I Contracted Myself

【917】Forest Sniper Eagle Monster


Wang Zong smashed the gate of the temple with one punch, and then he saw the statue inside the temple.

The statue was not big, only four meters high, and the gold paint on it had all fallen off, and the smile that should have been kind and generous became hideous and terrifying.

The pair of stone-carved eyes exuded a cold murderous intent, and locked onto Wang Zong the moment Wang Zong broke in.

At this time, Wuming rushed over and landed lightly on the steps of the temple. From his position, he could clearly see the situation inside the temple.

"There is something wrong with the statue!"

"Strange, why doesn't Wang Zong move?"

Wuming looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

In front of him, Wang Zong's face froze for a while, then he squinted his eyes and quickly retreated.

Just as he smashed the gate, for a moment, his body was completely unable to move, but then he recovered and regained the ability to move.

This was obviously wrong.

Wang Zong stepped out of the gate and glanced around.

Something interfered with the statue's ability, so that the statue could not use its ability on him alone.

"Wuming, come out!!!!"

Subconsciously, Wang Zong roared, and his left hand turned into a hand knife and swung back. A terrifying knife energy took his hand as the root and instantly cut out 30 million meters away, and countless mountains collapsed.

However, this knife did not cut Wuming, but instead provoked a large number of other monsters.

Suddenly, a humanoid monster similar to a bat appeared out of thin air behind Wang Zong, opened its mouth and bit the trapezius muscle on the right side of Wang Zong's neck.

At the moment it closed its mouth, Wang Zong punched it on the head.


First the bones broke, and then the terrifying power was transmitted to its brain, the brain fluid in the brain burst, and mixed with brain matter sprayed out from the back of the head.

In an instant, the bat monster with the ability to teleport was killed by a punch.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and realized that Wang Zong had also become stronger.

As expected, there are too many treasures in this level. With Wang Zong's wisdom, it is impossible for him not to discover the rules, so Wang Zong is also getting stronger, and the speed of getting stronger is very fast.

Wuming felt that the probability of dodging the punch just now was only 50-50.

Of course, he would definitely not take risks himself. Wang Zong is a physical cultivator, and he is a superpower. He has all kinds of messy abilities and doesn't use them. He is not so stupid to run to fight with Wang Zong.

The battle is not over at this time.

As soon as the bat monster died, a fruit flew from a distance, like a bullet fired by a sniper rifle, and instantly hit Wang Zong's chest.

Wang Zong was hit and rolled back, hitting the stone pillar of the temple heavily. The stone pillar collapsed and buried him under the rubble.

At this time, another fruit shot over.

Wuming only caught the trajectory of the fruit flashing by. The next second, the fruit smashed a lot of rubble and hit Wang Zong buried under the stone again. Wang Zong was hit by the huge force and rubbed against the ground, and finally hit the wall of the temple heavily.

Fortunately, the temple was not a shoddy construction. Even with the huge impact from Wang Zong, it remained motionless.

"The monsters in this level are really not that simple. Our previous strategy of avoiding various monsters was correct." Wuming looked at the crumbling mountains in the distance and thought to himself.

Wang Zong's impulsive slash really caused a lot of trouble.

Under normal circumstances, with Wang Zong's strength, the distance from the distant mountains to the Great Snow Mountain is nothing. If an enemy attacks from a distance, it will be like being on their heels.

It's probably just a matter of one step.

After all, if they fight in the universe, they can compress the space and lock the target in tens of millions of light years. It's only tens of thousands of miles or tens of millions of miles here, which is really not that far.

The problem is that the monster is quite strange. Not only can they launch sniping from a distance, but they can't lock the location where the monster is hiding.

Even if Wuming's mind power covered it and monitored the whole process, he still couldn't find the other party.

"Isn't it Wuming?"

Wang Zong sat up from the corner of the wall, and the next second he instinctively raised his hand. A fruit hit his palm. He pressed his whole body against the wall and gritted his teeth to hold on.

When the power contained in the fruit disappeared, he looked at his hand.

In his palm was a fruit similar to an olive pit, with two pointed ends and natural array patterns on it. Before he could remember the patterns, the fruit turned into powder and scattered.


Wang Zong sneered and got up from the ground.

There was a problem with the fruit bullet. It didn't fly in a straight line, but from several angles, overlapping fast and slow, and traveling through space, and finally hit him inexplicably. In simple terms, you think the bullet is fired from the front, but it may actually be fired from the back.

You think the bullet will hit your right side, but the bullet finally hits the left side.

Wang Zong walked forward slowly and came to the open space in front of the temple. Suddenly, his body shook violently, and a fruit hit the open space, and a huge pit appeared in the open space in an instant.

"In the sky!"

Wuming looked up at the sky.

Although the fruit bullet just now went through several twists and turns, it was faster when he first caught it.

Only by shooting from the sky and using gravity can such an effect be achieved.

Wuming immediately flew into the air, and in the rolling clouds, he quickly found the tiny target, which was a three-meter-tall harpy demon.

"It turned out to be a forest sniper eagle monster, but this is the first time I have seen such a strong forest sniper eagle monster!" Wuming thought secretly when he saw the true face of the sniper.

The forest sniper eagle monster is not a rare monster, it exists in many worlds.

Its close relative is very famous, that is the harpy.

Some scholars even believe that the harpy and the forest sniper eagle monster are actually the same species, but the forest sniper eagle monster has learned sniping and can attack targets from a distance.

At this time, the forest sniper eagle monster saw that the attack did not hit the target, and immediately took out a fruit and stuffed it into its mouth. After chewing for a while, it spit out the fruit core and put it into the concave position of its chest.

Then it began to breathe, and as its breathing changed, a wind nest formed on its chest.

The fruit core rotated rapidly in the center of the wind nest, and the speed became faster and faster. Finally, as it flapped its wings violently, the wind nest spread with a bang, and the fruit core disappeared instantly.

"It's indeed the signature skill of the Lin Zhu Ying Yao, the wind pressure bullet!" Wuming watched the Lin Zhu Ying Yao attack Wang Zong and thought to himself.

Below, Wang Zong avoided the attack again.

The previous attacks were able to hit him because he was not familiar with the Lin Zhu Ying Yao's attack methods. After getting familiar with it, even if the bullets kept changing directions, he was still sure to avoid it.

However, compared to Wuming, who can detect and check through a variety of abilities and finally lock on the Lin Zhu Ying Yao, he can only find the enemy through his body and mental strength.

Therefore, if he wants to lock on the Lin Zhu Ying Yao, he needs to give the Lin Zhu Ying Yao at least ten bullets.

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