I Contracted Myself


Monsters that are powerful to a certain extent often have their own fighting wisdom.

The Lin Zhu Ying Yao realized that he could not hit Wang Zong, and then he did not continue to attack, but flapped his wings to fly higher in the sky.

After a while, a mountain was thrown from a distance to the snowy mountain where Wang Zong was.

Obviously, other monsters took action.

This is a very normal situation. When other monsters saw that the Lin Zhu Ying Yao was attacking Wang Zong, in order to avoid each other's attacks colliding, they weakened the power of the attack. Naturally, they would instinctively wait and see and wait for the opportunity.

Now that the Lin Zhu Ying Yao stopped, they would naturally take action.

The knife that Wang Zong used to kill the mountains was very cool.

But besides being cool...

It was all trouble.


In the air, Wuming saw that Wang Zong was being targeted by various monsters, and his eyes could not help but look at the temple. If there were any good things in the temple, there was no doubt that now was the best time to explore.

He ignored Wang Zong and did not observe the eagle demon anymore. Instead, he quickly fell from the air to the ground and walked towards the temple.

Inside the temple, the statue was still ferocious.

Wuming stepped into the temple and found himself fixed in place by some kind of force that was close to the rules.


Wuming fell into silence and stared at the statue.

Gradually, the statue seemed to come alive. The ferocious and cold smile became more and more obvious. Its eyes slowly moved downwards, completely locking onto Wuming's whole body.

Suddenly, its hand swung violently, but it passed through Wuming's body...

So that's it!

Wuming sighed in his heart. The reason why Wang Zong left the temple was not because he noticed his presence, but because he would be fixed in place by the statue when he entered the temple.

So what's the solution?

Probably the gaze of a third party. As long as more than two people enter the temple, the power of the statue will lose its effect.

The reason why Wang Zong suspected that he was nearby was because he realized this.

No wonder this level requires the help of friends, otherwise if you act alone...

The temple in front of you alone will become an unsolvable deadlock in a minute.

"If I hadn't come, would Wang Zong have died?"

Wuming watched the statue wave its hand again, and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

When the statue's hand passed through him, he had the answer. Wang Zong would not die, but would be trapped in the temple.

Since the statue couldn't attack him now, it meant that the statue's attack was not the type of killing blow. With Wang Zong's physical defense, it was difficult for the statue to break through.

Although Wang Zong was beaten to the ground by the Lin Zhuying monster, in fact, Wang Zong's skin was not even broken.

With extraordinary energy, Wang Zong's physical defense is hundreds of millions of times that without extraordinary energy, which can be said to be two versions.

In the previous level, because there was no blessing of extraordinary energy, Wang Zong's physical quality was still there, and he was still killed, but if there was extraordinary energy to protect his body, even if Wang Zong didn't move, there would be no monster in the sea that could break his defense.

"It's time to go back!"

After Wuming knew the answer, his body disappeared out of thin air.

He couldn't move, but this was a dream, and he could choose to wake up!

The next second after he left, Wang Zong looked back into the temple. The statue was still bending and waving. \u003c‎​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‏​‏‏‏p\u003e“Sure enough… my sixth sense was right. Wuming had definitely been here just now, and he had entered the temple!” Wang Zong thought to himself.

However, Wang Zong became alert when he realized that Wuming had the ability to approach without anyone noticing. It seemed that he had to take any benefits on the spot and must not give Wuming any chance.

On the other side, on the back of Qilin, Wuming opened his eyes, stretched his waist, and said helplessly: “I guess I’m exposed. It may not be so easy to deal with Wang Zong next time.”

“President, did you find Wang Zong?” Aries asked.

Wuming smiled and said, “Well, I knew Wang Zong’s location from the beginning.”

“What are we waiting for? We can just go over and fight four against one. If we kill him, we’ll win.” Lin Renmei said.

Wuming shook his head and said, "No, killing Wang Zong doesn't mean I won, it may be an average. The most important thing in this level is to find the way to the eighth floor, and everything else is secondary."

Just like the last level, after Wang Zong died, if he chose not to continue, the result would be a tie between the two, not his victory.

Wang Zong is the enemy, that's for sure.

But Wang Zong is not the most important.

Wuming told the three people the rules, and Aries laughed, "So even if the president knew Wang Zong's location, he had no intention of bothering him at all."

"Well, and in this level, Wang Zong... is doomed to lose." Wuming laughed.

Then he told the three people about the situation in the Snow Mountain Temple, and the three were a little surprised. When Wuming was dreaming, even they couldn't detect Wuming's existence, but the statue could freeze Wuming in place. Obviously, the statue's ability level is very high, perhaps one of the rules of this space. Wang Zong has no friends, and once he enters the temple, the result is bound to be fixed in place!

"Wait, can't he bring a weaker monster in? Monsters can't act as third parties?" Lucy Phil noticed the loophole and asked.

Wuming replied, "No, there were at least hundreds of monsters targeting the top of the snow mountain. I can be sure that there was a sight from behind falling on the temple, but it is meaningless. Unless Wang Zong looks back at me, I can't move."

"Then this round is indeed half won." Aries laughed.

They have four people on their side, and they are fully capable of dealing with situations like the temple, while Wang Zong is alone on his side. Once he encounters a level like the temple, he will be stuck with a bug and it is impossible to pass it.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "So, if you are right, you will have many supporters, and if you are wrong, you will have few supporters. Wang Zong has no friends now. No matter how powerful he is, he is still a loser."

"That can't be said. Many ascetics actually have no friends, or their friends died when they were practicing hard." Aries laughed.

In fact, many strong people are more eccentric, and it is not surprising to have no friends.

But from the perspective of the level of the Lost Gate, it is better to have friends if you want to pass the Lost Gate.

Lucy Phil smiled faintly and said: "Is this a hint from the transcendent?"

"The more friends you have, the more likely you are to transcend?" Lin Renmei smiled.

Wuming took out the wine bottle and said with a smile: "It would be great if that's the case. Do you want to try it? I brewed fish-flavored wine on the sixth floor."

"Okay, it's better for everyone to stop talking about the transcendents. Give me some." Aries said, then took out a cup and asked Wuming for a glass of wine.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "I've never drunk wine made from fish meat. I want a glass too."

Then Wuming looked at Lucyphil, who shook her head and said: "Thank you, but forget it."


Wuming poured himself a glass, took a sip and laughed: "It's really ordinary, hahahaha."

After all, this wine was just a casual work he made when he was bored on the upper floor, and it really can't be called a fine wine.

"It smells so fishy!" Aries' face wrinkled like a wolf after drinking it.

Lucyphil smiled and said: "Aries, your face now looks like a wolf with bared teeth."

"Let me see, hahahaha, it really looks like it." Wuming looked over and laughed.

Lin Renmei took a look and couldn't help but burst out laughing. Then everyone couldn't help but laugh again, and the laughter spread in all directions as Qilin ran...

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