although there were more and more enemies, these enemies were also his tonic.

So, he began to kill and swallowed the most valuable parts of these creatures, killing and walking, and finally came to this snow mountain.

There was a huge vortex above the snow mountain, and there was a temple in the vortex.

Wang Zong suspected that the temple was the way to the eighth floor, so he kept climbing up and killing various creatures that hindered him.

Wanting peace and strength at the same time, there is no such good thing in the world.

Wang Zong didn't mind the trouble. As long as it made him strong, he could keep killing until all the monsters were scared.

He walked up step by step. The snow apes ambushing under the snow attacked him unexpectedly. He parried and counterattacked, smashed the heads of these monsters with his fists, cut open the monsters' chests, tore off a piece of liver, and swallowed it with blood.

The liver contained powerful blood and qi. The moment he swallowed it, the blood and qi surged. The devil blood gradually condensed in his heart, eyebrows, and chest. The black air on his back formed a hideous face.

At this time, Wuming flew from a distance, glanced at Wang Zong, and then his eyes fell on the temple on the top of the mountain.


Wang Zong frowned, feeling a hint of danger.

He immediately accelerated and ran up, charging towards the temple. Wuming in the air saw this scene and immediately dropped from the sky, also targeting the temple.

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