I Contracted Myself

【920】Does not dissolve in water

After dealing with the Flame Snail King, everyone continued on their way.

After leaving the volcanic area, there was an endless grassland in front of them, but this grassland was a little bit strange. As Qilin continued to move forward, the grassland gradually turned into a wetland.

A thin layer of water covered the grassland, and only the tips of the grass on the ground could be seen above the water.

Qilin itself is made of water, so it can naturally walk on water. Wuming and others sat on the back of Qilin, all observing the surroundings with great interest.

Wuming took out the fishing rod of the fisherman, and started fishing directly without hanging bait.

"Wuming, are you also playing the trick of Jiang Ziya fishing, willing to take the bait?" Aries smiled when he saw it.

At this time, Wuming pulled the fishing rod violently, and a can of caviar flew out of the water and landed right in the middle of the four people. Aries was surprised and said, "What the hell is this, fish eggs are fine in the water, how come..."

"Is Wuming's fishing rod a regular prop?" Lucy Phil asked.

Wuming smiled and nodded, then told everyone about the properties of the fisherman's fishing rod. Aries suddenly became interested and said, "Give it to me, let me try it too."

Next, Wuming and Aries took turns fishing. Wuming caught various foods, while Aries caught cotton candy, cotton clothes, mutton stew and other things.

"Damn it, I can't keep giving me sheep products just because I'm a sheep." Aries said unhappily.

Wuming sat next to him, eating mutton stew and laughing, "If you can catch mutton stew next time, I'll give you the fishing rod."

He got several special fishing rods on the upper floor, and he couldn't use them all himself. Giving them to friends can avoid waste.

Maybe for some people, the fisherman's fishing rod is already a magic weapon, and can even be used as their biggest golden finger, but for Wuming, it's just a toy.

"You said that." Aries immediately took it seriously.

Ten minutes later, Aries pulled the fishing rod hard, and a wool sweater was caught.


Aries held the sweater and looked at Wuming speechlessly.

"Hahahaha, this is fate, you have to accept it." Wuming laughed.

Aries complained: "What kind of fate is this? I think this fishing rod is discriminating against me."

"Let me try it." Lucyphil said.

Aries handed the fishing rod to Lucyphil and said: "I guess what you caught is either a bird cage or something like feathers."

"Don't blame the fishing rod if you are unlucky." Lucyphil smiled slightly.

After a while, she pulled the fishing rod hard, and a knife flew out of the water in an instant. Aries quickly put his hands together and just caught the knife out of the water.

"Miss Lucy, I can't apologize, but it's too much to retaliate against me like this." Aries complained.

Lucyphil laughed darkly: "Maybe God can't stand it either."

"Good knife!"

At this time, Wuming came forward, held the handle of the knife, and appreciated it carefully.

The knife that Lucy Phil fished out looked similar to the island country's samurai sword, but there were many differences in details, and the problem was that it was too different from the Tang sword.

However, the material used for this knife was very good. Even if it was not covered with extraordinary energy, the blade still exuded a faint evil spirit and murderous aura.

After holding the handle of the knife, Wuming had a desire to cut something, but this desire was not particularly strong, but helped the holder to launch an attack.

It seemed that there was nothing in the world that this knife could not cut.

"It's really a precious sword. If there is a swordsman who is willing to use his own sword courage to continuously temper it, it will become a divine sword within a few thousand years." Aries blinked, looking at the momentum that naturally exuded when Wuming held the knife, and said in surprise.

Wuming suddenly slashed with a knife, and the thin knife energy made a green wave on the ground in front of him, and many grasses were cut on the spot.

"Comfortable, too comfortable. Just now, holding it gave me a feeling similar to farting. I would feel uncomfortable if I didn't fart." Wuming put the knife aside and said contentedly while sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Aries held the handle of the knife curiously, and then felt a stinging pain in his hand. He put down the knife and said speechlessly: "President, it seems to like you very much. Now it won't let me touch it."

"I'll try." Lin Renmei said.

Then she picked up the knife and looked at Aries with a puzzled expression.


Aries was a little speechless, and then looked at Lucyphil.


Lin Renmei handed the knife to Lucyphil, who held the handle of the knife and also didn't feel any stinging pain.

"Is it discriminating against me?" Aries asked, looking at the three people.

Wuming held back his laughter, patted Aries on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Be strong!"

"Stand up, don't cry!" Lucyphil also learned from Wuming and said darkly.

Aries was at a loss for words and said, "Actually, I am considered a handsome guy among the constellation gods. This knife has no vision!"

Suddenly, Lin Renmei suddenly slapped Aries with a palm. Aries did not move and let Lin Renmei attack. The next moment, Lin Renmei's palm pressed on Aries' chest, and a biological force field passed through Aries' chest and turned into a huge palm print.

In an instant, a stream of water rushed out from the ground and was hit by the biological force field. It screamed and dispersed.

This scene happened very quickly. Aries trusted Lin Renmei, so he did not defend himself. Wuming and Lucyphil also trusted her, so they did not stop.

When the scream came, the four of them stopped fighting immediately.

"What is that?" Aries looked at Lin Renmei and asked.

Lin Renmei shook her head and said, "I don't know. I predicted that you would be attacked, so I launched a counterattack in advance."

"What would happen if I was attacked?" Aries asked curiously.

Lin Renmei replied, "Exit!"

They came to support Wuming. They would not really die in this level, but if they suffered fatal damage, they would exit in advance.

In other words, the attack of the water flow just now was fatal to Aries!

"Water flow, high attack and low defense... insoluble water?" Wuming said thoughtfully at this time.

Aries immediately reacted and nodded, "It does look a bit like insoluble water."

No one knows where insoluble water comes from, but they have extremely strong attack power, especially for creatures with water in their bodies. It is simply a killer.

They will quickly replace all the water in the target's body and eventually seize the opponent's body.

This process is irreversible, so any creature that is touched by them will die.

But in fact, their defense is extremely weak. If ordinary people find non-melting water, torches and electric shocks can easily destroy it.

Moreover, non-melting water rarely exists in nature, so Wuming and others did not react when they were attacked.

"Everyone, cheer up. Since there is a non-melting water here, I'm afraid..." Wuming looked around seriously and said to the three people.

Lucyphil smiled and said, "Then just freeze the whole grassland!"

After that, she raised her right hand and pointed her index finger to the sky.

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