I Contracted Myself

【921】Grassland Temple

Celestial Magic - Extremely Cold Realm!

A huge magic circle expanded from Lucifer's fingertips, reflecting the sky the next moment, and then it started to snow.

It was clearly cloudless, but the snowflakes were falling slowly, and the water on the grassland began to freeze.

Sensing the danger, the densely packed water emerged from the water one after another, like transparent leeches, completely surrounding the water unicorn.

"So much, and it's so disgusting!" Aries said in disgust.

He was almost attacked by the non-transformable water just now, and now that he saw these non-transformable water, he felt very nervous.

However, before everyone could attack, all the non-transforming water was frozen, forming ice sculptures one by one.

Under Lucifer's celestial magic, Fuhui didn't even have a chance to attack, and they were all killed in an instant.

‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ Sometimes fighting is like this. You have the ability to kill me, and I have the ability to kill you. It all depends on who has the longer hands and who has the upper hand.

Unresolved Water is very strong in a sense, but it can also be said to be very weak.

"I remember that if you kill someone with non-transforming water, the water will not melt if it is still there. The defense of a person who drinks the non-transforming water will be greatly improved. Do you want to try it?" Wuming looked at the densely packed ice sculptures, asked with a smile.

Lucifer refused: "I refuse, I will never drink such disgusting things."

"What if this is a rumor spread by someone controlled by Bu Hua Shui?" Aries proposed a conspiracy theory. Obviously, he would not easily try Bu Hua Shui.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, forget it."

In fact, non-transformable water can indeed provide defense, and people who drink non-transformable water can not only live forever, but can also control the blood in the body to a certain extent.

But for the four of them, this ability is really not attractive.

The so-called immortality probably means adding ten thousand years to one's lifespan. For the four people present, the temptation of ten thousand years' lifespan is too small.

For example, Aries, as the God of the Constellation, has an astonishingly long lifespan even if he does not practice. As long as the constellation is immortal, he will basically not die. And if he has practiced to the level of Aries, basically as long as no one kills him , he can theoretically live forever.

Lucifer has the blood of the golden human race, and her lifespan is also astonishingly long. With her current strength, although her lifespan may not be as exaggerated as that of Aries, she is still a thousand miles away from death. It is estimated that it will take a few more eons. Even after Mie Ji, she was still a young and beautiful girl.

Not to mention Wuming and Lin Renmei.

The Nameless Sea is endless, and their lives are endless. Unless someone can destroy the Nameless Sea, they will live forever like Aries.

Because he had no interest in the water that would not melt, Qilin continued to step forward on the ice.

Everyone's attention returned to the knife, because the knife was fished by Lucy Fair and eventually belonged to Lucy Fair, but Lucy Fair felt that she was not worthy of the knife.

She could feel a certain will when holding the knife. This knife should be given to a genius who focuses on the art of the sword. As a lady, she would never have the opportunity to use it.

So, ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎ She decided to donate this knife to the Council of Heavens, and when there is a sword genius in the future, she will give it to them as a fund.

Unknowingly, the conversation among the four people turned to the geniuses of the All-Heaven Council. All four of them could be said to be important beings in the All-Heaven Council, and they were naturally concerned about the development of the Council.

"There are actually not many geniuses in the council. Most of the geniuses in combat have joined various legions. However, there are a few good talents in the law enforcement regiment." As the secretary-general, Aries immediately talked about this topic. Talk.

He spread his palms, and the image of a man formed in his palms. He introduced: "This is Qin Luoxiu, nicknamed Xiuluo Qin. As the legitimate son of the Qin family, he is selfless. If he is found to have violated the law, he will be held accountable to the end. , and he is a rare physical practitioner in the Qin family and has strong fighting ability. He is already a very outstanding junior in the youth group under 10,000 years old. "

"If you put it that way, it's really good." Wuming nodded.

Aries smiled and said: "If you have the opportunity in the future, you can increase their burdens. Hard work will be the mainstay of the council."

Then he mentioned several genius boys and girls, including Maria.

"Maria is actually very talented, but she is too playful, and she has never had any pressure to survive since she was a child, so she lacks the motivation to practice." Lucy Phil said.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yeah, that's true."

During the chat, Qilin slowed down and everyone saw a temple in front of them.

But unlike the Snow Mountain Temple, this temple is very new, magnificent, and very majestic, a bit like the Potala Palace.

"The target of the compass is in this temple." Wuming thought to himself.

Aries smiled and said: "It seems we have reached our destination."

"Don't be careless. Even a strange individual like Infernal Water has appeared. I wouldn't be surprised if any monsters appear here." Lucifer said.

Everyone jumped off the Qilin, Wuming walked at the front and said: "The most important thing for this kind of temple is cooperation. Don't be too far away from each other."

"Yeah, I understand!" the other three responded.

After a while, the four of them came to the door of the temple. There were two statues similar to stone lions at the door of the temple, but they were not stone lions, but two sculptures of unknown creatures.

“‏​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎There are four of us, and the error tolerance is still too low.” Aries said.

If there is something in the temple that can kill them instantly, and they lose one person before they figure out the rules, then it will be troublesome.

“I’ll go first. I still have six lives. Even if I die, I can be resurrected. This is the last level. It doesn’t matter if I lose a few lives.” Wuming said.

Lin Renmei nodded and said, “Well, I will watch you!”

“Let’s go, go in!” Wuming stepped into the temple.

This temple is much larger than the Snow Mountain Temple. There are densely packed statues in the hall. These human-shaped statues are painted with gold lacquer. Some of them stare angrily, and some observe with a smile. They all look like living people.

When the four people came in, the door suddenly closed.

Aries frowned and walked to the door. He pulled it with his hand, but he couldn’t open the door at all.

He subconsciously struck out with his palm, but the power of the palm of the traceless palm fell on the door like a drop in the ocean, without causing any waves.

"Don't waste your time, this should be part of the rules." Wuming said.

Just like the snow mountain temple, without the eyes of another person, the person who was frozen was completely unable to move. If he was not dreaming, he could still evacuate by waking up from the dream. I'm afraid that he could only wait for Wang Zong to look back to release the freezing.

At this time, one statue after another moved, and the statue in the center of the front sat cross-legged on the altar and said: "Only the brave can be blessed!"

Then the small statue next to it quickly explained the rules.

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